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Learn more about: UShort data type (Visual Basic)
UShort Data Type
numbers [Visual Basic], whole
literal type characters [Visual Basic], US
whole numbers
integral data types [Visual Basic]
integer numbers
numbers [Visual Basic], integer
integers [Visual Basic], data types
integers [Visual Basic], types
data types [Visual Basic], integral
UShort data type
US literal type characters [Visual Basic]

UShort data type (Visual Basic)

Holds unsigned 16-bit (2-byte) integers ranging in value from 0 through 65,535.


Use the UShort data type to contain binary data too large for Byte.

The default value of UShort is 0.

Literal assignments

You can declare and initialize a UShort variable by assigning it a decimal literal, a hexadecimal literal, an octal literal, or (starting with Visual Basic 2017) a binary literal. If the integer literal is outside the range of UShort (that is, if it is less than xref:System.UInt16.MinValue?displayProperty=nameWithType or greater than xref:System.UInt16.MaxValue?displayProperty=nameWithType, a compilation error occurs.

In the following example, integers equal to 65,034 that are represented as decimal, hexadecimal, and binary literals are assigned to UShort values.



You use the prefix &h or &H to denote a hexadecimal literal, the prefix &b or &B to denote a binary literal, and the prefix &o or &O to denote an octal literal. Decimal literals have no prefix.

Starting with Visual Basic 2017, you can also use the underscore character, _, as a digit separator to enhance readability, as the following example shows.


Starting with Visual Basic 15.5, you can also use the underscore character (_) as a leading separator between the prefix and the hexadecimal, binary, or octal digits. For example:

Dim number As UShort = &H_FF8C

[!INCLUDE supporting-underscores]

Numeric literals can also include the US or us type character to denote the UShort data type, as the following example shows.

Dim number = &H_5826us

Programming tips

  • Negative Numbers. Because UShort is an unsigned type, it cannot represent a negative number. If you use the unary minus (-) operator on an expression that evaluates to type UShort, Visual Basic converts the expression to Integer first.

  • CLS Compliance. The UShort data type is not part of the Common Language Specification (CLS), so CLS-compliant code cannot consume a component that uses it.

  • Widening. The UShort data type widens to Integer, UInteger, Long, ULong, Decimal, Single, and Double. This means you can convert UShort to any of these types without encountering a xref:System.OverflowException?displayProperty=nameWithType error.

  • Type Characters. Appending the literal type characters US to a literal forces it to the UShort data type. UShort has no identifier type character.

  • Framework Type. The corresponding type in the .NET Framework is the xref:System.UInt16?displayProperty=nameWithType structure.

See also