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This repository contains the client and server of the DownToMeet application, created for Computer Science 130 (Software Engineering) at UCLA during Fall 2020.


  • Connie Chen
  • Timothy Gu
  • Linus Lam
  • Jamie Liu
  • Timothy Rediehs

Directory Structure


All of our client-side code is located in the client folder in the root directory of this repository, which contains the src and public sub-directories. Our application's index.html and public assets are located in public, whereas the source code is in src. The README also contains additional information on how to build and run the client.

Looking in the src folder, we used redux to manage the state of our application. The store is located in the app folder, whereas the actions and reducers are located in stores\user. The source code for all our React components is located in the components directory. lib contains implementations for the methods used to fetch data from our server. The app is defined in App.js, and rendered in index.js.


All of our server-side code is located in the server folder in the root directory of this repository. This folders contains the cmd\down-to-meet, db, impl, models, and restapi subdirectories. Additional information as well as instructions on building and running the server can be found in the README in this folder.

In the server directory is also the swagger.yml file. This is where we define our OpenAPI specification, including the available endpoints and input/output types for our API. The information defined in this file is used by go-swagger to auto-generate the code in the models, restapi, and cmd\down-to-meet subdirectories. models defines the data structures used by our server and API, restapi contains server boilerplate, and cmd\down-to-meet auto-generated source code for the server binary.

The db subdirectory is where our database schema is defined. Endpoint implementations and their associated tests are located in the impl folder. For each endpoint located in xxx.go, the corresponding tests can be found in xxx_test.go.


To build the client, run the following commands:

$ cd client
$ yarn
$ yarn start

For additional information or help, refer to the README.

To build the server, run the following commands:

$ cd server
$ make start

For additional information or help, refer to the README.

To run the tests, run the following commands, from any folder in the repository:

# Backend tests
$ go test

# Frontend tests
$ yarn test


Our documentation is located in the docs folder. The server subdirectory contains the documentation for our server-side handlers and functions. The client subdirectory contains the documentation for our frontend components. The file api-documentation.pdf contains the full documentation for our REST API, as auto-generated by Swagger.


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