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About dota-brain

This repository contains the core knowledge of Dota Coach, which is used by the following resources:

The key files in the repository are:

  • content/heroBuilds.ts: Ability and items builds, combos, and counter items
  • content/messages.ts: Notifications and coaching tips for own and against enemy heroes
  • content/disables.ts: Disables of all heroes
  • content/dispellableBuffs.ts: Dispellable buffs of all heroes
  • content/itemContent.ts: YouTube videos on Dota 2 items
  • monitorSizes/measurements.ts: Positioning of the Dota Coach app within the game

Can I contribute?

Yes, absolutely! Our aim is to provide our users with the best possible Dota 2 playing experience. Any suggestions for improvements are welcome.

How can I contribute?

The best way to contribute is to provide input to this GitHub repository. You can do this by following these instructions:

1. Create a fork of the dota-brain repository

2. Modify the documents

  • Select the document you want to edit
  • Click on the pencil icon to edit the document
  • Make changes to the document
  • Click on "Commit changes"

3. Create pull-request

  • Go to the section "Pull requests"
  • Click on "New pull request"
  • Review your changes and then click on "Create pull request"
  • Describe the changes you made
  • Click on "Create pull request"

Can I also use the command line tool git?

Yes, absolutely. More advance users will definitely use git ( Alternatively, you can also work with GitHub Desktop and most IDEs (e.g. Visual Studio Code) directly integrate with GitHub.


You can contact us via e-mail ( or join our Discord server (