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Karl R. Wilcox edited this page Sep 16, 2021 · 1 revision

A Proposal for Managing Achievements

I recently added some basic achievements (mantling, supporters etc.) to DrawShield; and this was well received, however work subsequently ground to a halt after only the basic functionality had been completed. The main reason for this is that the more I looked into the various component parts the larger the possible number of interactions and it was already clear that I had misunderstood how mantling and helmets work and it was all becoming a bit much for my brain to handle! So obviously, I gave up...

Fortunately a correspondent, "NinthAquila" is made of sterner stuff and has provided a flowchart that shows all the various achievement parts and how they interact. This fantastic piece of work is enormously helpful as it is fairly easy to turn this into actual code. The flowchart can be found below and I welcome comments, suggestions or additions, please the comments below or drop a message on the #suggestions channel of the Discord Server. I hope to be starting work on the coding of this soon.
