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Trigger rebuilds in watch mode while respecting rules of precedence a…
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…nd negation (#9275)

* chore: Add two new `dev-test/star-wars` queries which can be excluded by micromatch patterns

This commit adds `ExcludeQueryAlpha` and `ExcludeQueryBeta`, and then
checks them in along with the result of running `yarn generate:examples`,
since this should be the baseline of the unmodified codegen.

A separate commit will add some new outputs to the `star-wars`
example that alternately exclude and include these files, in order
to test pattern matching works with both generating and watching
the files.

* chore: Add `dev-test/types.excludeQuery{Alpha,Beta}.ts` for exclusion baseline testing

This commit adds a baseline for testing pattern matching with
contravariant negations between two config stanzas. That is,
the `types.excludeQueryAlpha.ts` target produces an output
that includes `ExcludeQueryBeta` but not `ExcludeQueryAlpha`,
and the `types.excludeQueryBeta.ts` target produces an output
that includes `ExcludeQueryAlpha` but not `ExcludeQueryBeta`.

Manual verification shows that the output files correctly exclude these types
when running generation, and so they can be checked in as a baseline for later
tests to detect a regression if that changes.

Otherwise, they'll be used primarily for testing `yarn watch:examples`, which
we expect will adhere to the same exclusion rules during _generation_, but
which we need to make ure also adheres to those rules during watch mode, while
filtering file change events to trigger (or not trigger) rebuilds.

* chore: Add `nothing-should-use-this-query.graphql`

Add a file in `dev-test-outer-dir` which is excluded by the pattern that's part
of a pattern set otherwise matching `*.graphql` files in that directory. This
way, we can check that touching this file does not ever trigger a rebuild
during watch mode (and also note that this commits shows it's not included in
any output during generation).

In fact, the bug we're fixing in watch mode is so sensitive that we can simply
run `git status` to trigger a change to the Git `index.lock`, but this way at
least we have a real `*.graphql` file we can touch and watch for avoidance of
rebuild triggers.

* fix(watch): Remove double-concatenated `fullPath`, since `path` is already absolute

Parcel Watcher always provides `path` as an absolute path (see the readme for
the package), and we were incorrectly concatenating it with absolute path
`watchDirectory` (and prior to #9270, with `process.cwd()`, which is also an
absolute path).

This removes the concatenation, which should fix a potential bug when comparing
to `config.configFilePath`. However, it also means that since #9050, we've been
passing an absolute path to the `onWatchTriggered` hook, which may or may not
be expected by downstream user code. This commit leaves that unchanged, and we
still pass it an absolute path.

* fix(watch): Respect negation and precedence when triggering rebuilds

Implement the algorithm for deciding when to trigger a rebuild
during watch mode, in such a way that precedence (both in terms
of global config preceding per-target config, and in terms of
watch patterns preceding document/schema patterns) is respected,
and negations are evaluated within their local groups.

This algorithm is described and diagrammed here:

#9270 (comment)

* chore(tests): Return `stopWatching` callback from `createWatcher`

Make `createWatcher` more testable, by returning a `stopWatching` callback that
can be called to stop the otherwise infinitely running watcher. Implement it by
adding an abort signal handler to the existing process.exit and SIGINT
handlers, to call `shutdown()` in the same way.

* Add mocking infrastructure for `createWatcher` and `@parcel/watcher`

Create mocking infrastructure for the watcher, including mocking
`@parcel/watcher`, so that tests can dispatch file change events
and spy on the subscription callback.

* fix(watcher): Improve watcher shutdown precision, add more tests

This commit implements graceful shutdown for the watcher, including
when cancelled via an AbortSignal. It also includes a polyfill for
AbortController, which is necessary on Node v14 (at least without
passing any experimental flags).

Shutdown events happen in logical order, and as long as the caller
does `await stopRunning()`, it's guaranteed the promise will only
resolve after the watch server has terminated completely.

* chore(tests): Add helpers for asserting whether multiple files triggered rebuild

Add a helper function that takes a mock watcher, a list of files that
should trigger rebuild, and a list of files that should not trigger
rebuild, and then automatically tests all of them.

Call the `expect()` functions with an assertion helper that ensures
the stack trace shows the relevant functon call, and also adds a
formatted prelude clearly showing which path was expected to trigger
or not trigger a rebuild, and what happened instead.

* fix(watcher): Convert ParcelWatcher ignore paths to be relative to watchDirectory

ParcelWatcher expects the `ParcelWatcher.Options["ignore"]` array
to include either absolute paths, or relative paths that are relative
to the `watchDirectory`. This commit fixes a bug where the paths
of ignored files (i.e., output directories from stanzas with presetConfig)
were relative to `process.cwd()`, which may differ from `watchDirectory`

* chore(tests): Add assertions for ParcelWatcher.Options.ignore, and refactor

Add mocks, assertion helpers, and error formatters for testing
the value of paths and globs passed to the `options["ignore"]`
argument of `parcelWatcher.subscribe()`.

Note that we can't properly mock the behavior of this, because
ParcelWatcher implements its ignore logic in C++, so the best we
can do is make assertions on the argument it receives.

This commit also refactors all of the watch mode testing infrastructure
to be in a `tests/watch-helpers` directory.

* chore(tests): Fix some typos, namely preferring "relative from" vs. "relative to"

The "relative from" nomenclature matches how NodeJS docs refer to
the concept of one path being relative from another, and in the case
of changes to comments, also matches the actual variable names which
were already using `from` instead of `to`

* fix(watcher): Ignore negated patterns when picking watchDirectory

When picking `watchDirectory` by finding the "longest common prefix directory"
of all paths and glob patterns, only include affirmative (non-negated)
patterns. Otherwise, a rule like `!**/never.graphql` will cause
the `watchDirectory` to always be `process.cwd()`, because the
result of `mm.scan("!**/never.graphql").base` is `""`.

* fix(watcher): Fix logic error in negation precedence, and add more test cases

Remove `pathMatches` shortcut in favor of explicitly checking for negation
after finding an affirmative match, because it turns out this doesn't
work. Now the code exactly matches the flow chart.

The reason for this change is that micromatch does not give negation
priority when there is an exact affirmative match, but we expect it to
(because in our case, negations _always_ take precedence). The micromatch
behavior makes sense when you're considering one set of patterns, because
why would you both include and exclude an exact path? But we have the
additional complexity of mixing global and local pattern sets, so we can
naturally arrive at a situation where a set includes both an exact negated
match, and an exact affirmative match. In this case we still want to negate it.

Without this fix, the logic was not working as expected, because a global
negation was being ignored when there was a local inclusion.

* chore(watcher): Add isolated test for each case in addition to combined one

For each individual assertion we were making in the big combined config,
isolate it into a single test that captures the important aspect of it,
and also add some more specificity to the logic of some of the assertions,
which is much easier to see when isolated within a single test.

This should make it easier to identify the source of any future regressions.

Still, keep the existing test with the big combined config, because it
can't hurt. But change "foo" to "fuzz" in that test, just to create
different strings in case someone wants to grep for a path in a failing
individual test.

* fix(watcher): Import `AbortController` from `@whatwg-node/fetch`

There is no need for a poly/pony-fill.

* Revert "fix(watcher): Import `AbortController` from `@whatwg-node/fetch`"

This reverts commit 7a374c2.

There is some issue with the implementation of `AbortController`
in `@whatwg-node/fetch` which causes all the tests to timeout (presumably
because the `AbortSignal` is either not being emitted or received).
  • Loading branch information
milesrichardson committed May 12, 2023
1 parent c56724e commit 2a5da58
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Showing 23 changed files with 2,761 additions and 64 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .changeset/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
'@graphql-codegen/cli': patch

Trigger rebuilds in watch mode while respecting rules of precedence and negation, both in terms of global (top-level) config vs. local (per-output target) config, and in terms of watch patterns (higher priority) vs. documents/schemas (lower priority). This fixes an issue with overly-aggressive rebuilds during watch mode.
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# This file should be excluded by all dev-test/codegen.ts patterns that otherwise
# include files from dev-test-outer-dir, so that when running `yarn watch:examples`,
# updating this file should _never_ trigger rebuild
query NothingShouldUseThisQuery {
currentUser {
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion dev-test/codegen.ts
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,11 @@ const config: CodegenConfig = {
'./dev-test/githunt/graphql-declared-modules.d.ts': {
schema: './dev-test/githunt/schema.json',
documents: ['./dev-test/githunt/**/*.graphql', './dev-test-outer-dir/githunt/**/*.graphql'],
documents: [
plugins: ['typescript-graphql-files-modules'],
'./dev-test/githunt/typed-document-nodes.ts': {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,6 +125,16 @@ const config: CodegenConfig = {
documents: './dev-test/star-wars/**/*.graphql',
plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-operations'],
'./dev-test/star-wars/types.excludeQueryAlpha.ts': {
schema: './dev-test/star-wars/schema.json',
documents: ['./dev-test/star-wars/**/*.graphql', '!./dev-test/star-wars/**/ExcludeQueryAlpha.graphql'],
plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-operations'],
'./dev-test/star-wars/types.excludeQueryBeta.ts': {
schema: './dev-test/star-wars/schema.json',
documents: ['./dev-test/star-wars/**/*.graphql', '!./dev-test/star-wars/**/ExcludeQueryBeta.graphql'],
plugins: ['typescript', 'typescript-operations'],
'./dev-test/star-wars/types.preResolveTypes.ts': {
schema: './dev-test/star-wars/schema.json',
documents: './dev-test/star-wars/**/*.graphql',
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions dev-test/star-wars/ExcludeQueryAlpha.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# This file should be excluded by pattern matching in types.excludeQueryAlpha
query ExcludeQueryAlpha($episode: Episode) {
hero(episode: $episode) {
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions dev-test/star-wars/ExcludeQueryBeta.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# This file should be excluded by pattern matching in types.excludeQueryBeta
query ExcludeQueryBeta($episode: Episode) {
hero(episode: $episode) {
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions dev-test/star-wars/types.avoidOptionals.ts
Expand Up @@ -250,6 +250,24 @@ export type CreateReviewForEpisodeMutation = {
createReview: { __typename?: 'Review'; stars: number; commentary: string | null } | null;

export type ExcludeQueryAlphaQueryVariables = Exact<{
episode: InputMaybe<Episode>;

export type ExcludeQueryAlphaQuery = {
__typename?: 'Query';
hero: { __typename?: 'Droid'; name: string } | { __typename?: 'Human'; name: string } | null;

export type ExcludeQueryBetaQueryVariables = Exact<{
episode: InputMaybe<Episode>;

export type ExcludeQueryBetaQuery = {
__typename?: 'Query';
hero: { __typename?: 'Droid'; name: string } | { __typename?: 'Human'; name: string } | null;

export type HeroAndFriendsNamesQueryVariables = Exact<{
episode: InputMaybe<Episode>;
Expand Down

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