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File metadata and controls

184 lines (134 loc) · 3.64 KB

connecting to tacodb/level via http

Create a database customization file... This will expose an http interface, that can store files inside leveldb.

simple http access


var static = require('level-static')

module.exports = function (db) {
  db.on('http_connection', static(db))
>tacodb local static.js --name static
listening on 8000

This starts a tacodb server running around your db.js file.

#http PUT hi = HELLO
echo 'HELLO!' | curl -sSNT . localhost:8000/hi
#http GET hi
curl localhost:8000/hi

Add real time logging

level-static extend the simple http example, so that we can track changes as they occur.

changes http with changes feed.


var static   = require('level-static')
var through  = require('through')
var route    = require('tiny-route')
var live     = require('level-live-stream')
var stack    = require('stack')

module.exports = function (db) {
  //level-static creates a http handling middleware around leveldb.
  db.on('http_connection', stack(
    route.get('/_changes', function (req, res) {
        .pipe(through(function (data) {
          this.queue(JSON.stringify(data) + '\n')

start the server...

tacodb local ./index.js --name changes

Then, connect and stream changes like this:

curl localhost:8000/_changes

Then in another terminal:

echo 'Hi!' | curl -sSNT . localhost:8000/hi
echo 'whats up?' | curl -sSNT . localhost:8000/wazzup
echo 'Good Bye!' | curl -sSNT . localhost:8000/bye

connect to tacodb/level over websockets

Create a streaming connection with websockets!

server with websockets & multilevel:


var multilevel = require('multilevel')
var fs         = require('fs')
var index
try {
  index = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/index.html','utf8')
} catch (err) {
  console.error("run `npm run build` to generate the html file")
  throw err
module.exports = function (db) {
  db.on('http_connection', function (req, res) {
  db.on('connection', function (stream) {

brower/node client with websockets


var multilevel = require('multilevel')
var reconnect  = require('reconnect/sock')

//This client works from both the browser and in node!
//WebSockets everywhere!

//use `npm run build` to generate the index.html file.

var node = process.title != 'browser'

var log = (node ? console.log :
  function () {
    var data = [] (e) {
      return JSON.stringify(e, null, 2)
    }).join(' ')
    var pre = document.createElement('pre')
    pre.innerText = data

reconnect(function(stream) {
  var db = multilevel.client()

  setInterval(function () {
    db.put('hi', new Date(), function (err) {
      if(err) return console.error(err)
      db.get('hi', function (err, value) {
        if(err) return console.error(err)
        log('GET', 'hi', value)
  }, 1000)

}).connect(node ? 'http://localhost:8000/ws/ws' : '/ws/ws')
//^ on the browser, this assumes you are on the same host as window.location...

this client can be used from both the browser and node.js!

running the server & client

start the server

tacodb local server.js --name ws

connect from node:

node client.js

or from the browser