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How to install a feature

Popoklopsi edited this page Feb 11, 2014 · 8 revisions

Now I'll show you how you can install a feature.

Setup block file

Blocks are used to get information about when a client should get a feature (Not all features have block files!).
You find the block file of a feature in cfg/stamm/levels.
It has the same name like the feature.

A block file looks like this:

	"<name_of_the_block>"    "<level_of_the_block>"
	"<name_of_the_block2>"   "<level_of_the_block2>"

You have to read in the feature description what a block do for this feature.
Usually you only have to set the level of the blocks.


	"name1"      "Silver"      // This is for all silver VIP's
	"name234"    "Gold"        // This is for all gold VIP's
	"name9"      "God"         // This is for all god VIP's

There are also features with unlimited blocks.
There you can add as much blocks as you want and each block is better than the block before.

Set config and upload

If the feature has a config, than configure it.
You may find it in cfg/stamm/features. Upload all files to your server and load the feature.