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Onomy Manager - A wrapper tool for interaction with the Onomy Protocol blockchain


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A command line tool for common user/validator interactions with the Onomy Protocol blockchain.

omg functions as a wrapper for the onomyd command line tool to provide the following:

  • Simple address book to store onomy/validator addresses
  • Importing addresses stored in the onomy keyring
  • Query balances and rewards
  • Sending tokens
  • Delegating and withdrawing rewards
  • Automated restaking of delegator rewards +/- commissions
  • Checking and withdrawing validator commissions
  • Basic conversion between anom <-> nom
  • Query delegator bonded amount and shares


  • Go v1.20+
  • Locally running Onomy full node (see Onomy Docs)
  • User-owned keys already stored in the onomy keyring


Quick start instructions here


Clone this repo

git clone

Change into the omg directory then run go build .


Settings can be modified in .omgconfig.yaml

Copy/move .omgconfig.yaml to home directory or omg binary path


A full list of commands is shown by running omg with the --help or -h flag. This will also show the abbreviations for each command.

Available commands:

  address     Manage the address book
  balances    Query balances for an account or address
  convert     Conversion between  and 
  delegation  Query bonded delegation amount to validator
  help        Help about any command
  rewards     Query rewards for an account or address
  tx          Execute a transaction
  validator   Query and import validator addresses

Managing Addresses

The address book is managed using omg address or its alias omg addr and its subcommands

  add         Add an address to the address book
  import      Import addresses from keyring
  modify      Modify an address book entry
  rm          Delete an address book entry
  show        Show one or all addresses

To create an address book, you can import from the onomy keyring (default keyring is "test")

omg addr import

To specify keyring (e.g. pass), use the flag --keyring [backend]:

omg addr import --keyring pass

Addresses can be added using add [alias] [address]:

omg addr add user1 onomy123456789012345678901234567890123456789

Show list of addresses:

omg addr show

Show address for user1

omg addr show user1


A list of active validators and their valoper-addresses on the chain can be queried using the validator show command:

omg validator show

To check commissions for a validator:

omg validator commissions [moniker|valoper-address]



Check balances for user1

omg balances user1

N.B. Amounts displayed use the underscore _ separator for easier reading. For amounts with a long string of digits after the decimal point (commonly when checking rewards), the digits will be truncated and shown as ._


Check rewards for user1

omg rewards user1
Useful flags

The --all or -a flag can be used to query all accounts in the address book.

omg balances -a
omg rewards --all

Raw amounts can be displayed by the --raw or -r flag.

omg balance -a -raw

Detailed amounts can be displayed using the --detail or -d flag.

Query Delegation (Bonded) Amounts

omg delegation [name] [moniker|valoper-address]


Transactions functions are listed under tx command:

  delegate            Delegate tokens from account to validator
  restake             Withdraw rewards and restake to validator
  send                Send tokens from an account to another account/address
  withdraw-commission Withdraw commissions and rewards for validator
  withdraw-rewards    Withdraw all rewards for account

All transactions assume that the account name in the address book matches the name of the user's key in the keyring, and will fail if onomyd cannot find the key in the keyring.

For delegate and restake commands, one can specify the moniker of an active validator on chain, or the validator valoper-address.

By default, transactions will be generated and wait for user confirmation.

The default keyring-backend is test, but can be modified using the flag --keyring. For example, to use the pass keyring-backend, specify --keyring pass when executing your command. This default could be configured in the .omgconfig.yaml config file.

To automate transactions, specify --yes or -y. When this flag is used, transaction prompts are automatically confirmed, therefore be sure that the transaction is what you want to execute.

N.B. omg is a wrapper for the onomyd daemon and DOES NOT have access to the user's private keys/mnemonic


To delegate 100,000,000,000anom from user1 to validator with moniker "validator1"

omg tx delegate user1 validator1 100000000000anom

Underscored '000s separators are supported for the amount

omg tx delegate user1 validator1 100_000_000_000anom

If no amount is provided, it is assumed that the full balance (less remainder) will be delegated. The default remainder is configured in the configuration file.

omg tx delegate user1 validator1

To adjust the remainder amount, add the --remainder [amount] or -r [amount] flag. Either the token amount or the base denom can be specified.

omg tx delegate user1 validator1 -r 1NOM

N.B. The final balance is likely to differ from the remainder set due to auto claim rewards being triggered by the delegation transaction.


The restake subcommand will withdraw all rewards for the account then delegate the full amount less remainder to the specified validator.

omg tx restake user1 validator1

Auto restake (using default remainder amount)

omg tx restake user1 validator1 --yes

Auto restake (specify remainder amount)

omg tx restake user1 validator1 --yes -r 1000000anom


Send tokens between accounts in the address book

omg tx send user1 user2 1000000anom

Send tokens from [user account] to external address

omg tx send user1 onomy123456789012345678901234567890123456799 1000000anom

Withdraw rewards

Withdraw all rewards for user1

omg tx withdraw-rewards [user]

Automated withdraw all rewards for user1

omg tx wd user1 --yes

Validator commissions and rewards

For validator accounts, self-delegation rewards and commissions can be withdrawn using the tx withdraw-commissions command.

omg tx withdraw-commissions [validator] [moniker|valoper-address]

This assumes that [validator] matches the name of the keyring and is a self-delegate of the validator

Restaking can also include commissions for validator accounts that self-delegate by adding the --commission or -c flag.

omg tx restake [validator] [moniker] --commission --remainder 100nom


Convert base denom amount to token amount

omg convert 1000000000000000000anom   // Returns 1NOM

Convert token amount to base denom amount

omg c 1nom // Returns 1000000000000000000anom

The underline separator is supported

omg c 1_000_000_000_000_000_000anom // Returns 1NOM


Onomy Manager - A wrapper tool for interaction with the Onomy Protocol blockchain





