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Test code for investigating possible bug in GFORTRAN compiling code generated by SFTRAN3 pre-processor


make run

make run MYFFLAGS=

Both commands create and run two executables: one built by G77; one built by GFORTRAN

The former command [make run] will produce executables that are both successful.

The latter command [make run MYFFLAGS=] will produce a successful executable with G77, but an unsuccessful executable with GFORTRAN.

In all cases, the code appears to be semantically correct, but in the latter case GFORTRAN generates an executable that returns .TRUE. from logical function NCSCAN when it should return .FALSE. The flow of the program looks like the following; the key point is the [IF (.NOT.(NCSCAN)) GO TO 20014] statement, which transfers control to 20014 when NCSCAN is .FALSE., which control is then transferred to 20009, which in turn then returns control to the caller, but it returns .TRUE. instead of the correct .FALSE. value when GFORTRAN is the compiler. Replacing the [GO TO 200014] with [RETURN] makes GFORTRAN compile an executable that runs correctly.



      GOTO 30002

20009 RETURN

30002 [...]

      NCSCAN = [expression that evaluates to .TRUE. or .FALSE.

      IF (.NOT.(NCSCAN)) GO TO 20014

20014 GO TO 20009

There are four FORTRAN source files in this repository: bbpas1.f is the main program; ncscan.f contains the code that GFORTRAN compiles incorrectly; batop2.f and nncmpr.f are support files. Comments in the code explain what is happening; the original sources are from the SFTRAN3 pre-processor itself, and the executable tries to pre-process a single PARAMETER statement, but the details are not important. What is important to note is that G77 compiles an executable that works correctly, and GFORTRAN does not.

There is a fifth FORTRAN source file: test_zero.f; see Minimal test case below for details.

Expected results

Running with macro in place so GFORTRAN executable works correctly

> make run
g77 -x f77-cpp-input -g -O0 -finit-local-zero -fno-automatic -DARGRTN=1 bbpas1.f batop2.f ncscan.f nncmpr.f -o y_g77.e -B/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5
gfortran -cpp -std=legacy -g -O0 -finit-local-zero -fno-automatic -DARGRTN=1 bbpas1.f batop2.f ncscan.f nncmpr.f -o y_gfortran.e



 F = zero from inside callee zero
 F = lcl_zero<=zero() from caller test_zero

 F  = zero from inside callee zero
 T  = lcl_zero<=zero() from caller test_zero

Running with macro disabled so GFORTRAN executable fails

> make run MYFFLAGS=
g77 -x f77-cpp-input -g -O0 -finit-local-zero -fno-automatic  bbpas1.f batop2.f ncscan.f nncmpr.f -o y_g77.e -B/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/5
gfortran -cpp -std=legacy -g -O0 -finit-local-zero -fno-automatic  bbpas1.f batop2.f ncscan.f nncmpr.f -o y_gfortran.e


STOP NCSCAN indicates MATCH when there should be none

Test environment

gfortran --version

GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) 5.4.0 20160609
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GNU Fortran comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
You may redistribute copies of GNU Fortran
under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
For more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING

uname -a

Linux s76dad 4.4.0-157-generic #185-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 23 09:17:01 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


VERSION="16.04.6 LTS (Xenial Xerus)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS"


Unfortunately, I don't have time at present to fully debug this and submit a patch to GFORTRAN, which would be my preferred route. However, see Analysis below

Brian Carcich, Latchmoor Services, LLC,, 2019-08-03

Minimal test case

There is a minimal test case in test_zero.f; it should print [F = ...] twice when run, and it does when compiled with G77; however it does not when compiled with GFORTRAN.


Parallel diff of assembly code for failing vs. successful cases

===================================================================     ========================================================================
===> FAILing compiled assembly for ncscan.f on the left                 ===> SUCCESful compiled assembly for ncscan.f on the right
===> - Compiled with gfortran MYFFLAGS=-DARGRTN ...                     ===> - Compiled with gfortran MYFFLAGS= ...
===================================================================     ========================================================================

Relevant sections of FORTRAN code from ncscan.f

108 30002 NCSCAN = MORE .AND. (CCMORE+N-1.LE.NS)                        108 30002 NCSCAN = MORE .AND. (CCMORE+N-1.LE.NS)
109      *              .AND. NNCMPR(STRING,1,STMT,CCMORE,N)            109      *              .AND. NNCMPR(STRING,1,STMT,CCMORE,N)

117          IF (.NOT.(NCSCAN)) GO TO 20014                           | 125       IF (.NOT.(NCSCAN)) RETURN

Edited but relevant sections of assembly code derived from ncscan.f compilation

.LBB2:                                                                  .LBB2:

Start assembly code for FORTRAN line 109: put variable [more] from COMMON C04 into register eax

        .loc 1 30 0                                                             .loc 1 30 0
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR c04_[rip+16]     # D.XXXX, c04.more              mov     eax, DWORD PTR c04_[rip+16]     # D.XXXX, c04.more

Test eax (AND eax with itself); jump to .L5 if eax ends up as zero after that, i.e. [more], is .FALSE.

        test    eax, eax        # D.XXXX                                        test    eax, eax        # D.XXXX
        je      .L5     #,                                                      je      .L5     #,

Evaluate the expression [CCMORE+N-1] into register edx

        mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rbp-40] # tmpXXX, n                             mov     rax, QWORD PTR [rbp-40] # tmpXXX, n
        mov     edx, DWORD PTR [rax]    # D.XXXX, *n_1X(D)                      mov     edx, DWORD PTR [rax]    # D.XXXX, *n_1X(D)
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR c04_[rip+8]      # D.XXXX, c04.ccmore            mov     eax, DWORD PTR c04_[rip+8]      # D.XXXX, c04.ccmore
        add     eax, edx        # D.XXXX, D.XXXX                                add     eax, edx        # D.XXXX, D.XXXX
        lea     edx, [rax-1]    # D.XXXX,                                       lea     edx, [rax-1]    # D.XXXX,

Put [NS] into eax

        mov     eax, DWORD PTR c02_[rip]        # D.XXXX, c02.ns                mov     eax, DWORD PTR c02_[rip]        # D.XXXX, c02.ns

Compare edx [CCMORE+N-]) to eax [NS]; jump to .L5 if edx [CCMORE+n-1] is greater than eax [NS] i.e. if the expression [CCMORE+N-1.LE.NS] is .FALSE.

        cmp     edx, eax        # D.XXXX, D.XXXX                                cmp     edx, eax        # D.XXXX, D.XXXX
        jg      .L5     #,                                                      jg      .L5     #,

Setup arguments to pass to NNCMPR (only N shown here); call NNCMPR; reset stack pointer [sp]

        mov     rdx, QWORD PTR [rbp-40] # tmpXXX, n                             mov     rdx, QWORD PTR [rbp-40] # tmpXXX, n
        call    nncmpr_ #                                                       call    nncmpr_ #
        add     rsp, 16 #,                                                      add     rsp, 16 #,

NNCMPR puts logical into eax; test it; jump to .L5 if eax is 0 i.e. if NNCMPR returns .FALSE.

        test    eax, eax        # D.XXXX                                        test    eax, eax        # D.XXXX
        je      .L5     #,                                                      je      .L5     #,

To here, none of the expressions connected by .AND. were .FALSE.; put 1 (.TRUE.) into eax and unconditially jump to .L6

        mov     eax, 1  # D.XXXX,                                               mov     eax, 1  # D.XXXX,
        jmp     .L6     #                                                       jmp     .L6     #

Target .L5 puts zero (.FALSE.) into register eax; we got here because at least one of the .AND.-ed expressions in line 109 was .FALSE.

.L5:                                                                    .L5:
        mov     eax, 0  # D.XXXX,                                               mov     eax, 0  # D.XXXX,

Target L6 copies register eax to the NCSCAN result N.B. this will be .FALSE. in our case

.L6:                                                                    .L6:
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], eax  # __result_ncscan, D.XXXX               mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], eax  # __result_ncscan, D.XXXX

Up to this point, the assembly code from FORTRAN line 109 has been identical between the two cases

The FORTRAN code that follows line 109 for the two cases:

117          IF (.NOT.(NCSCAN)) GO TO 20014                           | 125       IF (.NOT.(NCSCAN)) RETURN

Those lines of FORTRAN code are at target .LBE2

.LBE2:                                                                  .LBE2:

The first three instructions are identical:

  1. Copy NCSCAN result to eax => eax=1 or 0 if NCSCAN is .TRUE. or .FALSE, respectively.

  2. XOR eax with 1 => eax=0 or 1 if NCSCAN is .TRUE. or .FALSE., resp.

  3. TEST eax => eax=0 or 1 if NCSCAN is .TRUE. or .FALSE., resp

         .loc 1 117 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 8                        |         .loc 1 125 0 is_stmt 1 discriminator 8
         mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]  # D.XXXX, __result_ncscan               mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]  # D.XXXX, __result_ncscan
         xor     eax, 1  # D.XXXX,                                               xor     eax, 1  # D.XXXX,
         test    eax, eax        # D.XXXX                                        test    eax, eax        # D.XXXX

N.B. eax will be the opposite of the NCSCAN result at this point

The failing case on the left jumps to .L20 with eax set to 1 if [NHSCAN result] is .FALSE.

The successful case on the right jumps to .L7 with eax set to 0 i.e. if the [NHSCAN result] is .TRUE.

        jne     .L20    #,                                            |         je      .L7     #,

Here is the essential difference for the successful case on the right when the [NHSCAN result] is .FALSE.:

  1. The value of the [NHSCAN result] is moved to eax i.e. eax becomes 0.

  2. The successful case then jumps unconditionally to .L1.

  3. N.B. in the failing case, eax is 0 when the jump to .L20 occurs (see above)

                                                                       >         mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]  # D.XXXX, __result_ncscan
                                                                       >         jmp     .L1     #

and drops through to .L7

We don't show the code for when eax (__result_ncscan) is .TRUE., because that case is not where we see the discrepancy between G77 and GFORTRAN

        .loc 1 131 0

Targets [.L20 on the left for the failing case] and [.L1 on the right for the successful case] are equivalent and result in a RETURN from NCSCAN

  1. N.B. however, for the case where the [NCSCAN result] was calculated to be .FALSE:
  2. Register eax will be 1 for the failing case on the left, and
  3. Register eax will be 0 for the successful case on the right.


.L20:                                                                 | .L1:
        .loc 1 139 0                                                  <
        nop                                                           <
        .loc 1 90 0                                                   <
        nop                                                           <
        .loc 1 193 0                                                            .loc 1 193 0
        leave                                                                   leave
        .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8                                                       .cfi_def_cfa 7, 8
        ret                                                                     ret
        .cfi_endproc                                                            .cfi_endproc
        .cfi_endproc                                                            .cfi_endproc

FORTRAN lines 90, 117, 139 and 193 are shown here so the user can track how the failing case gets to RETURN and END for NHSCAN.

 90 20009 RETURN
117          IF (.NOT.(NCSCAN)) GO TO 20014
139 20014 GO TO 20009
193       END


  1. When the [NCSCAN result] is calculated as .FALSE. on line 109 of ncscan.f, the GFORTRAN-compiled code on the left incorrectly returns .TRUE. via register eax to the caller.
  2. When the [NCSCAN result] is calculated as .FALSE. on line 109 of ncscan.f, the GFORTRAN-compiled code on the right correctly returns .FALSE. via register eax to the caller.


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