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🚤 Fast WASM+Rust Bellman-Ford implementation. Bellman Ford is an efficient way to detect negative cycles in a fully connected graph which can surface arbitrage opportunity in multi currency trading pairs 💱


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WASM - Bellman Ford

Welcome the Bellman Ford implementation in Rust+WASM

What is Bellman-Ford?

The Bellman–Ford algorithm is an algorithm that computes shortest paths from a single source vertex to all of the other vertices in a weighted digraph. It is slower than Dijkstra's algorithm for the same problem, but more versatile, as it is capable of handling graphs in which some of the edge weights are negative numbers. The algorithm was first proposed by Alfonso Shimbel 1955, but is instead named after Richard Bellman and Lester Ford, Jr., who published it in 1958 and 1956, respectively. Edward F. Moore also published the same algorithm in 1957, and for this reason it is also sometimes called the Bellman–Ford–Moore algorithm.

Since we can use Bellman-Ford as an efficient way to detect negative cycles in a fully connected graph, we can use this to quickly find market inefficencies and arbitrage oppertunities. If a cycle is negative in a graph of currency conversions. eg. USD -> JPY, JPY -> EUR then EUR -> USD. Then we can conclude that the currencies are not in price equilibrium.

Check out for a Python example of the code and more resouces about the Bellman-Ford algo.

Clone the repo and navigate to the web dirc, and run the web app. If you need to recompile the wasm then follow the wasm-pack instructions below.

git clone
cd web
npm install
npm run start

Open your browser and navigate to:


Javascripy API

In the example file index.html just loads in index.js which is the file that interacts with the wasm library. Here is the full code in index.js and you can see how we pass a JSON payload into the wasm function.

import * as wasm from "wasm-bellman-ford";

var data = JSON.stringify(
	"graph": [
	    [1.00, 2.00, 4.00],
	    [0.50, 1.00, 2.00],
	    [0.25, 0.50, 1.00]

var bool_response = wasm.bellman_ford_neg_cycle(data);

rust API

This Bellman Ford algorithim is written in rust and can be used as a component in a larger application or can be editied for other wasm uses.

Here we see an example function that reads in a JSON formatted string, wich bellman_ford_neg_cycle will parse.

fn main() {
    let data = r#"
        	"graph": [
			    [1.00, 2.00, 4.00],
			    [0.50, 1.00, 2.00],
			    [0.25, 0.50, 1.00]

    let result = bellman_ford_neg_cycle(data);
    println!("{:?}", result);

Following this template: rustwasm/game-of-life

Build Pack Instructions

A template for kick starting a Rust and WebAssembly project using wasm-pack.

📚 Read this template tutorial! 📚

This template is designed for compiling Rust libraries into WebAssembly and publishing the resulting package to NPM.

Be sure to check out other wasm-pack tutorials online for other templates and usages of wasm-pack.

🚴 Usage

🐑 Use cargo generate to Clone this Template

Learn more about cargo generate here.

cargo generate --git --name my-project
cd my-project

🛠️ Build with wasm-pack build

wasm-pack build

🔬 Test in Headless Browsers with wasm-pack test

wasm-pack test --headless --firefox

🎁 Publish to NPM with wasm-pack publish

wasm-pack publish

🔋 Batteries Included


🚤 Fast WASM+Rust Bellman-Ford implementation. Bellman Ford is an efficient way to detect negative cycles in a fully connected graph which can surface arbitrage opportunity in multi currency trading pairs 💱



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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