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dotnetprofessional edited this page May 20, 2014 · 1 revision

xpf - Cross Platform Framework

The goal of xpf is to provide a series of small useful components that can be used in most if not all C# environments. The components are spilt into their respective area's of concern. This is to allow developers to pick an choose which parts are useful for a given project. Dependencies between components are kept to a minimum to reduce the impact of picking one component brining in all the components.

There are numerous components being developed, below is a brief description with the status of each:

##xpf.Script: Beta A scripting engine abstraction that makes interacting with various scripting frameworks such as SQL Server, PowerShell and Razor easier and more consistent using a fluent API. While this component is supported on all C# environments the scripting frameworks are typically platform specific.

###xpf.Script.SQLServer: Beta An implementation of xpf.Script for SQL Server. This allows for advanced scripting support such using embedded resources, batching, in and out parameters, and various conversions.

##xpf.FileSystem: design A cross platform fluent API to access the file system. This component will also have support for other file systems such as OneDrive, DropBox and Azure Blobs. This component is still in the early API design phase.

##xpf.Http: Alpha A cross platform Http abstraction that makes accessing Http resources easier. This component is functional but still requires more testing and validation.

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