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🤖 Kubernetes operator providing Ray|Spark|Dask|MPI clusters on-demand


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Distributed Compute Operator

Kubernetes operator providing Ray|Spark|Dask clusters on-demand via Custom Resource Definitions.




The easiest way to install DCO is to use the provided Helm chart.


Before you get started using the DCO, you need to have a running Kubernetes cluster.

  • Access to a Kubernetes cluster version 1.16 or above. This version of the CRD API is stable and supports our required features.
  • Install helm client version 3.0.0 or above.
  • Install the cert-manager operator. DCO makes extensive use of webhooks which require TLS.


$ helm install distributed-compute-operator ./deploy/helm/distributed-compute-operator


The following instructions will help you create a local Kubernetes environment that can be used to test every feature supported by this operator.

  1. Install minikube and create a new cluster.

    # tested using minikube v1.17.1 and k8s v1.21.3
    $ minikube start \
        --cpus=6 --memory=16384 --driver=hyperkit \
        --extra-config=apiserver.enable-admission-plugins=PodSecurityPolicy \
  2. Install cert-manager

  3. Install metrics-server

  4. Launch operator