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Repository for 'sleepreg' package, for calculating Sleep Regularity Index scores from accelerometer or sleep diary data


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Calculate Sleep Regularity Index (SRI) scores from accelerometer and/or binary sleep-wake data

Citing 'sleepreg'

To cite our package, please quote the version number and reference:

Windred, D. P., Jones, S. E., Russell, A., Burns, A. C., Chan, P., Weedon, M. N., ... & Phillips, A. J. (2021). Objective assessment of sleep regularity in 60 000 UK Biobank participants using an open-source package. Sleep, 44(12), zsab254.

Use cases

This package gives users three options for SRI calculation:

  • Case A: Calculate SRI scores from accelerometer data (see 'SRI_from_accel_csv')
  • Case B: Calculate SRI scores from GGIR output (see 'SRI_from_GGIR')
  • Case C: Calculate SRI scores from binary sleep-wake data (see 'SRI_from_binary')

Instructions for each use case:

Installation of ‘sleepreg’

This package currently works using GGIR version 2.0-0. If you have a different version of GGIR installed, remove and install 2.0-0:

  • Delete the ‘GGIR’ folder on your local machine (e.g., R/win-library directory) and restart R
  • Download ‘GGIR_2.0-0.tar.gz’ from
  • Install GGIR 2.0-0 (replace [your directory] with directory of the downloaded tar.gz file)
install.packages(“[your directory]/GGIR_2.0-0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")

Install ‘sleepreg’ package’ (note: during installation R will ask if you want to update GGIR - say no)



[SRI_from_accel_csv] Calculate Sleep Regularity Index (SRI) from accelerometer data (.csv format)

A wrapper that allows for calculation of Sleep Regularity Index (SRI) scores from accelerometer data (.csv format). Input location of .csv accelerometer files. Function outputs files and folders containing SRI scores, raster plots, sleep-wake vectors, GGIR sleep-wake predictions, miscalculated nights, down-sampled files, and non-wear data.

Runs four functions by default: (a) down-sampling data [ds_accel_csv], (b) extraction of non-wear data [nonwear_detect], (c) predicting sleep-wake timing using GGIR [GGIR_from_csv], and (d) calculating SRI after accounting for fragmented sleep patterns and naps [SRI_from_GGIR].

Example of .csv accelerometer data is available under 'Data/accelerometerDataExample.csv'. For conversion from raw accelerometer data to .csv, see the following:

Minimum required inputs: 'acceldir', 'col.timestamp', 'col.accel'

SRI_from_accel_csv(acceldir = c(),
                   col.timestamp = c(),
                   col.accel = c(),
                   alloutdir = c(),
                   dsdir = c(),
                   nwdir = c(),
                   outputdir = c(),
                   rmc.col.time = 1,
                   rmc.col.acc = c(2:4),
                   sdThres = 0.12753,
                   rngThres = 0.4905,
                   tz = "UTC",
                   use.naps = TRUE,
                   use.WASO = TRUE,
                   use.miscal = TRUE,
                   use.GGIRnonwear = TRUE,
                   use.customnonwear = TRUE,
                   nonWearInGGIRsleep = FALSE,
                   wr.SWV = TRUE,
                   wr.raster = TRUE,
                   minSRIdays = 5,
Argument Description
acceldir Directory containing raw .csv accelerometer files
col.timestamp Column of raw .csv files containing timestamp
col.accel Columns of raw .csv files containing x-y-z accelerometer data e.g., c(1:3)
alloutdir General output directory, default created if not specified
dsdir Directory for down-sampled files
nwdir Directory of non-wear data - specify if using custom (i.e., non-GGIR) non-wear detection. GGIR non-wear data is used preferentially, if available
outputdir Directory of GGIR output
rmc.col.time Column of timestamps in down-sampled files
rmc.col.acc Columns of accelerometer data in down-sampled files
sdThres Standard deviation threshold for non-wear classification, applied per window
rngThres Range threshold for non-wear classification, applied per window
tz Timezone (use OlsonNames() for a list of accepted timezone names)
use.naps Specify whether 'naps' are included in SRI calculation
use.WASO Specify whether 'wake after sleep onset' (WASO) periods are included in SRI calculation
use.miscal Specify whether to filter out nights of 'miscalculated' sleep onset/offset timing
use.GGIRnonwear Specify whether to use GGIR's inbuilt non-wear detection
use.customnonwear Specify whether to use custom (i.e., non-GGIR) non-wear detection (based on van Hees et. al., 2011)
nonWearInGGIRsleep Specify whether non-wear periods within GGIR's 'sleep windows' are to be included as non-wear
wr.SWV Specify whether Sleep-Wake Vectors (SWV) are output to file
wr.raster Specify whether sleep-wake raster plots are output to file
minSRIdays Minimum number of days of overlapping data to calculate valid SRI scores

[SRI_from_GGIR] Calculate Sleep Regularity Index (SRI) from GGIR Output

Uses sleep windows and sustained inactivity bouts from GGIR output to calculate Sleep Regularity Index scores. Accounts for naps and fragmented sleep by identifying periods of 'wake' during GGIR-defined sleep windows and periods of 'napping' outside GGIR-defined sleep windows. Uses sustained inactivity bouts to exclude days where sleep onset and offset times are likely miscalculated. Runs across all "output_xxx" directories within 'outputdir', accounting for both multi-file and single-file GGIR output structures.

Function outputs are identical to those from 'SRI_from_accel_csv'.

For information about GGIR, see

Minimum required inputs: 'outputdir', 'nwdir' if use.customnonwear = TRUE (default)

SRI_from_GGIR(outputdir = c(),
              alloutdir = c(),
              nwdir = c(),
              use.naps = TRUE,
              use.WASO = TRUE,
              use.miscal = TRUE,
              use.GGIRnonwear = TRUE,
              use.customnonwear = TRUE,
              nonWearInGGIRsleep = FALSE,
              wr.SWV = TRUE,
              wr.raster = TRUE,
              minSRIdays = 5)

[SRI_from_binary] Calculate Sleep Regularity Index (SRI) from binary sleep-wake data

Calculates SRI from a time series of binary sleep-wake summary (SWS) data in .csv format. Column 1 contains values 1=sleep, 0=wake, NA=NA, end=recording end. Column 2 contains UNIX timestamps (origin=1970-01-01) identifying the start of each associated column 1 value. Final timestamp specifies recording end.

Please note that the sleep-wake summary format only denotes transitions into subsequent periods of sleep, wake, or NA. This format is not an epoch-by-epoch sleep-wake time series.

For an example of required format (SWS), see 'Data/SWSdataExample.csv'

Minimum required input: 'binarydir'. Specify 'tz' if required (default = "UTC")

SRI_from_binary(binarydir = c(),
                tz = "UTC",
                alloutdir = c(),
                col.trans = 1,
                col.timestamp = 2,
                overwr = FALSE,
                wr.raster = TRUE,
                minSRIdays = 5)
Argument Description
binarydir Directory containing sleep diary data
tz Timezone (use OlsonNames() for a list of accepted timezone names)
alloutdir General output directory, default created if not specified
col.trans Column of sleep-wake transition data
col.timestamp Column of timestamps
overwr Specify whether to overwrite previous SRI data
wr.raster Specify whether to output sleep-wake raster plots
minSRIdays Minimum number of days of overlapping data to calculate valid SRI scores

[raster_from_SWS] Raster plot from sleep-wake summary (SWS) data

Extract raster plots from a binary sleep-wake time series (summarized as a reduced-form data frame). This function is called by [SRI_from_GGIR].

Minimum required inputs: 'SWS', 'rasdir', 'pptName'

raster_from_SWS(SWS = c(),
                rasdir = c(),
                pptName = c(),
                tz = "UTC")
Argument Description
SWS Sleep-wake summary (SWS) data (2 column d.f.)
rasdir Raster output directory
pptName Name of participant or file

[ds_accel_csv] Down-sample accelerometer files

Down-samples .csv files to 1Hz, increasing speed and creating required input format for 'GGIR_from_csv' function.

Minimum required inputs: 'acceldir', 'col.timestamp', 'col.accel'.

ds_accel_csv(acceldir = c(), 
             alloutdir = c(), 
             dsdir = c(), 
             col.timestamp = c(), 
             col.accel = c())

[nonwear_detect] Non-wear detection

Evaluates epoch-by-epoch non-wear status of accelerometer devices using method described in van Hees et. al. (2011). 15 minute epochs are evaluated based on surrounding 60 minute windows (centered at 15min), where standard deviation < 13mg and range < 50mg in at least two accelerometer axes is required for non-wear classification.

Minimum required inputs: 'dsdir', 'rmc.col.time', 'rmc.col.acc'

               rmc.col.time = 1,
               rmc.col.acc = c(2,3,4),
               sdThres = 0.12753,
               rngThres = 0.4905)

[GGIR_from_csv] Apply GGIR to down-sampled accelerometer data (.csv format)

Specifies parameters and implements GGIR (Migueles et. al., 2019) across all .csv accelerometer files (frequency = 1Hz) in 'acceldir', extracting sleep-wake predictions and sustained inactivity bouts.

Minimum required input: 'acceldir'

GGIR_from_csv(dsdir = c(),
              alloutdir = c(),
              outputdir = c(),
              rmc.col.acc = c(2:4),
              rmc.col.time = 1)

[SWS_from_SWV] Extract individual SWS files from single SWV file

Takes SWV file (single file summary of sleep-wake, generated by 'SRI_from_GGIR') and converts to individual sleep-wake summary (SWS) files. Specify whether output SWS files account for naps, WASO, and miscalculated nights.

Minimum required input: 'SWVfile'

SWS_from_SWV(SWVfile = c(),
             SWSdir = c(),
             use.naps = TRUE,
             use.WASO = TRUE,
             use.miscal = TRUE)
Argument Description
SWVfile Location of sleep-wake vector file
SWSdir Directory to write individual sleep-wake vector summary (SWS) files

[rollingWindowInd] Get rolling window indices

Fits rolling windows to time series and outputs start/end indices of each window.

Note: keep time units consistent between t, window and step. All inputs required.

Argument Description
t Time series vector
window Rolling window size
step Step size for sliding window along time series

[SWS_from_binarySW] Extract individual SWS files from binary sleep-wake files

Takes binary sleep wake files (containing a timestamp column and a binary sleep-wake column) and converts to sleep-wake summary (SWS) format (file format used for input to SRI_from_binary function).

Minimum required input: 'binarySWdir', 'tsCol', 'binaryCol'

SWS_from_binarySW <- function(binarySWdir = c(),
                             tsCol = c(),
                             binaryCol = c())
Argument Description
binarySWdir Location of binary sleep-wake .csv files
tsCol Column containing timestamps
binaryCol Column containing binary sleep-wake vector


Our package is built around GGIR (van Hees et. al., 2018; Migueles et. al., 2019). We acknowledge and thank Vincent van Hees and colleagues for their work in developing this useful package!


Repository for 'sleepreg' package, for calculating Sleep Regularity Index scores from accelerometer or sleep diary data







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