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Dionisis Pettas edited this page Dec 4, 2017 · 1 revision
  • Count
  Program Main 
    Use fString 
    Implicit None 
    Type(Str) :: MyStr
    Integer   :: Num
    MyStr = 'MyFile1.dat,MyFile2.dat,MyFile3.dat,MyFile4.dat'
    ! We Want to Count how many times the Substring='MyFile'
    ! appears is the string MyStr
    Num = MyStr%Count(Sub='MyFile')
    Print*, Num
    !OutPut: 4   
    ! If we want to Count how many times the Substring appears
    ! in the half of the string we use the Optional arguments
    ! Start and End
    Num = MyStr%Count(Sub='MyFile',Start=1,End= len(MyStr)/2)  
    Print*, Num
    !OutPut: 2
  End Program Main 
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