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Releases: dreamfactorysoftware/.net-sdk

Changes to query building

21 Nov 12:06
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This release includes following fixes:

  • Query parameters were forced to lower-case, thus making it difficult to query database properly. It's resolved now and query should be built without forcing any parameter names to lower-case.
  • Some C#6 features were removed to support VS2012.

NuGet package has been released as at:

    Install-Package DreamFactoryNet

Hotfixes and changes in default serialization

20 Oct 18:25
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This release fixes a couple of validation and serialization issues:

  • Validation property in FieldSchema is now anonymous object and validation rules can be defined when creating schema.
  • Validation message parsing from DreamFactory response body has been fixed so now exceptions due to failed validation should return user defined message.
  • Default SnakeCasePropertyNameResolver has been removed and all properties that are defined in DreamFactory are marked with JsonPropertyAttribute so they are serialized with snake_cased_convention. All user POCO classes will be serialized as they are defined unless property names are overridden using JsonPropertyAttribute.

NuGet package has been relased as at:

    Install-Package DreamFactoryNet

Upgrade to DreamFactory v2.0.beta-2

25 Sep 17:08
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This release is an upgrade of the SDK to DreamFactory v2.0 that is currently in beta. Most notable changes are:

  • Endpoint for admin login has changed, now admins login through /system/admin/session and users through /user/session
  • ISystemApi was extended to support /system endpoints with some limitations
  • Metadata support was added for record level operations in database API
  • DreamFactory library has been converted to portable class library to support multiple platforms
  • New demo project has been added - DreamFactory.AddressBook is an ASP.NET MVC application that uses DreamFactory v2.0 for persistance layer

For more details you can see README.

NuGet package has been relased as at:

    Install-Package DreamFactoryNet

Bug fixes and new features

08 May 13:23
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This update includes few bug fixes and complete support of SQL query parameters. New demo program provides better experience and covers additional test cases. README now describes a lot more implementation details.

NuGet package has been created:

    Install-Package DreamFactoryNet

First release

06 May 15:02
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NuGet package is now available for download: