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Graphing NDVI trend analyses

danhammer edited this page Jul 31, 2012 · 3 revisions

We have baked dynamic graphs of the NDVI break detection algorithms into the core release of forma-clj. (Sing a song of sixpence.) To view the graphs, simply use and enter the forma.presentation namespace:

(use 'forma.presentation)
(in-ns 'forma.presentation)
(presentation-view :hp-filter)

The graphs are compiled into a single wrapper function, called presentation-view which accepts keyword arguments to call a particular graph. The acceptable keyword arguments are as follows:

  1. :hp-filter NDVI timeseries with slider to control temporal smoothing parameter in the HP-filter.

  2. :deseas Deseasonalized NDVI timeseries with slider to control temporal smoothing parameter in the HP-filter.

  3. :harmonic-plot NDVI timeseries with slider to control temporal smoothing parameter in the HP-filter, with the target series for the HP-filter being the NDVI, deseasonalized by harmonic decomposition.

  4. :break-plot NDVI timeseries with break detection overlay, along with three sliders that control three parameters: p-value, window length, and HP-filter parameter.

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