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Security: dotfinally/finallyreact

Security Policy for FinallyReact

Supported Versions

Version Supported
>= 1.0
< 1.0

Reporting a Vulnerability

We take the security of FinallyReact seriously. If you believe you have found a security vulnerability in our application, we encourage you to let us know straight away. We will investigate all legitimate reports and do our best to quickly fix the problem.

How to Report a Security Vulnerability?

If you have discovered a security issue with FinallyReact, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Us Privately: Use Github's private security vulnerability reporting feature. Under the security tab, click "Report a vulnerability" and fill out details.

  2. Provide Details: In the report, please provide as much information as possible about the vulnerability, including:

    • The version of FinallyReact you are using.
    • Any relevant configurations and dependencies.
    • Your operating system and its version.
    • The versions of Node.js and React you are using.
    • A clear description of the vulnerability.
    • Steps to reproduce the issue or a proof-of-concept.
  3. Confidentiality: Keep all communication regarding the security issue confidential until a public disclosure is made.

  4. Avoid Data Loss: Please do not exploit the vulnerability in a way that can cause data loss or harm to users.

  5. Collaboration: We may engage with you for further information or clarification.

What to Expect After Reporting?

  • Investigation: We will investigate the vulnerability and determine its impact on FinallyReact.

  • Communication: We will maintain communication with you throughout our investigation process.

  • Resolution and Disclosure: Once the issue is resolved, we will release an update.

We appreciate your help in keeping FinallyReact secure. Thank you for your support!

There aren’t any published security advisories