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StackOverflow question 7337446

I have an Rails 7 app with a parent object Mom and child object Kid. The scaffolds were as far as possible generated rather than hand-coded. In /app/views/kids/_kid.html.erb I added

<em><%= mom_kid_path(kid) %></em>

For a Mom with id 1 and a Kid with id 2 this is showing /moms/2/kids/1, which is the wrong way round.

All I have in /config/routes.rb is

resources :moms do
  resources :kids

What did I do wrong?

The code for the app is at The exact steps I took to create the app are here: I'm happy to add any other specific information that is requested.

Note that I originally asked this question back in the days of Rails 3.1. Given that the result hasn't changed and the question still stands now we're on Rails 7 I have to conclude it is by design and I must have done something wrong in the setup to get this counterintuitive result.