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Author: Dorinda Bassey

c programmer this sketch shows how a user can pay for his or her bus fare using a mifare PICC card.

  • this sketch enables a driver insert fare amount and a registered user scan his/her card

  • afterwards fare deduction is being made, data is being posted to the server, connection to the server

  • is made, and php scripts has been put in place to compare data and update the database

  • Hardware required:

  • ESP8266

  • PCD (Proximity Coupling Device): NXP MFRC522 Contactless Reader IC

  • PICC (Proximity Integrated Circuit Card): A card or tag using the ISO 14443A interface, eg Mifare or NTAG203.

  • Liquid crystal display

Hardware connections

ESP8266 ----------------MFRC522 READER-------------162LCD------------RESISTORS---------44 KEYPAD A0---------------------------------------------------------------------1K ohm ------------R RST |_ 1K ohm -----------R GPIO16 |_ 1k ohm -----------R GPIO14-------------------SCK |_ 1k ohm-------------R GPIO12-------------------MISO | GPIO13-------------------MOSI | GPIO15-------------------SS | 3V3----------------------3V3 | GPIO1 | GPIO3 | GPIO5-----------------------------------------------SCL | GPIO4-----------------------------------------------SDA | |_ 4.7K ohm---------C GPIO0--------------------RST | |_ 4.7K ohm---------C GPIO2 | |_ 4.7K ohm---------C GND----------------------GND------------------------GND------------| | 4.7K ohm---------C 5V--------------------------------------------------5V---------------_|

the resistors were put in place such that once a key is pressed a particular voltage is read on the A0 pin of the ESP8266

the libraries included can be gotten from github repositories, search them online and download.


C/C++ programmer






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