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Javier Suárez edited this page Feb 13, 2024 · 5 revisions



  • XUnit is used in most of the projects any new test projects created should utilize XUnit.
  • NUnit is used in some legacy projects, we tend to migrate all tests to run under XUnit so any new test projects created should utilize XUnit.
  • xharness is a dotnet tool and TestRunner library that makes running unit tests in mobile platforms easier.

Project Test Types

  • Unit tests - These are tests that will not run on a device. This is useful for testing device independent logic.
├── Controls 
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Controls.Core.UnitTests
│   │   ├── Controls.Core.XamlUnitTests
├── Core 
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Core.UnitTests
├── Essentials 
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Essentials.UnitTests
├── Graphics
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Graphics.Tests
├── SingleProject
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Resizetizer.UnitTests
  • Device tests - These are tests that will run on an actual device or simulator
├── Controls 
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Controls.DeviceTests
├── Core 
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Core.DeviceTests
├── Essentials 
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Essentials.DeviceTests
├── Graphics
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Graphics.DeviceTests
├── BlazorWebView 
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── MauiBlazorWebView.DeviceTests
  • UI tests - These are tests that will run on an actual device or simulator and interact with an application
├── Controls 
│   ├── test
│   │   ├── Controls.AppiumTests
  • Controls.UITests: .NET MAUI Controls Visual Runner for running device based xunit tests. This is useful for tests that require XAML features

Test count

25/01/2022 20/09/2023
Controls.Core.UnitTests 4670 5498
Controls.Core.XamlUnitTests 989 1037
Controls.DeviceTests.ios 198 257 214 305
Controls.DeviceTests.maccatalyst 199 212 230 0
Controls.UITests.ios 0 38 0 38
Controls.UITests.maccatalyst 0 28 0 25
Core.UnitTests 475 655
Core.DeviceTests.ios 2782 1034 599 1193
Core.DeviceTests.maccatalyst 592 956 440 810
Essentials.UnitTests 989 283
Essentials.DeviceTests.ios 280 120 278 134
Essentials.DeviceTests.maccatalyst 280 123 287 133
MauiBlazorWebView.DeviceTests 1 0
MauiBlazorWebView.DeviceTests.ios 0 3 0 3
MauiBlazorWebView.DeviceTests.maccatalyst 0 3 0 3
Graphics.UnitTests 84 316
Graphics.DeviceTests 3 0
Graphics.DeviceTests.ios 0 8 0 8
Graphics.DeviceTests.maccatalyst 0 8 0 8
Resizetizer.UnitTests 0 543
Integration.UnitTests 0 36
Total 13572 16661

Running Tests

We use xunit.runner.visualstudio and nunittestadapter for test discoverability and running the tests. This allows us to view the tests from within Visual Studio via the Test Explorer tool pane and utilizing vstest.console.exe <AssemblyPath> from a developer command prompt.

Writing tests

Controls unit tests

The tests on this project are written using XUnit. Add your class and use BaseTestFixture as your base class. You can also add a [Category("Layout")] . You might need to create a Stub for your test you can add that to the TestClasses folder

public class CarouselViewTests : BaseTestFixture
	public void TestPositionChangedCommand()
		var source = new List<string> { "1", "2", "3" };
		var carouselView = new CarouselView
			ItemsSource = source
		int countFired = 0;
		carouselView.PositionChangedCommand = new Command(() => countFired = countFired + 1;);
		Assert.Same(source, carouselView.ItemsSource);
		carouselView.Position = 1;
		Assert.True(countFired == 1);

Xaml unit tests

The tests on this project are written using NUnit. To create a new test start by adding a new Xaml ContentPage to the Controls.Core.XamlUnitTests project. In the code behind add your NUnit TestFixture. Make sure to specify a 2nd actor for two TestCase for True/False so that the test runs with and without XAMLC enabled. Also take note that the default actor will not be called 50% of the times.

            <Color x:Key="notpink">Purple</Color>
            <Color x:Key="pink">Pink</Color>
            <ResourceDictionary Source="AppResources/Colors.xaml" />
    <Label x:Name="label" TextColor="{StaticResource notpink}" BackgroundColor="{StaticResource Primary}"/>

public partial class AutoMergedResourceDictionaries : ContentPage
	public AutoMergedResourceDictionaries()

	public AutoMergedResourceDictionaries(bool useCompiledXaml)
		//this stub will be replaced at compile time

	public class Tests
		public void AutoMergedRd(bool useCompiledXaml)
			var layout = new AutoMergedResourceDictionaries(useCompiledXaml);
			Assert.That(layout.label.TextColor, Is.EqualTo(Colors.Purple));
			Assert.That(layout.label.BackgroundColor, Is.EqualTo(Color.FromArgb("#FF96F3")));

Controls UI tests

First, add your sample page in Controls.Sample.UITests. Then, include a test in Controls.AppiumTests. The tests on this project are written using XUnit and Appium. Add your class and use _IssuesUITest as your base class.

[Issue(IssueTracker.Github, 14257, "VerticalStackLayout inside Scrollview: Button at the bottom not clickable on IOS", PlatformAffected.iOS)]
public class Issue14257 : TestContentPage
	protected override void Init()
		var scrollView = new ScrollView();
		var layout = new VerticalStackLayout() { Margin = new Microsoft.Maui.Thickness(10, 40) };

		var description = new Label { Text = "Tap the Resize button; this will force the Test button off the screen. Then tap the Test button; if a Label with the text \"Success\" appears, the test has passed." };

		var resizeButton = new Button() { Text = "Resize", AutomationId = "Resize" };
		var layoutContent = new Label() { Text = "Content", HeightRequest = 50 };
		var testButton = new Button() { Text = "Test", AutomationId = "Test" };
		var resultLabel = new Label() { AutomationId = "Result" };


		scrollView.Content = layout;
		Content = scrollView;

		resizeButton.Clicked += (sender, args) =>
			// Resize the ScrollView content so the test button will be off the screen
			// If the bug is present, this will make the button untappable
			layoutContent.HeightRequest = 1000;

		// Show the Success label if the button is tapped, so we can verify the bug is not present
		testButton.Clicked += (sender, args) => { resultLabel.Text = "Success"; };
public class Issue14257 : _IssuesUITest
	public Issue14257(TestDevice device) : base(device) { }

	public override string Issue => "VerticalStackLayout inside Scrollview: Button at the bottom not clickable on IOS";

	public void ResizeScrollViewAndTapButtonTest()
		// Tapping the Resize button will change the height of the ScrollView content

		// Scroll down to the Test button. When the bug is present, the button cannot be tapped.


		// If we can successfully tap the button, the Success label will be displayed
		Assert.IsTrue(App.WaitForTextToBePresentInElement("Result", "Success"));

To run the tests on iOS or Catalyst, you'll need a Mac. To run the tests on Windows, you'll need a Windows machine. Android tests can be run from either platform. You can review the prerequisites and how to run the tests here.

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