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Batcher class extracted from Doximity for email queuing


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The Batchmaker is a simply utility that using a separate thread and an atomic queue, easily allows to store objects on the queue and perform a operation on a batch of the objects. The batch is controlled by a maximum size and a tick period, ensuring that the batch have at most N objects or that at most M time-unit have elapsed.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'batchmaker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install batchmaker


The batchmaker class requires several arguments on initialization:

batchmaker =, size, tick_period, on_error: nil, &block)

name - The name of the queue (for emails, referencing the priority of the worker, e.g. critical, default, low)

size - Size of the queue

tick_period - The amount of time to wait before processing the queue

on_error - Optional error callback (Proc)

&block - Action to occur when the queue is processed (In this case, enqueuing the message data to the specified send email worker)

BATCH_EXCEPTION_NOTIFIER = -> (err, ident_str) {
  ExceptionNotification.log_and_notify(err, batchmaker_id: ident_str)

batchmaker ="email-default", 100, 20, on_error: BATCH_EXCEPTION_NOTIFIER) do |batch|

# Add items to the batchmaker queue
batchmaker << 1
batchmaker << 2


Gem documentation

You can find the documentation by going to CircleCI, looking for the build job, going to Artifacts and clicking on index.html. A visual guide on this can be found in our wiki at Gems Development: Where to find documentation for our gems.

Gem development

After checking out the repo, run bundle install to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bundle console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

This repository uses a gem publishing mechanism on the CI configuration, meaning most work related with cutting a new version is done automatically.

To release a new version, follow the wiki instructions.