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Instantiating a DateTimeOffset object
Read how to instantiate (make an instance of) a DateTimeOffset object in .NET. Learn about date & time literals, constructors, implicit type conversion, & more.
instantiating time zone objects
time zone objects [.NET], instantiation
DateTimeOffset structure, converting to DateTime
DateTimeOffset structure, instantiating

Instantiating a DateTimeOffset object

The xref:System.DateTimeOffset structure offers a number of ways to create new xref:System.DateTimeOffset values. Many of them correspond directly to the methods available for instantiating new xref:System.DateTime values, with enhancements that allow you to specify the date and time value's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). In particular, you can instantiate a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value in the following ways:

  • By using a date and time literal.

  • By calling a xref:System.DateTimeOffset constructor.

  • By implicitly converting a value to xref:System.DateTimeOffset value.

  • By parsing the string representation of a date and time.

This topic provides greater detail and code examples that illustrate these methods of instantiating new xref:System.DateTimeOffset values.

Date and time literals

For languages that support it, one of the most common ways to instantiate a xref:System.DateTime value is to provide the date and time as a hard-coded literal value. For example, the following Visual Basic code creates a xref:System.DateTime object whose value is May 1, 2008, at 8:06:32 AM.

:::code language="vb" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/vb/Instantiate.vb" id="1":::

xref:System.DateTimeOffset values can also be initialized using date and time literals when using languages that support xref:System.DateTime literals. For example, the following Visual Basic code creates a xref:System.DateTimeOffset object.

:::code language="vb" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/vb/Instantiate.vb" id="2":::

As the console output shows, the xref:System.DateTimeOffset value created in this way is assigned the offset of the local time zone. This means that a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value assigned using a character literal does not identify a single point of time if the code is run on different computers.

DateTimeOffset constructors

The xref:System.DateTimeOffset type defines six constructors. Four of them correspond directly to xref:System.DateTime constructors, with an additional parameter of type xref:System.TimeSpan that defines the date and time's offset from UTC. These allow you to define a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value based on the value of its individual date and time components. For example, the following code uses these four constructors to instantiate xref:System.DateTimeOffset objects with identical values of 5/1/2008 8:06:32 +01:00.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/csharp/Instantiate.cs" id="3"::: :::code language="vb" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/vb/Instantiate.vb" id="3":::

Note that, when the value of the xref:System.DateTimeOffset object instantiated using a xref:System.Globalization.PersianCalendar object as one of the arguments to its constructor is displayed to the console, it is expressed as a date in the Gregorian rather than the Persian calendar. To output a date using the Persian calendar, see the example in the xref:System.Globalization.PersianCalendar topic.

The other two constructors create a xref:System.DateTimeOffset object from a xref:System.DateTime value. The first of these has a single parameter, the xref:System.DateTime value to convert to a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value. The offset of the resulting xref:System.DateTimeOffset value depends on the xref:System.DateTime.Kind%2A property of the constructor's single parameter. If its value is xref:System.DateTimeKind.Utc?displayProperty=nameWithType, the offset is set equal to xref:System.TimeSpan.Zero?displayProperty=nameWithType. Otherwise, its offset is set equal to that of the local time zone. The following example illustrates the use of this constructor to instantiate xref:System.DateTimeOffset objects representing UTC and the local time zone:

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/csharp/Instantiate.cs" id="4"::: :::code language="vb" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/vb/Instantiate.vb" id="4":::


Calling the overload of the xref:System.DateTimeOffset constructor that has a single xref:System.DateTime parameter is equivalent to performing an implicit conversion of a xref:System.DateTime value to a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value.

The second constructor that creates a xref:System.DateTimeOffset object from a xref:System.DateTime value has two parameters: the xref:System.DateTime value to convert, and a xref:System.TimeSpan value representing the date and time's offset from UTC. This offset value must correspond to the xref:System.DateTime.Kind%2A property of the constructor's first parameter or an xref:System.ArgumentException is thrown. If the xref:System.DateTime.Kind%2A property of the first parameter is xref:System.DateTimeKind.Utc?displayProperty=nameWithType, the value of the second parameter must be xref:System.TimeSpan.Zero?displayProperty=nameWithType. If the xref:System.DateTime.Kind%2A property of the first parameter is xref:System.DateTimeKind.Local?displayProperty=nameWithType, the value of the second parameter must be the offset of the local system's time zone. If the xref:System.DateTime.Kind%2A property of the first parameter is xref:System.DateTimeKind.Unspecified?displayProperty=nameWithType, the offset can be any valid value. The following code illustrates calls to this constructor to convert xref:System.DateTime to xref:System.DateTimeOffset values.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/csharp/Instantiate.cs" id="5"::: :::code language="vb" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/vb/Instantiate.vb" id="5":::

Implicit type conversion

The xref:System.DateTimeOffset type supports one implicit type conversion: from a xref:System.DateTime value to a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value. (An implicit type conversion is a conversion from one type to another that does not require an explicit cast (in C#) or conversion (in Visual Basic) and that does not lose information.) It makes code like the following possible.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/csharp/Instantiate.cs" id="6"::: :::code language="vb" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/vb/Instantiate.vb" id="6":::

The offset of the resulting xref:System.DateTimeOffset value depends on the xref:System.DateTime.Kind%2A?displayProperty=nameWithType property value. If its value is xref:System.DateTimeKind.Utc?displayProperty=nameWithType, the offset is set equal to xref:System.TimeSpan.Zero?displayProperty=nameWithType. If its value is either xref:System.DateTimeKind.Local?displayProperty=nameWithType or xref:System.DateTimeKind.Unspecified?displayProperty=nameWithType, the offset is set equal to that of the local time zone.

Parsing the string representation of a date and time

The xref:System.DateTimeOffset type supports four methods that allow you to convert the string representation of a date and time into a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value:

  • xref:System.DateTimeOffset.Parse%2A, which tries to convert the string representation of a date and time to a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value and throws an exception if the conversion fails.

  • xref:System.DateTimeOffset.TryParse%2A, which tries to convert the string representation of a date and time to a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value and returns false if the conversion fails.

  • xref:System.DateTimeOffset.ParseExact%2A, which tries to convert the string representation of a date and time in a specified format to a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value. The method throws an exception if the conversion fails.

  • xref:System.DateTimeOffset.TryParseExact%2A, which tries to convert the string representation of a date and time in a specified format to a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value. The method returns false if the conversion fails.

The following example illustrates calls to each of these four string conversion methods to instantiate a xref:System.DateTimeOffset value.

:::code language="csharp" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/csharp/Instantiate.cs" id="7"::: :::code language="vb" source="./snippets/instantiating-a-datetimeoffset-object/vb/Instantiate.vb" id="7":::

See also