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About The Project

Whatsforlunch is a clone of instagram, but solely catered towards food. A user can upload pictures, post comments, follow friends, and like posts.

Built With

We developed this full-stack application using a JavaScript / React frontend and a Python / Flask backend.

Deployed with:

Packaged with:


User Stories

​-uploading an image as an user -where is the uploading coming from? -upload link in the nav bar

-how is the feed going to work? -how are you going to model out followers? -how will follows work? -how will newsfeed be organized -chronologically -how do you follow someone? -follow button on user profile

-username or userid in url? -what is on the profile page? -pictures that the user has uploaded -profile picture -number of posts -bio -number following, number followers

Features / MVP

  • Images
  • Likes
  • Commenting on images
  • Following & Photo feed
  • login with auth
  • signup ​ ​

Features - Reach

  • Bonus: direct messaging
  • Bonus: hashtags
  • Bonus: OAuth
  • Bonus: Dark Theme ​ ​


  • Users -id -userName -hashedPassword -dateCreated
  • Posts -id -liked(bool) -url userId
  • Hashtags -array?
  • DMs -senderid -friendid -time -message
  • Comments -id -postId -comment -userId -time
  • Follows(join) -userId -friendId ​ ​

Pages & Routes

/ Home

/sign-up Sign-Up

/login Login

logout Logout

/profile/:username user profile with pictures

/hashtags/:hashtag filtered timeline

photofeed/userid Main news feed after login