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This module allows any react-native application to use the Spotify iOS SDK authentication features. It opens a Spotify Authentication Webview asking the user to login, and then returns the token provided by Spotify.

It currently supports two types of authentication:

  • The implicit grant flow that generates a non-refreshable token. With this flow you don't have to host any token swaping service.
  • The authorization code flow that generates a refreshable token. You're provided with an access_token and a refresh_token.


A boilerplate react-native project is available here.

It comes preconfigured, you only have to adjust a few variable related to your own Spotify Application.

You should still read the installation/usage guide since it provides a few information that might help you debug your application in case there is any issue.


Installing the Spotify iOS SDK

Before installing the module, you have to install the Spotify iOS SDK.

You can use this tutorial. Follow the steps Creating a new Project (not the creation of a blank project, only the import of Spotify framework. Only the SpotifyAuthentication file is required) Creating Your Client ID, Secret and Callback URI
and Setting Up Your Build Environment.

Copying the module's files

Your react-native project directory structure should now look like this:

├── __tests__
├── android
├── app
├── ios
│   ├── Frameworks
│   ├── SpotifyAuthentication.framework
│   ├── build
│   ├── myappname
│   │   ├── AppDelegate.h
│   │   ├── AppDelegate.m
│   │   ...
│   │   └── main.m
│   ├── myappname-tvOS
│   ├── myappname-tvOSTests
│   ├── myappname.xcodeproj
│   └── myappnameTests
└── package.json

We're not exactly sure whether the SpotifyAuthentication.framework should be in Frameworks/ or not, but if it is properly linked in Xcode, you should be fine.

You should now copy the SpotifyModule.h and SpotifyModule.m files into the ios/myappname/ folder.

Once it is done, right click (in XCode) on the folder called myappname in the project, click on Add files to "myappname" and select the two files you just copied.

Configuration of the SpotifyModule.m file

Open SpotifyModule.m and find the following lines:

  // The spotify client id
  [[SPTAuth defaultInstance] setClientID:@"[your-client-id]"];
  // The callback (called Custom URL Scheme in XCode project configuration)
  [[SPTAuth defaultInstance] setRedirectURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"emphaz-app-login://callback"]];

  // The scope request for the token
  [[SPTAuth defaultInstance] setRequestedScopes:@[SPTAuthUserReadPrivateScope, SPTAuthUserReadEmailScope, SPTAuthUserFollowReadScope]];

Replace the values by the ones you generated when creating your Spotify App in the tutorial linked before.

Optional. Enabling token swapping

Just after the lines you edited, there is the following line of code:

  // OPTIONAL. Allows retrieval of refresheable tokens. If not specified, it uses the 'Implicit Grant' auth workflow
  [[SPTAuth defaultInstance] setTokenSwapURL: [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://my-token-swapping-service.tld/swap.php"]];

By un-commenting the second line, you're enabling the token swapping service. It allows you to exchange an authorization code provided by Spotify for an access_token and more importantly a refresh token.

For this to work, you need to host a simple swapping service that answers to the requests defined in the Spotify iOS SDK Token Swap and Refresh page.

There are a few token swapping libraries available:

Triggering SpotifyModule when the webview redirects to the app

You could already call the module from your js scripts, but you wouldn't be able to catch the response from the authentication webview, and your callbacks would be broken.

For it to work, you have to edit your ios/myappname/AppDelegate.m file so that it knows which method to call whenever the application is opened through a Custom URL Scheme.

If you don't have the - (BOOL) application: ... method, add this at the end of AppDelegate.m:

// ios/myappname/AppDelegate.m

// ...

#import "SpotifyModule.h"

// ...

 * Called whenever the application is opened from a custom URL Scheme
 * ex: my-app-login, fb[APP_ID], etc...
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
            openURL:(NSURL *)url
  sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
         annotation:(id)annotation {
  return [SpotifyModule application:application

If for any reason you already have the - (BOOL) application: ... method, it means some other module might already be triggering some behavior whenever the application is opened through a Custom URL Scheme.

This is what we did so that Spotify and Facebook could both work together. Please note that you only have to do that if some code already exists within the - (BOOL) application: ... method.

// ios/myappname/AppDelegate.m

// ...

 * Called whenever the application is opened from a custom URL Scheme
 * ex: emphaz-app-login, fb[APP_ID], etc...
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
            openURL:(NSURL *)url
  sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
         annotation:(id)annotation {
  // Creates a string from the URL
  NSString *myString = url.absoluteString;

  // Extracts the prefix of the string (all before the colon)
  NSString *prefix = [myString componentsSeparatedByString:@":"][0];
  // Callback for Spotify Auth
  if ([prefix isEqualToString:@"my-app-login"])
    return [SpotifyModule application:application
  // Callback for anything else (only Facebook here)
    return [[FBSDKApplicationDelegate sharedInstance] application:application

This is a bit dirty, there's probably a better way of doing it, but it works and it's sufficient for us.


The setup is the hardest part, once it is done, you don't have much code to write to make it work.

First, import NativeModules from react-native, and get the SpotifyModule module:

import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const SpotifyModule = NativeModules.SpotifyModule;

You can then trigger the Authentication in any method you want, such as on button press:

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';

class myappname extends Component {
  _onSpotifyButtonPress() {
    try {
      SpotifyModule.authenticate(data => {
    } catch(err) {
      console.error('Spotify authentication failed: ', err);

  render() {
    return (
        <TouchableHighlight onPress={this._onSpotifyButtonPress.bind(this)}>
          <Text>Spotify Login</Text>

AppRegistry.registerComponent('myappname', () => myappname);

It would output a JS object such as:

// In the case of an implicit grant flow
Object {
  accessToken: "BQBy2fuwTU8ldrPNksDFOal ... _LSp7jL3bNVFDEd-9sdf91skf3VNzFx5Q", 
  expirationDate: "1492999797"

// or this, in the case of a authorization code flow
Object {
  accessToken: "BQBy2fuwTU8ldrPNksDFOal ... _LSp7jL3bNVFDEd-9sdf91skf3VNzFx5Q", 
  refreshToken: "AQBKDmSKSDFkskfaoeposdk ... TF-vhKPmKSDFksdkfksdfkkbi2cvbHLY",
  expirationDate: "1492999797"


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