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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🔤 Needs Localization
:abc: Needs Localization
Use this label if PR needs localization build upon merge.
Backport to CoreFx
Backport to CoreFx
Fixes which need to be ported back to System.Data.SqlClient
💥 Regression
:boom: Regression
Regression introduced from earlier PRs
🐛 Bug!
:bug: Bug!
Something isn't right !
💡 Enhancement
:bulb: Enhancement
New feature request
By Design
By Design
By design
📈 Performance
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Performance
Use this label for performance improvement activities
Tracks the work for ClientX
This issue or pull request already exists
❔ Question
:grey_question: Question
Further information is requested
🔨 Breaking Change
:hammer: Breaking Change
Use this label for breaking API changes in the driver.
✔️ Tests
:heavy_check_mark: Tests
Identifier for test related changes
➕ Code Health
:heavy_plus_sign: Code Health
Changes related to source code improvements
⏳ Waiting for Customer
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Waiting for Customer
We're waiting for your response :)
ℹ️ Needs more Info
:information_source: Needs more Info
Waiting on additional information
Use this label for anything within the 'eng' folder that is relevant to the pipelines.
For issues that occur intermittently
🔗 External
:link: External
Issue is in an external component
Ⓜ️ Managed SNI
:m: Managed SNI
Use this label if the issue/PR relates to issues in Managed SNI
🆕 Public API
:new: Public API
Use this label for new API additions to the driver.
🚫 Won't Fix
:no_entry_sign: Won't Fix
This will not be worked on
👴 System.Data.SqlClient
:older_man: System.Data.SqlClient
Issues that exist in System.Data.SqlClient repository only.
📦 AKV Provider
:package: AKV Provider
Add-on: Azure Key Vault Provider related
📄 Native SNI
:page_facing_up: Native SNI
📃 Documentation
:page_with_curl: Documentation
Use this label for any documentation changes
👉 NetFx to NetCore
:point_right: NetFx to NetCore
Supported for .NET Framework but missing for .NET Core
Port to NetFx
Port to NetFx
Port changes to NetFx