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2017 Lightning Talks

Glenn Block edited this page Jun 6, 2017 · 70 revisions

.NET Fringe Lightning talks


If you have a topic your passionate about, and you are attending .NET Fringe, why not submit a Lightning talk?

Note: Precedence will be given to those who are not speaking at .NET Fringe this year.


Lightning Talks are 5 minutes with 1 additional minute of setup.

How to submit a talk

Edit this wiki page and add your talk to the table below. We will send you an email if your talk is accepted.


Name Title Short abstract Status Email Day
Sumeya Block Jewelbots, programmable friendship bracelets for kids Jewelbots are programmable friendship bracelets aimed at girls. Founded by Sara Chips, with Jewelbots you can share the code you program and have fun with friends. Jewelbots include a small Arduino board and easy to program. In this talk I will explain how you can code your Jewelbot do awesome things and why they are so fun! I'll show you how to #codelikeagirl Approved 5
David Bryant Rudder - ephemeral environments for dev teams using AWS. Rudder creates short-lived environments for dev and qa teams. POSTs to AWS lambdas publish databases, spin up windows EC2 instances using CloudFormation and deploy dotnet core services to kubernetes on CoreOS via helm! DELETEs remove all traces Approved 5
Daniel Plaisted Handbell Hero! Have you had fun with Guitar Hero or Rock Band, but wished you could just as easily play a real musical instrument? Well now you can... with Handbell Hero! In this lightning talk I'll show off Handbell Hero, an app I've written that can help anyone play handbells. I've had tons of fun developing it and using it to form a handbell choir. Perhaps you will enjoy hearing about it! Approved daplaist at microsoft 5
James Montemagno Embedding .NET In Every App Written in Any Language With .NET, .NET Core, and Xamarin we can now take our C# & F# code to just about any platform including iOS, Android, and even Linux. However, what about all of those applications that aren't written in C# or F#? Why have then been neglected the ability of a sharing code across any platform and the luxury of the amazing features of C# and the power of .NET. Well not anymore with the Embeddinator-4000, taking any .NET library and turning it into a native library for java, objective-c, swift, or C/C++. Come find out how you can truly take .NET absolutely everywhere. Approved 5
Luke Foust Updating App Configuration Without a Deployment Being able to update your apps configuration without having to re-deploy the app can be a huge advantage. I'll cover the basics of how to accomplish this using the Core Configuration Stack and discuss some success I have had with this approach. Approved 5
Alena Hall Distributed Snapshot with F# Want to look at one of the distributed snapshot algorithms and it's implementation in F#? We have entire 5 minutes for that O_o Approved 5
Ted Neward Busy .NET Developer's Guide to CIL Bytecode In this presentation, we'll examine a concept more recently popularized as "naked objects"--the idea that objects should not be used to present a user interface, but that the user interface should be based around the domain objects themselves. We'll look at the Naked Objects libraries, how they work, and what development using NakedObjects looks and feels like. Careful, though: once you start working with this stuff, you may never want to go back to "traditional" means of writing code ever again. Approved 5
Mikayla Hutchinson Visual Studio for Mac's Open Source Core A lightning overview of the architecture of MonoDevelop, the open-source core of Visual Studio for Mac
Mikayla Hutchinson UrhoSharp: a Game Engine in a NuGet UrhoSharp is a .NET wrapper around the small yet comprehensive open-source game engine Urho3D. Come how easy it is to embed it in your apps!
Mikayla Hutchinson NuGetize all the things Learn how to use NuGetizer-3000, a quick and easy way to generate NuGet packages from any project.
Daniel Plaisted How to be more inclusive in tech In this lightning talk, we'll cover some practical tips for how we can make our community more welcoming and inclusive for all people. This would be mostly the same as the lightning talk I gave last year, except hopefully this time the slides will work! daplaist at microsoft
Daniel Plaisted How to love MSBuild MSBuild is the build engine for .NET. While it is powerful and flexible, it has at times been verbose, opaque, and complex to work with. It has, however, gotten way better as we’ve adopted it for the .NET Core tooling. In this lightning talk we’ll cover some of the big changes to MSBuild and its project file format, as well as some MSBuild basics that will help you customize the build process or diagnose what is happening in a build. daplaist at microsoft
Phillip Carter .NET Documentation on Have you seen the new docs for .NET, C#, F#, and Visual Basic? What about the .NET API Reference? If not, this is for you! Learn about our new docs, how to find them, what the contain, and how you can help improve them! Approved phcart at microsoft 6
Sean Killeen The Why / What / How of Structured logging with Serilog & Seq.NET I'll give a quick overview of why structured logging matters and demo an app using it in action goal is to show us solving a problem in 5 min, with background. Inspired by a (much longer) talk in 2016 by Daniel, so it will almost be like giving him another talk. 😉
Nicholas Myers Pagination with PaginableCollections How do you paginate data in .NET? In this quick talk, we will take a look at PaginableCollections, and see how it can make your pagination code awesome! Approved 6
Jon Galloway Open Source Software Foundations: Not Totally Boring, Actually Super Awesome Foundations sound horribly boring, but if you love building and using open source software, they're actually really cool. I've been the executive director of the .NET Foundation since February, and one of my most difficult tasks when I was first starting was figuring out how to describe what the .NET Foundation actually is, let alone why anyone should actually care. Foundations can do a lot for the community, and maybe for your open source project. After getting you hyped out of your minds on what software foundations do for you today, we'll talk about where they could possibly go tomorrow. Approved 6e
Scott McAllister What soccer teaches us about building successful teams Building a team of "Rockstars", "Ninjas", or "Gurus" seems to be the ideal for most organizations. The reason behind paying the high salaries and managing the egos is that, in theory, assembling the best talent should guarantee success. Right? While discussing how we build our own successful teams in our organizations we'll look at how various soccer teams were assembled and how successful they were. Approved 6
Adam Dymitruk Microservices and Event Sourcing as Easy as 123 with Go and Git Microservices imply a lot about how to build systems. A lot of new concepts bubble up like CAP theorem, messaging patterns, asynchronous processing and daunting topics like CQRS and Event Sourcing. Well it's not hard at all. So why not look at a teaching tool that will show explicitly the moving parts of something like CQRS/ES without having to learn a bunch of frameworks, libraries and patterns in the process. This talk will show how you can debug and step through changes of your application in Git - whether that's on Github, your command line or your favourite Git history browser. Approved 6
Alistair Chapman Making builds a piece of Cake A short intro to using Cake (C# Make) to automate your project including build, test, packaging, publishing and deployment, on any platform! In this talk I'll be showing a quick demo of how to get started with Cake, integrating with your favourite tools, and a very quick look at Cake's more advanced features. Approved 5
Jeremy Bellows Concurrent Web UI Automation in F# Web UI Automation is an excellent tool for asserting programmer sanity. Selenium is a UI Automation library that enables interaction with the web browser via code. Tired of waiting on Selenium tests? Check out Marquee, a Selenium based, concurrent web testing library written in F#.
Chris Lucian Mob Programming a whole team approach to software development How do we stay ahead of the curve with our entire team? By involving the whole team. I want to talk about Mob Programming as a way to stay on the fringe. We have 4 developers to one computer every day all day. Dedicated learning sessions and have never seen our development go better. This is a short introduction to the practice, how we set up the environment and how we scaled it. Approved chris.lucian at 6
Erick Thompson Moving beyond Hello World: A build/deploy pipeline for .NET Core containerized applications Getting a .NET Core application up and running with Docker is fairly straightforward. However, at some point you need a full build/deploy pipeline. For our V1, we built an end-to-end pipeline using TeamCity, ProGet, Octopus Deploy, AWS ECS, and Terraform. In this talk, I will give a brief overview of our architecture, and talk about the pitfalls encountered, successful projects, and the lessons learned. Approved 6
Scott Hamilton gitlost: git visualization in the browser showing off a nodejs way to view your git branches and understand what is going on. Extremely useful for coordinating a ton of feature branches
Eric Fisher Teaching Programming Teaching Programming. We all have friends, family, etc who want to learn to program. Unfortunately as intermediate and senior developers our good intentions for our learners often sets them up for failure. As a former college instructor and content author at Code School, let me help you help your learners. Approved 6e
Dave Glick From 0 To Docs In 5 Minutes Watch us go in real-time from nothing to full API docs for your C# project with a wiki, blog, and more using the open source Wyam static generation tool. Approved 6e
Robin Law Atomic Commits! Have you ever found yourself at the end of a programming trance and look at your diff, only to find the abyss staring back at you? Let me tell you how to fix that! I want to tell you the virtues of atomic commits: One change, one commit!
Ken Dale & Khalid Abuhakmeh Runtime User Switching with Stuntman Web apps are great. Logging out and in to test a new feature for a specific role -- not so much! Let us show you how to ease the pain using Stuntman, an open source library that provides an on-screen control enabling easy runtime user switching in ASP.NET applications. Check it out at
Anna Zietlow git commit -m "morality" As we build more sophisticated tech, we must come to conclusions about age-old moral dilemmas. But who is going to commit? Approved 6
Gad Berger A distributed workflow engine for microservices A framework that behaves like a "saga" for mixed user and microservice operations.