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Walkthrough: Creating and Using Dynamic Objects
Learn how to create and use dynamic objects in this walkthrough. Create a custom dynamic object and a project that uses an 'IronPython' library.
dynamic objects
dynamic objects [C#]

Walkthrough: Creating and Using Dynamic Objects in C#

Dynamic objects expose members such as properties and methods at run time, instead of at compile time. Dynamic objects enable you to create objects to work with structures that don't match a static type or format. For example, you can use a dynamic object to reference the HTML Document Object Model (DOM), which can contain any combination of valid HTML markup elements and attributes. Because each HTML document is unique, the members for a particular HTML document are determined at run time. A common method to reference an attribute of an HTML element is to pass the name of the attribute to the GetProperty method of the element. To reference the id attribute of the HTML element <div id="Div1">, you first obtain a reference to the <div> element, and then use divElement.GetProperty("id"). If you use a dynamic object, you can reference the id attribute as

Dynamic objects also provide convenient access to dynamic languages such as IronPython and IronRuby. You can use a dynamic object to refer to a dynamic script interpreted at run time.

You reference a dynamic object by using late binding. You specify the type of a late-bound object as dynamic.For more information, see dynamic.

You can create custom dynamic objects by using the classes in the xref:System.Dynamic?displayProperty=nameWithType namespace. For example, you can create an xref:System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject and specify the members of that object at run time. You can also create your own type that inherits the xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject class. You can then override the members of the xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject class to provide run-time dynamic functionality.

This article contains two independent walkthroughs:

  • Create a custom object that dynamically exposes the contents of a text file as properties of an object.
  • Create a project that uses an IronPython library.



Create a Custom Dynamic Object

The first walkthrough defines a custom dynamic object that searches the contents of a text file. A dynamic property specifies the text to search for. For example, if calling code specifies dynamicFile.Sample, the dynamic class returns a generic list of strings that contains all of the lines from the file that begin with "Sample". The search is case-insensitive. The dynamic class also supports two optional arguments. The first argument is a search option enum value that specifies that the dynamic class should search for matches at the start of the line, the end of the line, or anywhere in the line. The second argument specifies that the dynamic class should trim leading and trailing spaces from each line before searching. For example, if calling code specifies dynamicFile.Sample(StringSearchOption.Contains), the dynamic class searches for "Sample" anywhere in a line. If calling code specifies dynamicFile.Sample(StringSearchOption.StartsWith, false), the dynamic class searches for "Sample" at the start of each line, and doesn't remove leading and trailing spaces. The default behavior of the dynamic class is to search for a match at the start of each line and to remove leading and trailing spaces.

Create a custom dynamic class

Start Visual Studio. Select Create a new project. In the Create a new project dialog, select C#, select Console Application, and then select Next. In the Configure your new project dialog, enter DynamicSample for the Project name, and then select Next. In the Additional information dialog, select .NET 7.0 (Current) for the Target Framework, and then select Create. In Solution Explorer, right-click the DynamicSample project and select Add > Class. In the Name box, type ReadOnlyFile, and then select Add. At the top of the ReadOnlyFile.cs or ReadOnlyFile.vb file, add the following code to import the xref:System.IO?displayProperty=nameWithType and xref:System.Dynamic?displayProperty=nameWithType namespaces.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-walkthrough/readonlyfile.cs" id="Snippet1":::

The custom dynamic object uses an enum to determine the search criteria. Before the class statement, add the following enum definition.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-walkthrough/readonlyfile.cs" id="Snippet2":::

Update the class statement to inherit the DynamicObject class, as shown in the following code example.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-walkthrough/readonlyfile.cs" id="Snippet3":::

Add the following code to the ReadOnlyFile class to define a private field for the file path and a constructor for the ReadOnlyFile class.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-walkthrough/readonlyfile.cs" id="Snippet4":::

  1. Add the following GetPropertyValue method to the ReadOnlyFile class. The GetPropertyValue method takes, as input, search criteria and returns the lines from a text file that match that search criteria. The dynamic methods provided by the ReadOnlyFile class call the GetPropertyValue method to retrieve their respective results.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-walkthrough/readonlyfile.cs" id="Snippet5":::

After the GetPropertyValue method, add the following code to override the xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryGetMember%2A method of the xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject class. The xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryGetMember%2A method is called when a member of a dynamic class is requested and no arguments are specified. The binder argument contains information about the referenced member, and the result argument references the result returned for the specified member. The xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryGetMember%2A method returns a Boolean value that returns true if the requested member exists; otherwise it returns false.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-walkthrough/readonlyfile.cs" id="Snippet6":::

After the TryGetMember method, add the following code to override the xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryInvokeMember%2A method of the xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject class. The xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryInvokeMember%2A method is called when a member of a dynamic class is requested with arguments. The binder argument contains information about the referenced member, and the result argument references the result returned for the specified member. The args argument contains an array of the arguments that are passed to the member. The xref:System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryInvokeMember%2A method returns a Boolean value that returns true if the requested member exists; otherwise it returns false.

The custom version of the TryInvokeMember method expects the first argument to be a value from the StringSearchOption enum that you defined in a previous step. The TryInvokeMember method expects the second argument to be a Boolean value. If one or both arguments are valid values, they're passed to the GetPropertyValue method to retrieve the results.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-walkthrough/readonlyfile.cs" id="Snippet7":::

Save and close the file.

Create a sample text file

In Solution Explorer, right-click the DynamicSample project and select Add > New Item. In the Installed Templates pane, select General, and then select the Text File template. Leave the default name of TextFile1.txt in the Name box, and then select Add. Copy the following text to the TextFile1.txt file.

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Save and close the file.

Create a sample application that uses the custom dynamic object

In Solution Explorer, double-click the Program.cs file. Add the following code to the Main procedure to create an instance of the ReadOnlyFile class for the TextFile1.txt file. The code uses late binding to call dynamic members and retrieve lines of text that contain the string "Customer".

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-walkthrough/program.cs" id="Snippet8":::

Save the file and press Ctrl+F5 to build and run the application.

Call a dynamic language library

The following walkthrough creates a project that accesses a library written in the dynamic language IronPython.

To create a custom dynamic class

In Visual Studio, select File > New > Project. In the Create a new project dialog, select C#, select Console Application, and then select Next. In the Configure your new project dialog, enter DynamicIronPythonSample for the Project name, and then select Next. In the Additional information dialog, select .NET 7.0 (Current) for the Target Framework, and then select Create. Install the IronPython NuGet package. Edit the Program.cs file. At the top of the file, add the following code to import the Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting and IronPython.Hosting namespaces from the IronPython libraries and the System.Linq namespace.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-iron-python-walkthrough/program.cs" id="Snippet1":::

In the Main method, add the following code to create a new Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting.ScriptRuntime object to host the IronPython libraries. The ScriptRuntime object loads the IronPython library module

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-iron-python-walkthrough/program.cs" id="Snippet2":::

After the code to load the module, add the following code to create an array of integers. The array is passed to the shuffle method of the module, which randomly sorts the values in the array.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/dynamic-iron-python-walkthrough/program.cs" id="Snippet3":::

Save the file and press Ctrl+F5 to build and run the application.

See also