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Getting Started

Matthew Davey edited this page Aug 15, 2019 · 3 revisions

This article will cover basic usage, if you haven’t installed Galileo yet, you will need to follow the steps outlined in the Windows or macOS Installation articles.

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Opening Galileo

If you are on a Windows based computer, you can find Galileo in you Start Menu. An icon was also created on the Desktop during the installation process and it may still be there. If you are on a macOS based computer, Galileo was installed to your Applications folder.

Windows Start Menu
macOS Applications Folder

If you have not activated Galileo, please refer to the relevant installation article to remedy that situation.

If your having trouble getting Galileo to start, for example when you start the main window does not appear, please refer to the installation articles mentioned above as well as the system requirements of Galileo to address any missing items.

The Galileo Window

When Galileo starts you will be presented with the Process screen.

On the left is the primary menu. The currently selected section is highlighted with an orange bar, you can change the selected section by simply clicking the listed item. The Process section allows you to select and target a folder for analysis. When you open Galileo, this section and its screen will be shown by default.

Primary Menu

The Preferences section is where you can configure program wide settings for Galileo. More specific information can be reviewed in the preferences overview.

The Updates section is where you will be notified if there are any updates available for your version of Galileo. A description of the update as well as a link to download it will be shown in this section when an update is available. You also have the option of ignoring a specific update as well. The update section plays a critical role in making sure that you have the most current version of Galileo at your disposal.

The area visible to the right of the primary menu is referred to as the screen, which shows the content for the selected section.

Processing Files

The main workflow of using Galileo has been simplified for ease of use, and to make sure that you can process your submissions in the least number of clicks.

You first select the target folder; this is the folder which contains the submissions you wish to analyze. This folder can have subfolders, as Galileo will navigate the folder structure recursively finding all potential submissions. On Windows, this is done by double-clicking the target folder input field or clicking the button beside it. On macOS, simply click the target folder input field. In both cases, a folder selection window will appear.

Windows Targetting
macOS Targeting

When Galileo finds a compatible archive, it will automatically extract it during processing. Many learning management systems allow you to download submissions as a ZIP file for example. In the above video, you can see that we simply pointed Galileo to a folder where that zip file was stored.

After you have selected the target folder, clicking Process will begin the analysis of its contents.

Submission Report

By default, when processing of the target files is completed, the report (stored in the target files directory root directory) will be opened automatically in your default web browser.

macOS Example Report

This report contains 3 major sections.

  • Overview -- An at a glance recap of what was found during the processing of the files. This section has quick links to drill down to specific issues and can be thought of as the central hub of the report.
  • Submissions -- Where each submission is broken down in detail with links to all relevant documents and infractions. Additional information regarding submissions can be found in this section.
  • Settings -- An output of the process config used during the generation of the report in question.

We go in more detail about the report in this article, however you can quickly look at an example report here.

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