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180 lines (151 loc) · 5.76 KB

File metadata and controls

180 lines (151 loc) · 5.76 KB - A Usenet spamfilter intended for use with the INN2 server.

PyClean performs a similar role to the original Perl-based Cleanfeed. Its core functionality can be adjusted through settings in the pyclean.cfg file, while other config files control specific filter and logging behaviour. Examples of these files can be found in the pyclean/samples directory.

By default the configuration takes a cautious approach, assuming that under-filtering is better than accidental removal of valid posts. The pyclean.log file provides a real-time overview of filter actions so rules can be tweaked where required. In addition, entire articles can be saved to files via rules defined in the pyclean/etc/log_rules file.

Please remember to configure the local_hosts file to contain a list of injecting-hosts that are under the operator's control. This file determines whether articles are matched against bad_* or local_bad_* rule files.


For now the Debian INN2 package does not provide Python support.

To add Python support to the Debian INN2 compile it with the missing --with-python option.

This is easier than it appears and package recompilation is well docummented here

Once Python support added to INN:

  1. Clone the repository to your server
git clone
  Cloning into 'PyClean'...
  remote: Enumerating objects: 715, done.
  remote: Total 715 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 715
  Receiving objects: 100% (715/715), 130.10 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
  Resolving deltas: 100% (452/452), done.
  1. Move the newly created PyClean directory to your /filter directory:
mv ./PyClean /etc/news/filter/pyclean
  1. Rename /filter/pyclean/ to filter/
mv /etc/news/filter/pyclean/ /etc/news/filter/
  1. Create the followinf 2 directories /filter/pyclean/etc and /filter/pyclean/lib:
mkdir /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc /etc/news/filter/pyclean/lib
  1. Apply rights to user news on the /filter/pyclean directory:
chown -R news: /etc/news/filter/pyclean


PyClean will look for its configuration files in various places. One of them is the Debian specific /etc/default/pyclean. You can make it this file the configuration file or just set some values that will later be overridden by another configuration file.

Edit the /etc/default/pyclean file:

etc = /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc
log = /var/log/news/pyclean
logart = /var/log/news/pyclean/articles
lib = /etc/news/filter/pyclean/lib

With such à /etc/default/pyclean PyClean will look after a configuration file in /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc

The default configuration file looks like this:

level = info
format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s
datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
retain = 7
logart_maxlines = 20

lines_allowed = 15
allow_pgp = true
reject_suspected = false
fasttrack_references = true

ph_coarse = true
body_threshold = 5
body_ceiling = 85
body_maxentries = 5000
body_timed_trim = 3600
body_fuzzy = true
phn_threshold = 100
phn_ceiling = 150
phn_maxentries = 5000
phn_timed_trim = 1800
lphn_threshold = 20
lphn_ceiling = 30
lphn_maxentries = 200
lphn_timed_trim = 1800
phl_threshold = 20
phl_ceiling = 80
phl_maxentries = 5000
phl_timed_trim = 3600
fsl_threshold = 20
fsl_ceiling = 40
fsl_maxentries = 5000
fsl_timed_trim = 3600
ihn_threshold = 10
ihn_ceiling = 15
ihn_maxentries = 1000
ihn_timed_trim = 7200

max_crosspost = 10
max_low_crosspost = 3

reject_cancels = false
reject_redundant = true

newsguy = true
reject_html = true
reject_multipart = false

path_hostname = true

etc = /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc
log = /var/log/news/pyclean
logart = /var/log/news/pyclean/articles
lib = /etc/news/filter/pyclean/lib

Filter files are stored in /filter/pyclean/etc as defined sooner but are not created. You may want to create them to avoid warnings in logfile:

for FILE in "/etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/local_bad_groups \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/bad_groups_dizum \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/bad_posthost \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/local_bad_from \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/local_hosts \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/bad_body \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/local_bad_subject \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/local_bad_body \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/bad_cp_groups \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/bad_groups \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/bad_subject \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/log_from \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/ihn_hosts \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/local_bad_cp_groups \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/bad_crosspost_host \
              /etc/news/filter/pyclean/etc/good_posthost \
  do touch ${FILE};
  chown news: ${FILE};

To allow PyClean to apply specific filters on local articles, you must set your local hostnames in /filter/pyclean/etc/local_hosts:

/old\.example\.net/       20220101
/server\.example\.net/    20420101

Most of the filter files use the same syntax wich has 2 parts on each line:

  • One regular expression between slashes
  • An expire date in YYYYmmdd format

You may need to restart INN at first startup. In any case after you modified a filter file you can just reload the INN python filter:

sudo -u news /usr/lib/news/bin/ctlinnd reload filter.python "PyClean Initial load"

Finally check you logs, all should be running as expected.