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Releases: dominiksta/jfiredump


02 Dec 00:21
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Download the .jar file and run it with java -jar jfiredump-0.0.4.jar. See for details on usage. The .jar is built for java version 1.8 (might change in the future), so make sure the required jre/jdk is installed. Outside of java itself, all dependencies are bundled.



  • New --run-file command line argument to execute an exsiting sql file. Only INSERT statements are allowed since this is intended to be used to restore dumps.
  • Source database (host, port, path) added to the header information of exported files.


  • The order of the positional command line arguments has changed! The "file" argument now comes before the "table" argument. This is done because the new option --run-file (used to restore from a dump) will simply use the existing "file" argument and ignore the "table" argument.
  • The output folder when exporting all tables was changed to include to the current date and time. This way, when exporting all tables multimple times, the individual files end up in different folders. This made development/testing a little bit easier for me.
  • Binary data set to NULL is now exported as NULL. Binary data will only be set to '[BINARY_DATA_LOST_IN_EXPORT] when it is not NULL.


  • Milliseconds in time types were incorrectly zero-padded, resulting in a slight decrease in the value
  • Typo 'jfirebird' -> 'jfiredump' in file headers
  • Typo 'SQL_DIALECT' -> 'SQL DIALECT' in file headers


29 Nov 17:52
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Download the .jar file and run it with java -jar jfiredump-0.0.3.jar. See for details on usage. The .jar is built for java version 1.8 (might change in the future), so make sure the required jre/jdk is installed. Outside of java itself, all dependencies are bundled.



  • Allow setting database encoding explicitly with the -e or --encoding option.
  • Allow setting export line endings with the -l or --line-endings option to LF or CRLF. When specifying an encoding with --encoding that starts with either "WIN" or "DOS", CRLF line endings are used by default. This way, newlines in exported strings should be handled properly.


  • The user will no longer be spammed with warnings for every single item of an unsupported type. Instead, warnings for an unsupported type will only be displayed once per table.
  • The SET SQL DIALECT 3; statement at the top of every file is not commented out. This is because this specific command seems to only work in isql and not in any other tool I tried (Flamerobin and DBeaver). The disclaimer in the comment should be enough to alert users to the correct usage imo.


27 Nov 14:50
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Download the .jar file and run it with java -jar jfiredump-0.0.2.jar. See for details on usage. The .jar is built for java version 1.8 (might change in the future), so make sure the required jre/jdk is installed. Outside of java itself, all dependencies are bundled.


  • More detailed meta information in exported file header
  • All tables of the database can now be exported with one command by setting the
    second positional argument to !!all!! instead of the table name


  • --outfile was renamed to --out-location and covers both the output directory when exporting an entire database as well as the file name when exporting a single table
  • Unsupported binary types will now be exported to the string '[BINARY_DATA_LOST_IN_EXPORT]', mimicking the behaviour of Flamerobin (but with clearer wording imo).


26 Nov 22:34
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Initial Release 🚀


Download the .jar file and run it with java -jar jfiredump-0.0.1.jar. See for details on usage. The .jar is built for java version 1.8 (might change in the future), so make sure the required jre/jdk is installed. Outside of java itself, all dependencies are bundled.

Build integrity

Right now you will simply have to trust me that I did indeed build this from the provided source. In the future, reproducible builds with docker or similar could be nice, but for now that seems like too much effort for such a small project.