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This repo is depreciated in favor of moving to hosting it via gitbook in the r-pharmsciences repo.

R for Pharmacometrics

2 day workshop material for "intermediate" R training with examples focusing on use for pharmaceutical sciences

Please feel free to contribute.

This is an amalgamation of material from around the web and books that have made understanding and using R easier.

One of the biggest issues in diving into R is examples not targeted towards specific demographics - in my case, pharmaceutical sciences.

My goal is to rectify that by providing more relevant examples to the material at hand.

Navigating this repo:

Most of my writing is done in sublimetext (ST) 3. To facilitate tracking of issues, additions, etc (beyond the git repository) I use a "new" official ST3 TODO package called TodoReview may be installed via package control (search TodoReview) and is actively being updated.

I have TODO patterns for the following:

  • BUG
  • NOTE
  • TODO

For example, if I want to add a FIXME not I could simply type:

FIXME: example does not compile when .....

To replicate my settings you can simply add the following information to your sublime settings (under Preferences):

        "case_sensitive": true,
            "BUG": "BUG[(]*.*[)]*:+(?P<bug>.*)$",
            "FIXME": "FIXME[(]*.*[)]*:+(?P<fixme>.*)$",
            "NOTE": "NOTE[(]*.*[)]*:+(?P<note>.*)$",
            "TOCHANGE": "TOCHANGE[(]*.*[)]*:+(?P<tochange>.*)$",
            "TODO": "TODO[(]*.*[)]*:+(?P<todo>.*)$"
        "result_title": "TODO Results"

Along with the following user key bindings (note: keybindings will not work with old ST2 SublimeTODO plugin as the args has changed - ST2 version was open_files_only vs the current open_files)

  "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"],
  "command": "todo_review",
  "args": {"open_files": false}
  "keys": ["ctrl+shift+alt+t"],
  "command": "todo_review",
  "args": {"open_files": true}

So the list of TODOs can be opened with ctrl + shift + t to see all TODO patterns and ctrl + alt + shift + t to see only TODO patterns with open files only.

The TODO list can also be found using the command pallete ctrl + shift + p + todoresults


a wiki for R material with a flavor towards pharmacometrics







No releases published
