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A simple express server to get stats from museum visitors


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A express server which returns the processed data for based on input query of date in milliseconds.

If you have any doubts or clarifications on this code, hit me up and I'll try to help you guys out!


Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


You'll need to install NodeJS for running this application. I'm on Node v12.16.3, you can find it at:

You'll also need a code editor to see how the code goes. Use whichever editor which has JS support, I use Visual Studio Code on Windows 10.


Simple steps to get the application running. Clone the project, open the terminal to the folder containing museum-stats and just type:

npm install

This should install all the dependencies within package.json and package-lock.json and create your node modules.

This is a TypeScript project, so if you want to see the build happening.

npm run build

After the previous command completes successfully, open the terminal and type:

npm start

This should get the program up and running on the default port.

All environment variables can be changed in the .env file provided.

To run the tests, all you need to do is, type:

npm test


Once the server is up and running, you can call the endpoint with server_ip/api/visitors. By default, the port should be 3000. On your local machine, server_ip would be http://localhost:3000/api/visitors (if you haven't changed the default port). This is a get request which expects two params : date and ignore as such:

  • date - time in milliseconds. This is required.
  • ignore - museum to ignore. This is optional.


Before opening a pull request please make sure your changes follow the contribution guidelines.