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File metadata and controls

executable file
395 lines (232 loc) · 12 KB

Version Migration

Migrating to 1.9.0

If you are using OAuth for authentication, this release will break your logins. This break is due to two reasons


There was a security issue when using the default builtin information getter for the providers (see github: Prevent masquerade attacks through oauth providers #472) This fix will prepend the provider to the user id. So your usernames will look like 'google<USER_ID>'


For google OAuth we migrated from the old and deprecated google plus API to OAuth2/v2, the old User.username field was based on the Google Plus display name, and now is based on a Google user_id.

In order to upgrade without breaking, you can override the current default OAuth information getter using something like this:
def get_oauth_user_info(sm, provider, response=None):
# for GITHUB
    if provider == 'github' or provider == 'githublocal':
        me = sm.oauth_remotes[provider].get('user')
        return {'username':'login')}
    # for twitter
    if provider == 'twitter':
        me = sm.oauth_remotes[provider].get('account/settings.json')
        return {'username':'screen_name', '')}
    # for linkedin
    if provider == 'linkedin':
        me = sm.oauth_remotes[provider].get('people/~:(id,email-address,first-name,last-name)?format=json')
        return {'username':'id', ''),
                'email':'email-address', ''),
                'first_name':'firstName', ''),
                'last_name':'lastName', '')}
    # for Google
    if provider == 'google':
        me = sm.oauth_remotes[provider].get('userinfo')
        return {'username':'id', ''),
                'first_name':'given_name', ''),
                'last_name':'family_name', ''),
                'email':'email', '')}

There was a Fix for the oauth_user_info_getter decorator also, now it will obey the doc definition.

Any help you need feel free to submit an Issue!

Migrating to 1.8.0

On this release flask-appbuilder supports python 3.5, and returned to flask-babel original package (stopped using the fork flask-babelpkg for multiple translation directories).

You can and should, uninstall flask-babelpkg from your package list and change all your imports from:

from flask_babelpkg import ...


from flask_babel import ...

Migrating from 1.2.X to 1.3.X

There are some breaking features:

1 - Security models have changed, users can have multiple roles, not just one. So you have to upgrade your db.

  • The security models schema have changed.

    If you are using sqlite, mysql, pgsql, mssql or oracle, use the following procedure:

    1 - Backup your DB.

    2 - If you haven't already, upgrade to flask-appbuilder 1.3.0.

    3 - Issue the following commands, on your project folder where exists:

    $ cd /your-main-project-folder/
    $ fabmanager upgrade-db

    4 - Test and Run (if you have a for development) :

    $ fabmanager run

    For sqlite you'll have to drop role_id columns and FK yourself. follow the script instructions to finish the upgrade.

2 - Security. If you were already extending security, this is even more encouraged from now on, but internally many things have changed. So, modules have changes and changed place, each backend engine will have it's SecurityManager, and views are common to all of them. Change:


from import UserDBModelView
from import SecurityManager


from import UserDBModelView
from import SecurityManager

3 - SQLAInteface, SQLAModel. If you were importing like the following, change:


from flask_appbuilder.models import SQLAInterface


from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.interface import SQLAInterface

4 - Filters, filters import moved:


from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.filters import FilterStartsWith, FilterEqualFunction, FilterEqual

5 - Filters, filtering relationship fields (rendered with select2) changed:


edit_form_query_rel_fields = [('group',
                               SQLAModel(Model1, self.db.session),
                               [['field_string', FilterEqual, 'G2']]


edit_form_query_rel_fields = {'group':[['field_string', FilterEqual, 'G2']]}

Migrating from 1.1.X to 1.2.X

There is a breaking feature, change your filters imports like this:


flask_appbuilder.models.base import Filters, BaseFilter, BaseFilterConverter
flask_appbuilder.models.filters import FilterEqual, FilterRelation ....


flask_appbuilder.models.filters import Filters, BaseFilter, BaseFilterConverter
flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.filter import FilterEqual, FilterRelation ....

Migrating from 0.9.X to 0.10.X

This new version has NO breaking features, all your code will work, unless you are hacking directly onto SQLAModel, Filters, DataModel etc.

But, to keep up with the changes, you should change these:

from flask_appbuilder.models.datamodel import SQLAModel
from flask_appbuilder.models.filters import FilterEqual, FilterContains


from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.interface import SQLAInterface
from flask_appbuilder.models.sqla.filters import FilterEqual, FilterContains

Migrating from 0.8.X to 0.9.X

This new version has a breaking feature, the way you initialize AppBuilder (former BaseApp) has changed. internal retro compatibility was created, but many things have changed

1 - Initialization of AppBuilder (BaseApp) has changed, pass session not SQLAlchemy db object. this is the breaking feature.

from ( :

BaseApp(app, db)

to ( :

AppBuilder(app, db.session)

2 - 'BaseApp' changed to 'AppBuilder'. Has you already noticed on 1.

3 - BaseApp or now AppBuilder will not automatically create your models, after declaring them just invoke create_db method:


4 - Change your models inheritance


class MyModel(Model):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    first_name = Column(String(64), nullable=False)


class MyModel(Model):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    first_name = Column(String(64), nullable=False)

5 - Although you're not obligated, you should not directly use your flask.ext.sqlalchemy class SQLAlchemy. Use F.A.B. SQLA class instead, read the docs to know why.

from (

from flask import Flask
from flask.ext.sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from flask_appbuilder.baseapp import BaseApp

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
baseapp = BaseApp(app, db)

to (

from flask import Flask
from flask_appbuilder import SQLA, AppBuilder

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLA(app)
appbuilder = AppBuilder(app, db.session)

Migrating from 0.6.X to 0.7.X

This new version has some breaking features. You don't have to change any code, main breaking changes are:

  • The security models schema have changed.

    If you are using sqlite, mysql or pgsql, use the following procedure:

    1 - Backup your DB.

    2 - If you haven't already, upgrade to flask-appbuilder 0.7.0.

    3 - Issue the following commands, on your project folder where exists:

    cd /your-main-project-folder/

    4 - Test and Run (if you have a for development) :


    If not (DB is not sqlite, mysql or pgsql), you will have to alter the schema yourself. use the following procedure:

    1 - Backup your DB.

    2 - If you haven't already, upgrade to flask-appbuilder 0.7.0.

    3 - issue the corresponding DDL commands to:

    ALTER TABLE ab_user MODIFY COLUMN password VARCHAR(256)

    ALTER TABLE ab_user ADD COLUMN login_count INTEGER

    ALTER TABLE ab_user ADD COLUMN created_on DATETIME

    ALTER TABLE ab_user ADD COLUMN changed_on DATETIME

    ALTER TABLE ab_user ADD COLUMN created_by_fk INTEGER

    ALTER TABLE ab_user ADD COLUMN changed_by_fk INTEGER

    ALTER TABLE ab_user ADD COLUMN last_login DATETIME

    ALTER TABLE ab_user ADD COLUMN fail_login_count INTEGER

    4 - Then hash your passwords:

  • All passwords are kept on the database hashed, so all your passwords will be hashed by the framework.
  • Please backup your DB before altering the schema, if you feel lost please post an issue on github

Migrating from 0.5.X to 0.6.X

This new version has some breaking features, that I hope will be easily changeable on your code.

If you feel lost please post an issue on github:

If you're using the related_views attribute on ModelView classes, you must not instantiate the related classes. This is the correct form, it will be less memory and cpu resource consuming.

From this:

class MyView(GeneralView):
    datamodel = SQLAModel(Group, db.session)
    related_views = [MyOtherView()]

Change to this:

class MyView(GeneralView):
    datamodel = SQLAModel(Group, db.session)
    related_views = [MyOtherView]

Migrating from 0.2.X to 0.3.X

This new version (0.3.X) has many internal changes, if you feel lost please post an issue on github

All direct imports from your 'app' directory were removed, so there is no obligation in using the base AppBuilder-Skeleton.

Security tables have changed their names, AppBuilder will automatically migrate all your data to the new tables.

1 - Change your BaseApp initialization (

From this:

baseapp = BaseApp(app)

Change to this:

baseapp = BaseApp(app, db)

2 - Remove from OpenID and Login initialization (

From this:

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)
babel = Babel(app)
lm = LoginManager()
lm.login_view = 'login'
oid = OpenID(app, os.path.join(basedir, 'tmp'))

from app import models, views

Change to this:

app = Flask(__name__)
db = SQLAlchemy(app)

from app import models, views

Migrating from 0.1.X to 0.2.X

It's very simple, change this:

baseapp = BaseApp(app)
baseapp.add_view(GroupGeneralView, "List Groups","/groups/list","th-large","Contacts")
baseapp.add_view(PersonGeneralView, "List Contacts","/persons/list","earphone","Contacts")
baseapp.add_view(PersonChartView, "Contacts Chart","/persons/chart","earphone","Contacts")

To this:

baseapp = BaseApp(app)
baseapp.add_view(GroupGeneralView(), "List Groups","/groups/list","th-large","Contacts")
baseapp.add_view(PersonGeneralView(), "List Contacts","/persons/list","earphone","Contacts")
baseapp.add_view(PersonChartView(), "Contacts Chart","/persons/chart","earphone","Contacts")

Small change, you just have to instantiate your classes.