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CordovaWP8 Template

Description: Apache Cordova jerry-rigged project template files for Visual Studio 2013
Author: Donal D'silva on: 8/12/2014

The contents and intellectual property contained here are the properties its creator and no claims to authorship is made. The information contained here is just a personal excursion and no liability arising from its use, implied or express, will be entertained. No level of testing or reliable usage from this template has been logged. Use at your own risk

Further, this template file was created using the archived file 'cordova-wp8- 3.7.0.tgz' from the Apache Cordova dist page and parts extracted from a project created using the CLI method as documented on the [Apache Cordova page]( %20Command-Line%20Interface_create_the_app)

###Cordova Project Template for Windows 8 Phone

How to use:

  1. Create a zip file containing the contents of this repo.
  2. Put it in the project template folder for Visual Studio, if you selected the default one it might be in a location similar to this: C:\Users[current userName]\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Templates\ProjectTemplates.
  3. Put the newly created zip file at the root of this folder.
  4. Open up Visual Studio and create a new project - there should be new CordovaWP8_3.6.17 project under the Visual C# section.