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2. Basic Usage

Thom Booth edited this page Jul 25, 2023 · 1 revision

This page details basic usage for getphylo.


The easiest way to run getphylo for the first time is to navigate to the folder containing some .gbk files and typing:


This will run getphylo with default settings.

Note: By default, getphylo will will look for files with the extension '.gbk'. If your files have other extensions you can point to them with -g - see below

Some More Examples

Pointing to different input files

If you want to point to a list of files other that '.gbk', you can point with -g. You should use '*' as a wildcard and make sure that the string is in quotations!

getphylo -g 'input/*'

Specify an output directory

By default, getphylo will save its results into a new directory ./output. You can specify a new output directory with -o. If the directory does not exist, getphylo will create it!

getphylo -o ~/custom_directory/output_1

Log to terminal

By default, getphylo will not print to the terminal. If you want to watch getphylo as it progresses you will need to set a logging level with -l.

getphylo -l INFO

There are three levels currently used by getphylo: INFO, WARNING and DEBUG. WARNING will only print warning messages, INFO will print useful running information and DEBUG will print a debug information. INFO and WARNING are recommended. DEBUG is not recommended unless you need to submit a bug/error report.

Using multiple CPUs

getphylo can parallelise certain processes which will reduce runtime significantly. It does not do this by default and requires the use of multiple CPUs. You can set the number of CPUs with -c.

getphylo -c 8

Put it all together

getphylo doesn't use positional arguments so you can put the parameters together in any order.

getphylo -g 'input/*' -o ~/custom_directory/output_1 -c 8 -l INFO

Good luck and happy tree building!