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This is a starter repo for Next.js 14 and firebase/auth projects created as part of a blog post you can read here.

This project utilizes firebase admin SDK and cookies to persist a user session on the server. Client side firebase/auth only used for signing a user in and getting the token.

Read the blog post and check out the files. Almost everything has comments explaining the logic so make sure to check the actual files.

Getting started

clone the repository and continue from there with server side firebase auth capabilities.

git clone

Protecting a server component / route

After implementing the necessary server actions and lib/firebase-auth-api functions, a request to getAuthAction can be made to receive a user object to verify an active session

const user = (await getAuthAction()) as UserRecord | undefined;
if (!user) {
    console.log("User not logged in");
    return redirect("/user/login");

Please refer to the blog post and read the file comments for details.