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[Perf -14%] System.Memory.ReadOnlySpan.IndexOfString (2) #39724

DrewScoggins opened this issue Jul 21, 2020 · 2 comments

[Perf -14%] System.Memory.ReadOnlySpan.IndexOfString (2) #39724

DrewScoggins opened this issue Jul 21, 2020 · 2 comments
arch-x64 area-System.Memory os-linux Linux OS (any supported distro) tenet-performance Performance related issue


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DrewScoggins commented Jul 21, 2020

Run Information

Architecture x64
OS ubuntu 18.04
Changes diff

Regressions in System.Memory.ReadOnlySpan

Benchmark Baseline Test Test/Base Modality Baseline Outlier
IndexOfString 27.38 ns 31.11 ns 1.14 Bimodal False
IndexOfString 26.64 ns 30.73 ns 1.15 Bimodal True

Related Issue on x64 Windows

[Perf -8%] System.Memory.ReadOnlySpan (2)

Historical Data in Reporting System


git clone
py .\performance\scripts\ -f netcoreapp5.0 --filter 'System.Memory.ReadOnlySpan*';



[25.975 ; 26.724) | @@@@@@@@@
[26.724 ; 27.949) | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[27.949 ; 28.931) | @@@@@@@@@
[28.931 ; 30.259) | 
[30.259 ; 31.472) | @@@@@@@@@@@
[31.472 ; 32.697) | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[32.697 ; 33.975) | @@@

System.Memory.ReadOnlySpan.IndexOfString(input: "だだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだxだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだだ", value: "x", comparisonType: Ordinal)

[25.726 ; 26.775) | @@@@@@@@@@@@
[26.775 ; 27.991) | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[27.991 ; 29.061) | @@@@@@@@@@
[29.061 ; 30.476) | 
[30.476 ; 31.554) | @@@@@@@@@@@@
[31.554 ; 32.770) | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[32.770 ; 33.881) | @@@


Profiling workflow for dotnet/runtime repository
Benchmarking workflow for dotnet/runtime repository

@DrewScoggins DrewScoggins added os-linux Linux OS (any supported distro) tenet-performance Performance related issue tenet-performance-benchmarks Issue from performance benchmark arch-x64 labels Jul 21, 2020
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I couldn't figure out the best area label to add to this issue. If you have write-permissions please help me learn by adding exactly one area label.

@Dotnet-GitSync-Bot Dotnet-GitSync-Bot added the untriaged New issue has not been triaged by the area owner label Jul 21, 2020
@adamsitnik adamsitnik added this to the 5.0.0 milestone Aug 14, 2020
@adamsitnik adamsitnik changed the title [Perf -14%] System.Memory.ReadOnlySpan (2) [Perf -14%] System.Memory.ReadOnlySpan.IndexOfString (2) Aug 17, 2020
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Overall in 3.1 vs 5.0 comparison there are 13 improvements and 1 minor regression. Closing

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1.1405-nightly, OS=ubuntu 18.04
Intel Xeon CPU E5-1650 v4 3.60GHz, 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.100-rc.1.20413.9
  [Host]     : .NET Core 3.1.6 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.26901, CoreFX 4.700.20.31603), X64 RyuJIT
  Job-CJBAQZ : .NET Core 3.1.6 (CoreCLR 4.700.20.26901, CoreFX 4.700.20.31603), X64 RyuJIT

PowerPlanMode=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000  Runtime=.NET Core 3.1  Arguments=/p:DebugType=portable  
Toolchain=netcoreapp3.1  IterationTime=250.0000 ms  MaxIterationCount=20  
MinIterationCount=15  WarmupCount=1  
Method input value comparisonType Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Code Size Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
IndexOfString AAAAA5AAAA 5 InvariantCulture 49.56 ns 0.736 ns 0.689 ns 49.63 ns 48.55 ns 51.15 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString AAAAAAAAAAAA(...)AAAAAAAAAAAA [1000] X Ordinal 38.95 ns 0.537 ns 0.502 ns 38.90 ns 38.19 ns 39.68 ns 1429 B - - - -
IndexOfString AAAAAAAAAAAA(...)AAAAAAAAAAAA [100] x InvariantCultureIgnoreCase 181.68 ns 4.265 ns 4.912 ns 180.53 ns 175.41 ns 192.27 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString AAAAAAAAAAAA(...)AAAAAAAAAAAA [100] x OrdinalIgnoreCase 577.15 ns 10.778 ns 10.585 ns 578.37 ns 559.83 ns 597.86 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString ABCDE c InvariantCultureIgnoreCase 46.04 ns 0.917 ns 0.981 ns 45.95 ns 44.98 ns 47.97 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString Hello Worldb(...)allylong!xyz [186] w OrdinalIgnoreCase 81.18 ns 1.591 ns 1.634 ns 80.67 ns 78.79 ns 85.56 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString Hello Worldb(...)allylong!xyz [187] ~ Ordinal 21.66 ns 0.279 ns 0.261 ns 21.68 ns 21.24 ns 22.15 ns 1429 B - - - -
IndexOfString Hello Worldbb(...)bbbbbbbbbbba! [47] y Ordinal 17.99 ns 0.128 ns 0.113 ns 18.03 ns 17.77 ns 18.14 ns 1429 B - - - -
IndexOfString More Test's Tests OrdinalIgnoreCase 90.17 ns 1.553 ns 1.377 ns 90.03 ns 88.30 ns 93.08 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString StrIng string OrdinalIgnoreCase 48.20 ns 0.202 ns 0.169 ns 48.15 ns 48.04 ns 48.62 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString foobardzsdzs rddzs InvariantCulture 56.48 ns 0.187 ns 0.156 ns 56.46 ns 56.21 ns 56.77 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString string1 string2 InvariantCulture 53.18 ns 0.054 ns 0.051 ns 53.18 ns 53.11 ns 53.29 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString InvariantCulture 4,238.15 ns 54.873 ns 51.329 ns 4,242.83 ns 4,144.78 ns 4,347.34 ns 1389 B - - - -
IndexOfString だだだだだだだだだだだだ(...)だだだだだだだだだだだだ [100] Ordinal 18.45 ns 0.055 ns 0.043 ns 18.44 ns 18.39 ns 18.52 ns 1429 B - - - -
IndexOfString だだだだだだだだだだだだ(...)だだだだだだだだだだだだ [1000] x Ordinal 38.01 ns 0.060 ns 0.056 ns 38.02 ns 37.86 ns 38.09 ns 1429 B - - - -
BenchmarkDotNet=v0.12.1.1405-nightly, OS=ubuntu 18.04
Intel Xeon CPU E5-1650 v4 3.60GHz, 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
.NET Core SDK=5.0.100-rc.1.20413.9
  [Host]     : .NET Core 5.0.0 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT
  Job-LOBVIX : .NET Core 5.0.0 (CoreCLR, CoreFX, X64 RyuJIT

PowerPlanMode=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000  Runtime=.NET Core 5.0  Arguments=/p:DebugType=portable  
Toolchain=netcoreapp5.0  IterationTime=250.0000 ms  MaxIterationCount=20  
MinIterationCount=15  WarmupCount=1  
Method input value comparisonType Mean Error StdDev Median Min Max Code Size Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
IndexOfString AAAAA5AAAA 5 InvariantCulture 37.57 ns 0.708 ns 0.696 ns 37.54 ns 36.42 ns 38.80 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString AAAAAAAAAAAA(...)AAAAAAAAAAAA [1000] X Ordinal 29.27 ns 0.362 ns 0.303 ns 29.15 ns 28.92 ns 29.92 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString AAAAAAAAAAAA(...)AAAAAAAAAAAA [100] x InvariantCultureIgnoreCase 205.95 ns 5.799 ns 6.205 ns 204.95 ns 197.52 ns 220.59 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString AAAAAAAAAAAA(...)AAAAAAAAAAAA [100] x OrdinalIgnoreCase 575.32 ns 6.667 ns 5.205 ns 574.53 ns 569.91 ns 587.35 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString ABCDE c InvariantCultureIgnoreCase 32.66 ns 0.086 ns 0.077 ns 32.66 ns 32.53 ns 32.82 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString Hello Worldb(...)allylong!xyz [186] w OrdinalIgnoreCase 72.71 ns 1.117 ns 1.045 ns 72.47 ns 71.45 ns 74.58 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString Hello Worldb(...)allylong!xyz [187] ~ Ordinal 16.40 ns 0.130 ns 0.115 ns 16.35 ns 16.30 ns 16.63 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString Hello Worldbb(...)bbbbbbbbbbba! [47] y Ordinal 12.85 ns 0.092 ns 0.082 ns 12.82 ns 12.75 ns 13.02 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString More Test's Tests OrdinalIgnoreCase 82.42 ns 0.066 ns 0.055 ns 82.43 ns 82.33 ns 82.51 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString StrIng string OrdinalIgnoreCase 41.46 ns 0.158 ns 0.140 ns 41.43 ns 41.28 ns 41.74 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString foobardzsdzs rddzs InvariantCulture 45.39 ns 0.120 ns 0.101 ns 45.37 ns 45.29 ns 45.60 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString string1 string2 InvariantCulture 38.94 ns 0.092 ns 0.086 ns 38.92 ns 38.82 ns 39.08 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString InvariantCulture 3,561.07 ns 11.114 ns 9.281 ns 3,563.64 ns 3,540.69 ns 3,572.37 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString だだだだだだだだだだだだ(...)だだだだだだだだだだだだ [100] Ordinal 14.40 ns 0.245 ns 0.229 ns 14.57 ns 14.10 ns 14.60 ns 780 B - - - -
IndexOfString だだだだだだだだだだだだ(...)だだだだだだだだだだだだ [1000] x Ordinal 29.33 ns 0.567 ns 0.502 ns 29.41 ns 28.65 ns 30.13 ns 780 B - - - -

@adamsitnik adamsitnik removed tenet-performance-benchmarks Issue from performance benchmark untriaged New issue has not been triaged by the area owner labels Aug 17, 2020
@ghost ghost locked as resolved and limited conversation to collaborators Dec 8, 2020
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arch-x64 area-System.Memory os-linux Linux OS (any supported distro) tenet-performance Performance related issue
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5 participants