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Redoing the micro-operations to make things less complicated - not qu…
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dparnell committed Apr 22, 2012
1 parent 64d157c commit dd93170
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Showing 2 changed files with 112 additions and 178 deletions.
280 changes: 107 additions & 173 deletions src/dcpu16_core.erl
Expand Up @@ -9,12 +9,10 @@


-import(array, [new/2, get/2, set/3]).

-export([init/0, ram/2, ram/3, get_reg/2, set_reg/3, cycle/1, cycle/2, print/1]).

%% everything about the CPU is in the cpu record
-record(cpu, { a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, i = 0, j = 0, pc = 0, sp = 0, overflow = 0, skip = false, w = [], target = none }).
-record(cpu, { a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, i = 0, j = 0, pc = 0, sp = 0, overflow = 0, skip = false, w = [], target = none, pointer = none }).

%% Set up a new DCPU-16 instance with everything we need
init() ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,7 +61,9 @@ reg(Cpu, Reg) ->
pc -> Cpu#cpu.pc;
sp -> Cpu#cpu.sp;
overflow -> Cpu#cpu.overflow;
skip -> Cpu#cpu.skip
skip -> Cpu#cpu.skip;
target ->;
pointer -> Cpu#cpu.pointer

reg(Cpu, Reg, Value) ->
Expand All @@ -80,10 +80,21 @@ reg(Cpu, Reg, Value) ->
pc -> Cpu#cpu{pc = Value};
sp -> Cpu#cpu{sp = Value};
overflow -> Cpu#cpu{overflow = Value};
skip -> Cpu#cpu{skip = Value}
skip -> Cpu#cpu{skip = Value};
target -> Cpu#cpu{target = Value};
pointer -> Cpu#cpu{pointer = Value}

decode_read_next_ind(Reg) ->
[ nop,
{ read_ind, pc },
{ inc, pc },
{ add, Reg },
{ write_reg, pointer },
{ read_reg_ind, pointer }

%% produce the micro operations for a read into the working stack
decode_read(Source) ->
case Source of
Expand All @@ -103,105 +114,63 @@ decode_read(Source) ->
13 -> { read_ind, z };
14 -> { read_ind, i };
15 -> { read_ind, j };
16 -> { read_next_ind, a };
17 -> { read_next_ind, b };
18 -> { read_next_ind, c };
19 -> { read_next_ind, x };
20 -> { read_next_ind, y };
21 -> { read_next_ind, z };
22 -> { read_next_ind, i };
23 -> { read_next_ind, j };
24 -> read_pop;
25 -> read_peek;
26 -> read_push;
16 -> decode_read_next_ind(a);
17 -> decode_read_next_ind(b);
18 -> decode_read_next_ind(c);
19 -> decode_read_next_ind(x);
20 -> decode_read_next_ind(y);
21 -> decode_read_next_ind(z);
22 -> decode_read_next_ind(i);
23 -> decode_read_next_ind(j);
24 -> [ { read_reg, sp }, { write_reg, pointer }, { read_ind, sp }, { inc, sp }]; %% POP == [sp++]
25 -> [ { read_reg, sp }, { write_reg, pointer }, { read_ind, sp }]; %% PEEK == [sp]
26 -> [ { dec, sp }, { read_reg, sp }, { write_reg, pointer}, { read_ind, sp} ]; %% PUSH == [--sp]
27 -> { read_reg, sp };
28 -> { read_reg, pc };
29 -> { read_reg, overflow };
30 -> read_next_ind;
31 -> read_next_literal;
30 -> [ nop, { read_ind, pc }, { inc, pc }, { write_reg, pointer }, { read_ind, pointer } ] ; %% [next word]
31 -> [ nop, { read_reg, pc }, { inc, pc }, { write_reg, pointer }, { read_ind, pointer } ] ; %% next word (literal)
_ -> {lit, Source band 31}

decode_target(Source) ->
case Source of
0 -> { target_reg, a };
1 -> { target_reg, b };
2 -> { target_reg, c };
3 -> { target_reg, x };
4 -> { target_reg, y };
5 -> { target_reg, z };
6 -> { target_reg, i };
7 -> { target_reg, j };
8 -> { target_ind, a };
9 -> { target_ind, b };
10 -> { target_ind, c };
11 -> { target_ind, x };
12 -> { target_ind, y };
13 -> { target_ind, z };
14 -> { target_ind, i };
15 -> { target_ind, j };
16 -> { target_next_ind, a };
17 -> { target_next_ind, b };
18 -> { target_next_ind, c };
19 -> { target_next_ind, x };
20 -> { target_next_ind, y };
21 -> { target_next_ind, z };
22 -> { target_next_ind, i };
23 -> { target_next_ind, j };
24 -> target_pop;
25 -> target_peek;
26 -> target_push;
27 -> { target_reg, sp };
28 -> { target_reg, pc };
29 -> { target_reg, overflow };
30 -> target_next_ind;
31 -> target_next_lit;
_ -> {target_lit, Source band 31}

%% produce the micro operations for a write from the working stack
decode_write(Destination) ->
case Destination of
0 -> { write_reg, a };
1 -> { write_reg, b };
2 -> { write_reg, c };
3 -> { write_reg, x };
4 -> { write_reg, y };
5 -> { write_reg, z };
6 -> { write_reg, i };
7 -> { write_reg, j };
8 -> { write_ind, a };
9 -> { write_ind, b };
0 -> { write_reg, a };
1 -> { write_reg, b };
2 -> { write_reg, c };
3 -> { write_reg, x };
4 -> { write_reg, y };
5 -> { write_reg, z };
6 -> { write_reg, i };
7 -> { write_reg, j };
8 -> { write_ind, a };
9 -> { write_ind, b };
10 -> { write_ind, c };
11 -> { write_ind, x };
12 -> { write_ind, y };
13 -> { write_ind, z };
14 -> { write_ind, i };
15 -> { write_ind, j };
16 -> { write_next_ind, a };
17 -> { write_next_ind, b };
18 -> { write_next_ind, c };
19 -> { write_next_ind, x };
20 -> { write_next_ind, y };
21 -> { write_next_ind, z };
22 -> { write_next_ind, i };
23 -> { write_next_ind, j };
24 -> write_pop;
25 -> write_peek;
26 -> write_push;
16 -> { write_ind, target };
17 -> { write_ind, target };
18 -> { write_ind, target };
19 -> { write_ind, target };
20 -> { write_ind, target };
21 -> { write_ind, target };
22 -> { write_ind, target };
23 -> { write_int, target };
24 -> { write_ind, target }; %% POP
25 -> { write_ind, target }; %% PEEK
26 -> { write_ind, target }; %% PUSH
27 -> { write_reg, sp };
28 -> { write_reg, pc };
29 -> { write_reg, o };
30 -> write_next_ind;
_ -> write_lit
30 -> { write_ind, target };
31 -> { write_ind, target };
_ -> drop

target_read(Source) ->
case Source of
24 -> read_target_pop;
26 -> read_target_push;
_ -> read_target
%% decode a non-basic opcode
decode_nonbasic_opcode(Opcode, A) ->
case Opcode of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,25 +203,26 @@ cycle(Cpu, Ram, Cycles, [], CyclesLeft) ->
case Cpu#cpu.skip of
false -> Micro_ops = case Opcode of
0 -> decode_nonbasic_opcode(A, B);
1 -> [decode_target(A), decode_read(B), nop, decode_write(A)];
2 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), nop, add, decode_write(A)];
3 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), nop, sub, decode_write(A)];
4 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), nop, mul, decode_write(A)];
5 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), nop, nop, divide, decode_write(A)];
6 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), nop, nop, mod, decode_write(A)];
7 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), nop, shl, decode_write(A)];
8 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), nop, shr, decode_write(A)];
9 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), logical_and, decode_write(A)];
10 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), logical_or, decode_write(A)];
11 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), logical_xor, decode_write(A)];
12 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), ife];
13 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), ifn];
14 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), ifg];
15 -> [decode_target(A), target_read(A), decode_read(B), ifb];
1 -> [decode_read(A), drop, set_target, decode_read(B), nop, decode_write(A)];
2 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), nop, add, decode_write(A)];
3 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), nop, sub, decode_write(A)];
4 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), nop, mul, decode_write(A)];
5 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), nop, nop, divide, decode_write(A)];
6 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), nop, nop, mod, decode_write(A)];
7 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), nop, shl, decode_write(A)];
8 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), nop, shr, decode_write(A)];
9 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), logical_and, decode_write(A)];
10 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), logical_or, decode_write(A)];
11 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), logical_xor, decode_write(A)];
12 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), ife];
13 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), ifn];
14 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), ifg];
15 -> [decode_read(A), set_target, decode_read(B), ifb];
_ -> error

cycle(Cpu#cpu{pc = Cpu#cpu.pc + 1, target = none}, Ram, Cycles, Micro_ops, CyclesLeft);

% debug("Micro ops: ~p~n", [Micro_ops]),
cycle(Cpu#cpu{pc = Cpu#cpu.pc + 1, target = none, pointer = none}, Ram, Cycles, lists:flatten(Micro_ops), CyclesLeft);
_ -> %% we want to skip the instruction
case Opcode of
0 -> {Cpu#cpu{pc = Cpu#cpu.pc + 1 + calculate_pc_usage(B), skip = false}, Ram, Cycles + 1, []};
Expand All @@ -270,7 +240,22 @@ cycle(Cpu, Ram, Cycles, [Micro_op|Micro_ops], CyclesLeft) ->

nop -> { Cpu, Ram, 1 };

{ lit, Value } -> { Cpu#cpu{w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w)}, Ram, 0};
free_nop -> { Cpu, Ram, 0 };

drop -> [_|T] = Cpu#cpu.w,
{ Cpu#cpu{w = T}, Ram, 0};

dup -> [Value|_] = Cpu#cpu.w,
{ Cpu#cpu{w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w)}, Ram, 0 };

set_target -> Address = Cpu#cpu.pointer,
{ Cpu#cpu{target = Address}, Ram, 0 };

{ add, Reg } -> [V|T] = Cpu#cpu.w,
Result = (V + reg(Cpu, Reg)) band 16#ffff,
{ Cpu#cpu{w = lists:append([Result], T)}, Ram, 0 };

{ lit, Value } -> { Cpu#cpu{w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w)}, Ram, 0 };

read_next_literal -> Literal = array:get(Cpu#cpu.pc, Ram),
{ Cpu#cpu{ pc = Cpu#cpu.pc + 1, w = lists:append([Literal], Cpu#cpu.w)}, Ram, 1 };
Expand All @@ -281,69 +266,20 @@ cycle(Cpu, Ram, Cycles, [Micro_op|Micro_ops], CyclesLeft) ->
Temp = reg(Cpu, Reg, Value),
{ Temp#cpu{w = T}, Ram, 0 };

{ target_reg, Reg } -> { Cpu#cpu{target = {register, Reg}}, Ram, 0 };
{ read_ind, Reg } -> Address = reg(Cpu, Reg),
Value = array:get(Address, Ram),
{ Cpu#cpu{ w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w) }, Ram, 0 };

{ target_ind, Reg } -> { Cpu#cpu{target = reg(Cpu, Reg)}, Ram, 0 };

{ target_lit, Value } -> { Cpu#cpu{target = { lit, Value} }, Ram, 0 };

target_next_ind -> Address = array:get(Cpu#cpu.pc, Ram),
{ Cpu#cpu{ pc = Cpu#cpu.pc + 1, target = Address}, Ram, 1 };

read_target -> Value = case of
{ register, Reg } -> reg(Cpu, Reg);
{ lit, Lit } -> Lit;
peek -> array:get(Cpu#cpu.sp, Ram);

_ -> array:get(, Ram)
{ Cpu#cpu{ w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w)}, Ram, 0 };

{ write_ind, Reg } -> Address = reg(Cpu, Reg),
[Value|T] = Cpu#cpu.w,
{ Cpu#cpu{ w = T }, array:set(Address, Value, Ram), 1};

write_next_ind -> Address =,
[Value|T] = Cpu#cpu.w,
{ Cpu#cpu{ w = T }, array:set(Address, Value, Ram), 0 };

write_lit -> [_|T] = Cpu#cpu.w,
{ Cpu#cpu{ w = T }, Ram, 0 };
{ Cpu#cpu{ w = T }, array:set(Address, Value, Ram), 0};

read_next_ind -> Address = array:get(Cpu#cpu.pc, Ram),
Value = array:get(Address, Ram),
debug("Read ~p from ~p~n", [Value, Address]),
{ Cpu#cpu{ pc = Cpu#cpu.pc + 1, w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w) }, Ram, 1 };

%% stack operations
target_push -> { Cpu#cpu{ target = push }, Ram, 0 };
target_peek -> { Cpu#cpu{ target = peek }, Ram, 0 };
target_pop -> { Cpu#cpu{ target = pop }, Ram, 0 };

read_target_push -> NewSP = (Cpu#cpu.sp - 1) band 16#ffff,
Value = array:get(NewSP, Ram),
{ Cpu#cpu{ sp = NewSP, w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w)}, Ram, 0 };

read_target_pop -> Value = array:get(Cpu#cpu.sp, Ram),
NewSP = (Cpu#cpu.sp + 1) band 16#ffff,
{ Cpu#cpu{ sp = NewSP, w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w)}, Ram, 0 };

write_pop -> [Value|T] = Cpu#cpu.w,
PopRam = array:set(Cpu#cpu.sp, Value, Ram),
NewSP = (Cpu#cpu.sp + 1) band 16#ffff,
{ Cpu#cpu{ sp = NewSP, w = T}, PopRam, 0 };
{ inc, Reg } -> Value = (reg(Cpu, Reg) + 1) band 16#ffff,
{ reg(Cpu, Reg, Value), Ram, 0 };

write_push -> [Value|T] = Cpu#cpu.w,
NewSP = (Cpu#cpu.sp - 1) band 16#ffff,
{ Cpu#cpu{ sp = NewSP, w = T}, array:set(NewSP, Value, Ram), 0};

read_pop -> Value = array:get(Cpu#cpu.sp, Ram),
NewSP = (Cpu#cpu.sp + 1) band 16#ffff,
{ Cpu#cpu{ sp = NewSP, w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w)}, Ram, 0};

read_push -> NewSP = (Cpu#cpu.sp - 1) band 16#ffff,
Value = array:get(NewSP, Ram),
{ Cpu#cpu{ sp = NewSP, w = lists:append([Value], Cpu#cpu.w)}, Ram, 0};
{ dec, Reg } -> Value = (reg(Cpu, Reg) - 1) band 16#ffff,
{ reg(Cpu, Reg, Value), Ram, 0 };

%% aritmetic operations
add -> [B, A] = Cpu#cpu.w,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -372,7 +308,9 @@ cycle(Cpu, Ram, Cycles, [Micro_op|Micro_ops], CyclesLeft) ->
%% extended operations
jsr -> NewSP = (Cpu#cpu.sp - 1) band 16#ffff,
[Address|T] = Cpu#cpu.w,
{ Cpu#cpu{ pc = Address, sp = NewSP, w = T}, array:set(NewSP, Cpu#cpu.pc, Ram), 1}
{ Cpu#cpu{ pc = Address, sp = NewSP, w = T}, array:set(NewSP, Cpu#cpu.pc, Ram), 1};

reserved -> reserved_dcpu_instruction

debug("~p~n", [NewCpu]),
Expand All @@ -393,23 +331,19 @@ cycle(Cpu, Ram, Cycles, [Micro_op|Micro_ops], CyclesLeft) ->
micro_op_cost(Operation) ->
% debug("Operation = ~p~n", [Operation]),
case Operation of
free_nop -> 0;
pop_w -> 0;
dup -> 0;
set_target -> 0;
{ lit, _ } -> 0;
{ inc, _ } -> 0;
{ dec, _ } -> 0;
{ add, _ } -> 0;
{ read_reg, _ } -> 0;
{ write_reg, _ } -> 0;
{ target_reg, _ } -> 0;
{ target_ind, _ } -> 0;
{ target_lit, _ } -> 0;
target_push -> 0;
target_peek -> 0;
target_pop -> 0;
write_pop -> 0;
write_push -> 0;
{ read_ind, _ } -> 0;
{ write_ind, _ } -> 0;
write_lit -> 0;
read_pop -> 0;
read_target -> 0;
read_target_push -> 0;
read_target_pop -> 0;
write_target -> 0;
write_next_ind -> 0;
_ -> 1
Expand Down

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