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📝 ToDo

A simple ToDo REST API.

Getting started


  • Go 1.15 or Docker
  • MariaDB or Docker

Run the application with Docker Compose

If you just want to get the application up and running, use Docker Compose:

$ docker-compose up

The REST API is exposed on localost:8000. Note that the service configuration is suited for demonstration purposes only.

Compile and run the application with Go

First, get a MariaDB server with administrator permissions up and running. If you don't have MariaDB installed locally, just launch a Docker container:

$ docker container run -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test123 mariadb

Once MariaDB is running, use go run to compile and run the application. Make sure to pass the correct MariaDB credentials.

$ go run . --mariadb-user root --mariadb-password test123

The REST API is exposed on localost:8000.


The example above uses test123 as MariaDB root password. However, the access to MariaDB and other parameters can be configured exactly to your needs. These are the configuration values available:

Configuration Value Default Environment Variable CLI Flag
MariaDB user admin TODO_MARIADB_USER --mariadb-user
MariaDB password admin TODO_MARIADB_PASSWORD --mariadb-password
MariaDB address TODO_MARIADB_ADDRESS --mariadb-address
MariaDB DB name todo_app TODO_MARIADB_DBNAME --mariadb-dbname
ToDo API port 8000 TODO_PORT --port


For a detailed overview, see the OpenAPI definition.


The API expects and returns ToDo items looking as follows:

  "id": 1,
  "name": "My ToDo",
  "description": "My ToDo Description",
  "tasks": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "A Task",
      "description": "A Task Description"

The ID fields have to be empty when the respective item doesn't exist yet, e.g. when calling POST /todos.


Method Route Description Expected Body
POST /todos Creates a new ToDo A ToDo item without ID
GET /todos Returns a list of all ToDos -
GET /todos/{id} Returns a ToDo -
PUT /todos/{id} Overwrites an existing Todo An updated ToDo item
DELETE /todos/{id} Deletes a ToDo -