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Releases: dounai2333/CSNS-Chinese-Localization

Release 1.3.4 fixed

12 Apr 18:18
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  • Remove new block method (it's useless)
  • Improve the search function to reduce crashes
  • Added a new file to block list
  • New argument: -killac (kill anti-cheat process to speed up loading time a little)
  • 删除新的文件阻止方式 (没用了)
  • 改进搜索功能以减少闪退
  • 添加一个新的文件到阻止列表
  • 新启动项: -killac (关闭反作弊进程, 可使游戏加载速度稍快一点)

Fix log:

  • Disable block of bad_words.csv
  • Using a new block type on 1 file
  • 禁用阻止bad_words.csv加载
  • 应用新的阻止类型到1个文件上


If you already have 1.3.3 release installed, I recommend download the exe only version (
如果你的电脑里已经有1.3.3发行版, 我建议下载只附带汉化exe的版本 (

Release 1.3.3

04 Mar 11:13
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  • Use old block method as default to save performance
    • rename -oldblockmethod to -newblockmethod
  • Added 2 files block to old block method
  • Using safer way to block files (may cause crash sometimes)
  • 默认使用旧的文件阻止方式以拯救性能
    • 将 -oldblockmethod 改名为 -newblockmethod
  • 将2个文件添加进旧阻止方式
  • 使用更安全的方法阻止文件加载(小概率闪退)

Release 1.3.2

18 Feb 03:15
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  • Changed pak folder address to static one
  • Use new method default to block files from Packer
  • Added 3 arguments: -dontblock , -oldblockmethod and -autoexit
  • Changed some hint text
  • Remove chat_filter_list.csv from mute list cause it don't really affact the chat
  • 将pak目录的地址更改为静态地址
  • 默认使用新模式阻止Packer的文件加载
  • 添加3个启动项: -dontblock , -oldblockmethod和-autoexit
  • 修改了一些提示文本
  • 从屏蔽列表中删除chat_filter_list.csv因为实际上它并不影响聊天框

Release 1.2

25 Dec 21:29
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  • Support new Packer file
  • Add training room hint sounds to mute list
  • Show how many file get muted instead of show mute message every line
  • Overall code optimization
  • 支持最新Packer文件
  • 将训练房间的提示声音添加到屏蔽列表
  • 显示屏蔽了多少个文件而不是屏蔽1个就显示1行消息
  • 代码整体优化

Release 1.1

01 Dec 16:59
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  • Optimize code structure
  • Add a new game file to blacklist
  • 优化代码整体结构
  • 添加新的游戏文件到重定向列表

Release 1.0

01 Dec 08:22
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Initial release