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David Park edited this page Dec 14, 2023 · 2 revisions



This project provides a 48-hour guide for UK free-to-air TV and radio stations, primarily targeting channels available on Freeview/Freesat/FsfS (or other online services).


It was mainly born out of my own need for an EPG solution. After the big IPTV repository shutdown, the only options seemed to be either having no data or paying for too much data, so I created this as a solution.


Magic. And Python.

Further questions

Can you add [insert channel name]?

That depends. If the channel is free to air on a UK TV/FAST service, then probably yes. If the channel requires some sort of subscription or premium package, then no. All requests are checked first and are not guaranteed to be added. If you would like to have a channel added, please use the channel request form.

Why is the EPG only 48 hours?

A couple of reasons: my personal preference, since I only use the data to watch and not record; and to conserve things like GitHub Actions runtime and EPG file size, since the file can be about 8-10MB and takes up to 20 minutes to generate.

Can you make it longer?

Currently, no. In the future, I might increase the automatic EPG file to 72 hours, but that's not something I've decided on yet. The execution time needs to come down before the length goes up, too.

How can I contact you?

Either open an issue or find me on Discord.