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UI Automation Control Types Overview
Read an overview of UI Automation control types, which are well-known identifiers that can be used to indicate what kind of control an element represents.
UI Automation, control types
control types, UI Automation

UI Automation Control Types Overview


This documentation is intended for .NET Framework developers who want to use the managed UI Automation classes defined in the xref:System.Windows.Automation namespace. For the latest information about UI Automation, see Windows Automation API: UI Automation.

Microsoft UI Automation control types are well-known identifiers that can be used to indicate what kind of control a particular element represents, such as a combo box or a button.

Having a well-known identifier makes it easier for assistive technology devices to determine what types of controls are available in the user interface (UI) and how to interact with the controls.

UI Automation Control Type Requisites

Microsoft UI Automation control types provide a set of conditions that providers must meet. When these conditions are met, the control can use the specific control type name. Each control type has conditions for the following:

  • UI Automation control patterns—which control patterns must be supported, which control patterns are optional, and which control patterns must not be supported by the control.

  • UI Automation property values—which property values are supported.

  • UI Automation tree structure—the required UI Automation tree structure for the control.

When a control meets the conditions for a particular control type, the xref:System.Windows.Automation.AutomationElement.AutomationElementInformation.ControlType%2A property value will indicate that control type.

Current UI Automation Control Types

The following list contains the current set of Microsoft UI Automation control types:

See also

  • xref:System.Windows.Automation.ControlType