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Releases: dotnet/Docker.DotNet


18 May 01:43
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.125.14...v3.125.15

v3.125.14 Adding on Swarm logs and config

14 Apr 02:02
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What's Changed

  • Add client support for Swarm Logs and Swarm Config by @ACoderLife in #589

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.125.13...v3.125.14


01 Mar 18:58
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.125.12...v3.125.13


18 Sep 01:01
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.125.11...v3.125.12


03 Sep 21:38
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.125.9...v3.125.11


19 Jul 11:41
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This release of Docker.DotNet is a minor update. It contains bug fixes and an updated release to NuGet

New in this Release

  • Fix chucked stream bug #554 / #570
  • Bumped Json.Net dependency

Full Changelog: v3.125.9...v3.125.10

Release v3.125.5

31 Aug 12:18
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Intermedia release containing several fixes from the last year.

Thank you for all contributions!

Release v3.125.4

12 Aug 13:07
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This release of Docker.DotNet contains many of the past couple of years fixes and improvements.

The v3.x.x track will keep supporting the current codebase. A new v4.x.x, which strictly follow SemVer, will be started with a new branch that we will start releasing previews until the code is stable and moved to master.

Breaking change

  • The major change on this release is that it only target netstandard2.0. So in order to use it, you need to have a netstandard2.0 compatible TFM on your project.

Thank you all for the being patient. We hope to start having releases more often.

v3.125.2 for Docker API v1.25 release v1.13.0

17 Apr 14:40
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This release of Docker.DotNet is a minor update. It contains bug fixes and an updated release to NuGet

New in this Release

  • Added support for additional container task states on newer daemons.
  • Added additional support for ImageBuildParameters.
  • Added support to always return the response body on error for additional information.
  • Added support for the entire Plugins API under the client.Plugins.**Async(...); methods.
  • Fixed a bug with GetContainerStatsAsync that attempted to notify progress with an invalid json type.
  • Fixed a bug that leaked a liked CancellationToken if using both cancellation and timeout.
  • Fixed a breaking change in netstandard switching the default HTTP version to 2.0 where Docker expects 1.11


Another thanks to our contributors for filing issues and contributing changes where features needed help.

(Order of alias)

@steffen Kampmann

v3.125.1 for Docker API v1.25 release v1.13.0

31 Jan 21:27
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This release of Docker.DotNet is a minor update. It contains bug fixes and an updated release to NuGet

New in this Release

  • Support for .NETStandard2.0
  • Adds - IContainerOperations.RenameContainerAsync
  • Adds - IContainerOperations.PruneContainersAsync
  • Adds - IImageOperations.PruneImagesAsync
  • Adds - INetworkOperations.PruneNetworksAsync
  • Adds - IVolumeOperations.PruneAsync
  • Improved error handling on common docker api error values.


Another thanks to our contributors for filing issues and contributing changes where features needed help.

(Order of alias)

Rob Borden