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Analyzer Configuration

Starting with version 2.6.3, all the analyzer NuGet packages produced in this repo, including the FxCop Analyzers NuGet package, support .editorconfig based analyzer configuration. End users can configure the behavior of specific CA rule(s) OR all configurable CA rules by specifying supported key-value pair options in an .editorconfig file. You can read more about .editorconfig format here.

.editorconfig format

Analyzer configuration options from an .editorconfig file are parsed into general and specific configuration options. General configuration enables configuring the behavior of all CA rules for which the provided option is valid. Specific configuration enables configuring each CA rule ID or CA rules belonging to each rule category, such as 'Naming', 'Design', 'Performance', etc. or CA rules with a specific custom tag, such as 'Dataflow'. Our options are case-insensitive. Below are the supported formats:

  1. General configuration option:
    1. dotnet_code_quality.OptionName = OptionValue
  2. Specific configuration option:
    1. dotnet_code_quality.RuleId.OptionName = OptionValue
    2. dotnet_code_quality.RuleCategory.OptionName = OptionValue
    3. dotnet_code_quality.RuleCustomTag.OptionName = OptionValue

For example, end users can configure the analyzed API surface for analyzers using the below api_surface option specification:

  1. General configuration option:
    1. dotnet_code_quality.api_surface = public
  2. Specific configuration option:
    1. dotnet_code_quality.CA1040.api_surface = public
    2. dotnet_code_quality.Naming.api_surface = public
    3. dotnet_code_quality.Dataflow.api_surface = public

Enabling .editorconfig based configuration

VS2019 16.3 and later + Analyzer package version 3.3.x and later

End users can enable .editorconfig based configuration for individual documents, folders, projects, solution or entire repo by creating an .editorconfig file with the options in the corresponding directory. This file can also contain .editorconfig based diagnostic severity configuration entries. See here for more details.

Prior to VS2019 16.3 or using an analyzer package version prior to 3.3.x

  1. Per-project .editorconfig file: End users can enable .editorconfig based configuration for individual projects by just copying the .editorconfig file with the options to the project root directory.
  2. Shared .editorconfig file: If you would like to share a common .editorconfig file between projects, say <%PathToSharedEditorConfig%>\.editorconfig, then you should add the following MSBuild property group and item group to a shared props file that is imported before the FxCop analyzer props files (that come from the FxCop analyzer NuGet package reference):
  <ItemGroup Condition="Exists('<%PathToSharedEditorConfig%>\.editorconfig')" >
    <AdditionalFiles Include="<%PathToSharedEditorConfig%>\.editorconfig" />

Note that this additional file based approach is also supported on VS2019 16.3 and later releases for backwards compatibility.

Supported .editorconfig options

This section documents the list of supported .editorconfig key-value options for CA rules.

Analyzed API surface

Option Name: api_surface

Configurable Rules: CA1000, CA1002, CA1003, CA1005, CA1008, CA1010, CA1012, CA1021, CA1024, CA1027, CA1028, CA1030, CA1036, CA1040, CA1041, CA1043, CA1044, CA1045, CA1046, CA1047, CA1051, CA1052, CA1054, CA1055, CA1056, CA1058, CA1063, CA1070, CA1700, CA1707, CA1708, CA1710, CA1711, CA1714, CA1715, CA1716, CA1717, CA1720, CA1721, CA1725, CA1801, CA1802, CA1815, CA1819, CA1822, CA2208, CA2217, CA2225, CA2226, CA2231, CA2234

Option Values:

Option Value Summary
public Analyzes public APIs that are externally visible outside the assembly.
internal or friend Analyzes internal APIs that are visible within the assembly and to assemblies with InternalsVisibleToAttribute access.
private Analyzes private APIs that are only visible within the containing type.
all Analyzes all APIs, regardless of the symbol visibility.

Default Value: public

Example: dotnet_code_quality.api_surface = all

Users can also provide a comma separated list of above option values. For example, dotnet_code_quality.api_surface = private, internal configures analysis of the entire non-public API surface.

Analyzed output kinds

Option Name: output_kind

Configurable Rules: CA2007

Option Values: One or more fields of enum Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CompilationOptions.OutputKind as a comma separated list.

Default Value: All output kinds

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA2007.output_kind = ConsoleApplication, DynamicallyLinkedLibrary

Required modifiers for analyzed APIs

Option Name: required_modifiers

Configurable Rules: CA1802

Option Values: Comma separated listed of one or more modifier values from the below table. Note that not all values are applicable for every configurable rule.

Option Value Summary
none No modifier requirement.
static or Shared Must be declared as 'static' ('Shared' in Visual Basic).
const Must be declared as 'const'.
readonly Must be declared as 'readonly'.
abstract Must be declared as 'abstract'.
virtual Must be declared as 'virtual'.
override Must be declared as 'override'.
sealed Must be declared as 'sealed'.
extern Must be declared as 'extern'.
async Must be declared as 'async'.

Default Value: Depends on each configurable rule:

  1. CA1802: default value is 'static'. Set the value to 'none' to allow flagging instance fields.

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA1802.required_modifiers = none.

Async void methods

Option Name: exclude_async_void_methods

Configurable Rules: CA2007

Option Values: true or false

Default Value: false

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA2007.exclude_async_void_methods = true

Single letter type parameters

Option Name: exclude_single_letter_type_parameters

Configurable Rules: CA1715

Option Values: true or false

Default Value: false

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA1715.exclude_single_letter_type_parameters = true

Exclude extension method 'this' parameter

Option Name: exclude_extension_method_this_parameter

Configurable Rules: CA1062

Option Values: true or false

Default Value: false

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA1062.exclude_extension_method_this_parameter = true

Null check validation methods

Option Name: null_check_validation_methods

Configurable Rules: CA1062

Option Values: Names of null check validation methods (separated by '|') that validate arguments passed to the method are non-null. Allowed method name formats:

  1. Method name only (includes all methods with the name, regardless of the containing type or namespace)
  2. Fully qualified names in the symbol's documentation ID format with an optional "M:" prefix.

Default Value: None


Option Value Summary
dotnet_code_quality.null_check_validation_methods = Validate Matches all methods named 'Validate' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.null_check_validation_methods = Validate1|Validate2 Matches all methods named either 'Validate1' or 'Validate2' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.null_check_validation_methods = NS.MyType.Validate(ParamType) Matches specific method 'Validate' with given fully qualified signature
dotnet_code_quality.null_check_validation_methods = NS1.MyType1.Validate1(ParamType)|NS2.MyType2.Validate2(ParamType) Matches specific methods 'Validate1' and 'Validate2' with respective fully qualified signature

Additional string formatting methods

Option Name: additional_string_formatting_methods

Configurable Rules: CA2241

Option Values: Names of additional string formatting methods (separated by '|'). Allowed method name formats:

  1. Method name only (includes all methods with the name, regardless of the containing type or namespace)
  2. Fully qualified names in the symbol's documentation ID format with an optional "M:" prefix.

Default Value: None


Option Value Summary
dotnet_code_quality.additional_string_formatting_methods = MyFormat Matches all methods named 'MyFormat' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.additional_string_formatting_methods = MyFormat1|MyFormat2 Matches all methods named either 'MyFormat1' or 'MyFormat2' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.additional_string_formatting_methods = NS.MyType.MyFormat(ParamType) Matches specific method 'MyFormat' with given fully qualified signature
dotnet_code_quality.additional_string_formatting_methods = NS1.MyType1.MyFormat1(ParamType)|NS2.MyType2.MyFormat2(ParamType) Matches specific methods 'MyFormat1' and 'MyFormat2' with respective fully qualified signature

Option Name: try_determine_additional_string_formatting_methods_automatically

Boolean option to enable heuristically detecting of additional string formatting methods A method is considered a string formatting method if it has a 'string format' parameter followed by a 'params object[]' parameter.

Configurable Rules: CA2241

Option Values: Boolean values

Default Value: false

Example: dotnet_code_quality.try_determine_additional_string_formatting_methods_automatically = true

Excluded symbol names

Option Name: excluded_symbol_names

Configurable Rules: CA1303, CA1062, CA1304, CA1508, CA2000, CA2100, CA2301, CA2302, CA2311, CA2312, CA2321, CA2322, CA2327, CA2328, CA2329, CA2330, CA3001, CA3002, CA3003, CA3004, CA3005, CA3006, CA3007, CA3008, CA3009, CA3010, CA3011, CA3012, CA5361, CA5376, CA5377, CA5378, CA5380, CA5381, CA5382, CA5383, CA5384, CA5387, CA5388, CA5389, CA5390

Option Values: Names of symbols (separated by '|') that are excluded for analysis. Allowed symbol name formats:

  1. Symbol name only (includes all symbols with the name, regardless of the containing type or namespace)
  2. Fully qualified names in the symbol's documentation ID format. Note that each symbol name requires a symbol kind prefix, such as "M:" prefix for methods, "T:" prefix for types, "N:" prefix for namespaces, etc.
  3. .ctor for constructors and .cctor for static constructors

Default Value: None


Option Value Summary
dotnet_code_quality.excluded_symbol_names = Validate Matches all symbols named 'Validate' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.excluded_symbol_names = Validate1|Validate2 Matches all symbols named either 'Validate1' or 'Validate2' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.excluded_symbol_names = M:NS.MyType.Validate(ParamType) Matches specific method 'Validate' with given fully qualified signature
dotnet_code_quality.excluded_symbol_names = M:NS1.MyType1.Validate1(ParamType)|M:NS2.MyType2.Validate2(ParamType) Matches specific methods 'Validate1' and 'Validate2' with respective fully qualified signature

Additionally, all the dataflow analysis based rules can be configured with a single entry dotnet_code_quality.dataflow.excluded_symbol_names = ...

Excluded type names with derived types

Option Name: excluded_type_names_with_derived_types

Configurable Rules: CA1303

Option Values: Names of types (separated by '|'), such that the type and all its derived types are excluded for analysis. Allowed symbol name formats:

  1. Type name only (includes all types with the name, regardless of the containing type or namespace)
  2. Fully qualified names in the symbol's documentation ID format with an optional "T:" prefix.

Default Value: None


Option Value Summary
dotnet_code_quality.excluded_type_names_with_derived_types = MyType Matches all types named 'MyType' and all of its derived types in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.excluded_type_names_with_derived_types = MyType1|MyType2 Matches all types named either 'MyType1' or 'MyType2' and all of their derived types in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.excluded_type_names_with_derived_types = T:NS.MyType Matches specific type 'MyType' with given fully qualified name and all of its derived types
dotnet_code_quality.excluded_type_names_with_derived_types = T:NS1.MyType1|M:NS2.MyType2 Matches specific types 'MyType1' and 'MyType2' with respective fully qualified names and all of their derived types

Unsafe DllImportSearchPath bits when using DefaultDllImportSearchPaths attribute

Option Name: unsafe_DllImportSearchPath_bits

Configurable Rules: CA5393

Option Values: Integer values of System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath

Default Value: '770', which is AssemblyDirectory | UseDllDirectoryForDependencies | ApplicationDirectory

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA5393.unsafe_DllImportSearchPath_bits = 770

Exclude ASP.NET Core MVC ControllerBase when considering CSRF

Option Name: exclude_aspnet_core_mvc_controllerbase

Configurable Rules: CA5391

Option Values: Boolean values

Default Value: true

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA5391.exclude_aspnet_core_mvc_controllerbase = false

Disallowed symbol names

Option Name: disallowed_symbol_names

Configurable Rules: CA1031

Option Values: Names of symbols (separated by '|') that are disallowed in the context of the analysis. Allowed symbol name formats:

  1. Symbol name only (includes all symbols with the name, regardless of the containing type or namespace)
  2. Fully qualified names in the symbol's documentation ID format. Note that each symbol name requires a symbol kind prefix, such as "M:" prefix for methods, "T:" prefix for types, "N:" prefix for namespaces, etc.
  3. .ctor for constructors and .cctor for static constructors

Default Value: None


Option Value Summary
dotnet_code_quality.disallowed_symbol_names = Validate Matches all symbols named 'Validate' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.disallowed_symbol_names = Validate1|Validate2 Matches all symbols named either 'Validate1' or 'Validate2' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.disallowed_symbol_names = M:NS.MyType.Validate(ParamType) Matches specific method 'Validate' with given fully qualified signature
dotnet_code_quality.disallowed_symbol_names = M:NS1.MyType1.Validate1(ParamType)|M:NS2.MyType2.Validate2(ParamType) Matches specific methods 'Validate1' and 'Validate2' with respective fully qualified signature

Dataflow analysis

Configurable Rules: CA1062, CA1303, CA1508, CA2000, CA2100, CA2213, Taint analysis rules

Interprocedural analysis Kind

Option Name: interprocedural_analysis_kind

Option Values:

Option Value Summary
None Skip interprocedural analysis for source method invocations.
NonContextSensitive Performs non-context sensitive interprocedural analysis for all source method invocations.
ContextSensitive Performs context sensitive interprocedural analysis for all source method invocations.

Default Value: Specific to each configurable rule.

Example: dotnet_code_quality.interprocedural_analysis_kind = ContextSensitive

Maximum method call chain length to analyze for interprocedural dataflow analysis

Option Name: max_interprocedural_method_call_chain

Option Values: Unsigned integer

Default Value: 3

Example: dotnet_code_quality.max_interprocedural_method_call_chain = 5

Maximum lambda or local function call chain length to analyze for interprocedural dataflow analysis

Option Name: max_interprocedural_lambda_or_local_function_call_chain

Option Values: Unsigned integer

Default Value: 10

Example: dotnet_code_quality.max_interprocedural_lambda_or_local_function_call_chain = 5

Dispose analysis kind for IDisposable rules

Option Name: dispose_analysis_kind

Configurable Rules: CA2000

Option Values:

Option Value Summary
AllPaths Track and report missing dispose violations on all paths (non-exception and exception paths). Additionally, also flag use of non-recommended dispose patterns that may cause potential dispose leaks.
AllPathsOnlyNotDisposed Track and report missing dispose violations on all paths (non-exception and exception paths). Do not flag use of non-recommended dispose patterns that may cause potential dispose leaks.
NonExceptionPaths Track and report missing dispose violations only on non-exception program paths. Additionally, also flag use of non-recommended dispose patterns that may cause potential dispose leaks.
NonExceptionPathsOnlyNotDisposed Track and report missing dispose violations only on non-exception program paths. Do not flag use of non-recommended dispose patterns that may cause potential dispose leaks.

Default Value: NonExceptionPaths.

Example: dotnet_code_quality.dispose_analysis_kind = AllPaths

Configure dispose ownership transfer for arguments passed to constructor invocation

Option Name: dispose_ownership_transfer_at_constructor

Configurable Rules: CA2000

Option Values: true or false

Default Value: false

Example: dotnet_code_quality.dispose_ownership_transfer_at_constructor = true

For example, consider the below code:

using System;

class A : IDisposable
    public void Dispose()

class Test
    DisposableOwnerType M1()
        // Dispose ownership for allocation 'new A()' is assumed to be transferred to the returned 'DisposableOwnerType' instance
        // only if 'dotnet_code_quality.dispose_ownership_transfer_at_constructor = true'.
        // Otherwise, current method 'M1' has the dispose ownership for 'new A()', and it fires a CA2000 as a dispose leak for the below code.
        return new DisposableOwnerType(new A());

Configure dispose ownership transfer for disposable objects passed as arguments to method calls

Option Name: dispose_ownership_transfer_at_method_call

Configurable Rules: CA2000

Option Values: true or false

Default Value: false

Example: dotnet_code_quality.dispose_ownership_transfer_at_method_call = false

For example, consider the below code:

using System;

class Test
    void M1()
        // Dispose ownership for allocation 'new A()' is assumed to be transferred to 'TransferDisposeOwnership' method
        // if 'dotnet_code_quality.dispose_ownership_transfer_at_method_call = true'.
        // Otherwise, current method 'M1' has the dispose ownership for 'new A()', and it fires a CA2000 as a dispose leak for the below code.
        TransferDisposeOwnership(new A());

Points to analysis kind for DFA rules based on PointsToAnalysis

Option Name: points_to_analysis_kind

Configurable Rules: All DFA rules

Option Values:

Option Value Summary
None PointsToAnalysis is disabled.
PartialWithoutTrackingFieldsAndProperties Partial analysis that does not track PointsToData for fields and properties for improved performance.
Complete Complete analysis that also tracks PointsToData for fields and properties.

Default Value: Depends on each rule.

Example: dotnet_code_quality.points_to_analysis_kind = Complete

Configure execution of Copy analysis (tracks value and reference copies)

Option Name: copy_analysis

Option Values: true or false

Default Value: Specific to each configurable rule ('true' by default for most rules)

Example: dotnet_code_quality.copy_analysis = true

Configure sufficient IterationCount when using weak KDF algorithm

Option Name: sufficient_IterationCount_for_weak_KDF_algorithm

Option Values: integral values

Default Value: Specific to each configurable rule ('100000' by default for most rules)

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA5387.sufficient_IterationCount_for_weak_KDF_algorithm = 100000

Do not prefix enum values with type name

Option Name: enum_values_prefix_trigger

Configurable Rules: CA1712

Option Values:

Option Value Summary
AnyEnumValue The rule will be triggered if any of the enum values starts with the enum type name.
AllEnumValues The rule will be triggered if all of the enum values start with the enum type name.
Heuristic The rule will be triggered using the default FxCop heuristic (i.e. when at least 75% of the enum values start with the enum type name).

Default Value: Heuristic.

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA1712.enum_values_prefix_trigger = AnyEnumValue

Exclude indirect base types

Option Name: exclude_indirect_base_types

Configurable Rules: CA1710

Option Values: true or false

Default Value: true

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA1710.exclude_indirect_base_types = true

For example, consider the code below:

// An issue is always raised on this type because the suffix should be 'Exception'.
public class MyBaseClass : Exception, IEnumerable
   // code omitted for simplicity

// If the option is enabled no issue is raised on 'MyClass'; otherwise an issue will
// suggest to add the 'Exception' suffix.
public class MyClass : MyBaseClass
   // code omitted for simplicity

Additional required suffixes

Option Name: additional_required_suffixes

Configurable Rules: CA1710

Option Values: List (separated by '|') of type names with their required suffix (separated by '->'). Allowed type name formats:

  1. Type name only (includes all types with the name, regardless of the containing type or namespace)
  2. Fully qualified names in the symbol's documentation ID format with an optional "T:" prefix.

Default Value: None


Option Value Summary
dotnet_code_quality.CA1710.additional_required_suffixes = MyClass->Class All types inheriting from 'MyClass' are expected to have the 'Class' suffix
`dotnet_code_quality.CA1710.additional_required_suffixes = MyClass->Class MyNamespace.IPath->Path`
dotnet_code_quality.CA1710.additional_required_suffixes = T:System.Data.IDataReader->{} Allows to override built-in suffixes, in this case, all types implementing 'IDataReader' are no longer expected to end in 'Collection'

Additional required generic interfaces

Option Name: additional_required_generic_interfaces

Configurable Rules: CA1010

Option Values: List (separated by '|') of interface names with their required generic fully qualified interface (separated by '->'). Allowed interface formats:

  1. Interface name only (includes all interfaces with the name, regardless of the containing type or namespace)
  2. Fully qualified names in the symbol's documentation ID format with an optional "T:" prefix.

Default Value: None


Option Value Summary
dotnet_code_quality.CA1010.additional_required_generic_interfaces = ISomething->System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1 All types implementing 'ISomething' regardless of its namespace are expected to also implement 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1'.
dotnet_code_quality.CA1010.additional_required_generic_interfaces = T:System.Collections.IDictionary->T:System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2 All types implementing 'System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary' are expected to also implement 'System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary`2'.

Inheritance excluded type or namespace names

Option Name: additional_inheritance_excluded_symbol_names

Configurable Rules: CA1501

Option Values: Names of types or namespaces (separated by '|'), such that the type or type's namespace doesn't count in the inheritance hierarchy tree. Allowed symbol name formats:

  1. Type or namespace name (includes all types with the name, regardless of the containing type or namespace and all types whose namespace contains the name)
  2. Type or namespace name ending with a wildcard symbol (includes all types whose name starts with the given name, regardless of the containing type or namespace and all types whose namespace contains the name)
  3. Fully qualified names in the symbol's documentation ID format with an optional "T:" prefix for types or "N:" prefix for namespaces.
  4. Fully qualified type or namespace name with an optional "T:" prefix for type or "N:" prefix for namespace and ending with the wildcard symbol (includes all types whose fully qualified name starts with the given suffix)

Default Value: N:System.* (note that this value is always automatically added to the value provided)


Option Value Summary
dotnet_code_quality.CA1501.additional_inheritance_excluded_symbol_names = MyType Matches all types named 'MyType' or whose containing namespace contains 'MyType' and all types from the 'System' namespace
dotnet_code_quality.CA1501.additional_inheritance_excluded_symbol_names = MyType1|MyType2 Matches all types named either 'MyType1' or 'MyType2' or whose containing namespace contains either 'MyType1' or 'MyType2' and all types from the 'System' namespace
dotnet_code_quality.CA1501.additional_inheritance_excluded_symbol_names = T:NS.MyType Matches specific type 'MyType' in the namespace 'NS' and all types from the 'System' namespace
dotnet_code_quality.CA1501.additional_inheritance_excluded_symbol_names = T:NS1.MyType1|T:NS2.MyType2 Matches specific types 'MyType1' and 'MyType2' with respective fully qualified names and all types from the 'System' namespace
dotnet_code_quality.CA1501.additional_inheritance_excluded_symbol_names = N:NS Matches all types from the 'NS' namespace and all types from the 'System' namespace
dotnet_code_quality.CA1501.additional_inheritance_excluded_symbol_names = My* Matches all types whose name starts with 'My' or whose containing namespace parts starts with 'My' and all types from the 'System' namespace
dotnet_code_quality.CA1501.additional_inheritance_excluded_symbol_names = T:NS.My* Matches all types whose name starts with 'My' in the namespace 'NS' and all types from the 'System' namespace
dotnet_code_quality.CA1501.additional_inheritance_excluded_symbol_names = N:My* Matches all types whose containing namespace starts with 'My' and all types from the 'System' namespace

Analyzed symbol kinds

Option Name: analyzed_symbol_kinds

Configurable Rules: CA1716

Option Values: One or more fields of enum Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SymbolKind as a comma separated list.

Default Value: Namespace, NamedType, Method, Property, Event, Parameter

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA1716.analyzed_symbol_kinds = Namespace, Property

Use naming heuristic

Option Name: use_naming_heuristic

Configurable Rules: CA1303

Option Values: Boolean values

Default Value: false

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA1303.use_naming_heuristic = true

Additional use results methods

Option Name: additional_use_results_methods

Configurable Rules: CA1806

Option Values: Names of additional methods (separated by '|') for CA1806. Allowed method name formats:

  1. Method name only (includes all methods with the name, regardless of the containing type or namespace)
  2. Fully qualified names in the symbol's documentation ID format: with an optional "M:" prefix.

Default Value: None


Option Value Summary
dotnet_code_quality.CA1806.additional_use_results_methods = MyMethod Matches all methods named 'MyMethod' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.CA1806.additional_use_results_methods = MyMethod1|MyMethod2 Matches all methods named either 'MyMethod1' or 'MyMethod2' in the compilation
dotnet_code_quality.CA1806.additional_use_results_methods = M:NS.MyType.MyMethod(ParamType) Matches specific method 'MyMethod' with given fully qualified signature
dotnet_code_quality.CA1806.additional_use_results_methods = M:NS1.MyType1.MyMethod1(ParamType)|M:NS2.MyType2.MyMethod2(ParamType) Matches specific methods 'MyMethod1' and 'MyMethod2' with respective fully qualified signature

Allowed suffixes

Option Name: allowed_suffixes

Configurable Rules: CA1711

Option Values: List (separated by '|') of allowed suffixes

Example: dotnet_code_quality.CA1711.allowed_suffixes = Flag|Flags