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Multivariate Similarity Measures for Time Series Classification

This repository contains the source code of the following paper. Please cite the paper if you use the source code in this repository.

This paper is currently under review, for now please cite the ArXiv link bellow


This paper contributes multivariate versions of seven commonly used elastic similarity measures for time series data analytics. Elastic similarity measures are a class of similarity measures that can compensate for misalignments in the time axis of time series data. We adapt two existing strategies used in a multivariate version of the well-known Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), namely, Independent and Dependent DTW, to these seven measures.

While these measures can be applied to various time series analysis tasks, we demonstrate their utility on multivariate time series classification using the nearest neighbor classifier. On 23 well-known datasets, we demonstrate that each of the measures but one achieve the highest accuracy relative to others on at least one dataset, supporting the value of developing a suite of multivariate similarity measures. We also demonstrate that there are datasets for which either the dependent versions of all measures are more accurate than their independent counterparts or vice versa. In addition, we also construct a nearest neighbor based ensemble of the measures and show that it is competitive to other state-of-the-art single-strategy multivariate time series classifiers.

Source Code

This project was developed using IntelliJ IDE and uses Maven to manage its dependencies. You can import the project to IntelliJ, and it will automatically set up the project. Dependencies are specified in the pom.xml file.

Multivariate Similarity Measures

Source code for the multivariate similarity measures are present in the folder


Multivariate Elastic Ensemble (MEE)

The main entry point for Multivariate Elastic Ensemble is the class MultivariateEEApp in the folder


Since this close is closely related to the TS-CHIEF project (, some utility functions from the TS-CHIEF project are also used in Multivariate Elastic Ensemble. This includes code to read CSV, TS or ARFF files, internal data structures such as Dataset, TimeSeries class, utility functions related to statistics and math, and so on. This is why you will find extra packages from TS-CHIEF project in this repository. In the future, the source code may be refactored further to reduce these dependencies. However, some dependencies will probably remain for long term as it makes no sense to reimplement two TimeSeries or Dataset classes for two projects.


UCR/UEA datasets used in these experiments can be obtained from It is recommended to download the files in .ts file format. However, .csv files are also supported.

We have uploaded the index files for our resample experiments to the folder cache/Multivariate2018_ts_INDICES. The .csv files in this folder contain one row for each of the 30 folds, and columns contains the list of indices in the fold


The results of all experiments can be found in the folder data/raw. We also provide the scripts to post process data in the folder experiments/papers/multivariate_measures. Specifically, the Jupyter notebook file mv_results.ipynb contains all the functions to post-process the results. Refer to the to Section Testing MEE and the information in the Notebook file for more details.

Also note that data/raw/i1d2+norm/test/ contains full test results of one fold of UCR data with z-normalization data/raw/i1d2-norm/test/ contains full test results of ten folds of UCR data without z-normalization (as it is on archive, just note that four datasets were already normalized in the repository -- refer to the paper.) The final results in the paper uses the evrage of ten folds from i1d2-norm directory. To reduce upload sizes, I have zipped the CSV files for each fold. If rerunning the all experiments, make sure to unzip these files and set correct path before running the functions in mv_results.ipynb.

Using the application

Building a Jar File

If using IntelliJ IDE you can create the jar file in two ways. Either by using IDE build system or maven. If using the IDE build system then create an artifact from File >> Project Structure >> Project Settings >> Artifacts. Then use menu Build >> Build Artifacts. If using maven, open maven window using View >> Tool Windows >> Maven, then click life cycle goal package.

Command Line Options

We provide a very comprehensive command line arguments for the application implemented in MultivariateEEApp. It is implemented using JCommander in the class MultivariateEEArgs. On the terminal -help will print all available commands, or you can go through MultivariateEEArgs class to easily figure out more details on how to use it.

There is a lot of command line options just added for my own use during experiments. End users don't need to set all of them, just use the defaults.

Here's a list of helpful command lines

-seed = 0 // sets the random seed
-threads=0 // sets the number of CPU threads to use, 0 means use all available CPUs
-norm=false // z-normalize datasets per series per dimension

// If using UCR datasets

-data=E:/data/ // folder to datasets
-archive=Multivariate2018_ts // sub folder with archive name
-datasets=BasicMotions,LSST,RocketTree // list of datasets

// Else

-train=full train file with extension
-test=full test file with extension

// What action to do, either train or test or set both to true -- explained under Training MEE

// Which measures to use


// Dependency to use
// if false is in the list, then independent measures are trained
// if true is in the list, then dependent measures are trained
// by default both false and true is provided in the list

// Parameter ranges to search -- use this default, if doing something else refer to 
// parseParams function in MultivariateEEArgs class


// Default training params
// use all dimensions, can give a subset of dimensions 
// refer to parseDimenstionsToUse function in class MultivariateEEArgs


// p-norms used for independent and depenedent measures -- refer to the paper

// Output files

-o=out/train/ // output folder, a relative or absolute path
-fileOutput=overwrite // true by default, this will overwrite result files
-exportTrainQueryFile=true // true by default, exports a csv file with prediction of each training sample per row
-exportTestQueryFile=true  // true by default, exports a csv file with prediction of each test sample per row

// Only used during for test time -- explained under Testing MEE

###Training MEE Here's a sample command line argument to train the three sample datasets provided in the folder data/samples

java -Xmx16g -cp "MEE-v1.0.jar:lib/*"
-seed=6463564 -threads=0
-data=data/samples/ -archive=multivariate
-runLOOCV=true -runTesting=false 

-Xmx16g is a Java Virtual Machine flag that sets virtual memory limit. In this example its set to 16 GB. -cp command gives the path to the jar file. and lib/* gives path to lib file. I have compiled lib files as external files to reduce jar file size when uploading to computing servers. You can configure the IDE to include lib files in the jar file if you wish. On a Linux machine, you may need to replace the : with ;.

I am using -cp flag for JVM and then providing main class name as "MEE-v1.0.jar:lib/*" applications.mee.MultivariateEE in the command line because pom.xml file in the project is configured to package the main file for TS-CHIEF by default.

###Testing MEE

I did not write code in a way to sequentially perform training and testing in one run. This is because I ran leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) to find the best parameter for each measure, and to speed up, I ran LOOCV on nodes of a cluster.

So once training phase is run, it will output temporary csv files (e.g. to the folder -o=out/train/) which contain training results for each dataset, each measure and each parameter and each dependency method (independent or dependent).

Once all partial training results are obtained, download them from different servers and put them into a single folder. Then run the provided python script to find best param in each grouping (e.g. I tried different groupings such as best among all independent, or dependent or both combined). The python script will collate and aggregate temporary training results and produce a set of files with best parameters.

You must then feed this file back to the java application with command line options set as below to run the testing:

Change -runLOOCV=true -runTesting=false To -runLOOCV=false -runTesting=true

Then set the wording directory for testing using -testDir, e.g. -testDir=out/test/. This is the directory to which the python script outputted the final LOOCV results

The post-processing python scripts are in the file src/python/mee/ Other useful scripts are in the Jupyter Notebook experiments/papers/multivariate_measures/mv_results.ipynb

If you dont want to redo the LOOCV, I have provided the best param files in the folder data/raw.

Related Research

Other related papers, please cite them if using the source code:

Proximity Forest

Lucas, B., Shifaz, A., Pelletier, C., O’Neill, L., Zaidi, N., Goethals, B., ... & 
Webb, G. I. (2019). Proximity forest: an effective and scalable distance-based 
classifier for time series. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 33(3), 607-635.


Shifaz, A., Pelletier, C., Petitjean, F., & Webb, G. I. (2020). 
TS-CHIEF: a scalable and accurate forest algorithm for time series classification. 
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 34(3), 742-775.