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Known Issues

Rowan Miller edited this page Jul 26, 2016 · 1 revision

Below is a list of known issues with the Entity Framework code base and infrastructure. This list will be kept up to date as new issues arise and existing issues are fixed.

  • Test failures can arise from test databases with stale metadata. The solution is to drop the test databases. (This can be done by running DropAllDatabases.sql under test\EntityFramework.)
  • Some tests may fail if your git repository is nested under your user folder, because the SQL service is unable to create database files in that location. One workaround is to give the service SID "NT SERVICE\MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS" full access to the test's bin folder and subfolders. You can also try moving the repository elsewhere.
  • Loading assemblies may fail with "Strong name signature could not be verified." If this is the case, download and run the latest version of SkipStrongNames. New assemblies get added to this utility over time.
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