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Spring Cleaners App

Front and back end Ruby on Rails web app where non-professional cleaners can find customers who are able to setup appointments for somebody to clean their home through the app. Customers can create an appointment request, and Cleaners can view all not yet assigned appointments and assign them to themselves or make them available again. Features:

  • standard, Google, and Facebook authentication
  • messaging between Cleaner and Customer

Getting started

To get the Rails server running locally:

  • Clone this repo
  • bundle install to install all required dependencies
  • rake db:migrate to make all database migrations
  • rails s to start the local server

Code Overview


Architecture and Models

  • app/models - Contains the database models for the application where we can define methods, validations, queries, and relations to other models.
    • A User has_one sub_class of types Cleaner and Customer.
    • A Cleaner and Customer has many Appointments. A Cleaner has many Customers through Appointments and vice-versa.
    • A Cleaner belongs_to an Institution, and an Institution has_many Cleaners.
    • A User has_many Conversations
    • A Conversation has many Messages
  • app/views - Contains templates for user interface.
  • app/controllers - Contains the controllers where requests are routed to their actions, where we find and manipulate our models and return them for the views to render.
  • config - Contains configuration files for our Rails application and for our database, along with an initializers folder for scripts that get run on boot.
  • db - Contains the migrations needed to create our database schema.



Standard authentication only requires an email and password upon registration.

If you wish to use OmniAuth for Facebook and Google authentications however, create your own .env file in the root folder and fill in your own google or Facebook credentials.

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=<your client id here>
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=<your client here>

FACEBOOK_APP_ID=<your app id here>
FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET=<your app secret here>