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Dreams iOS SDK


Build Status Version License Platform Swift5


  • iOS 10.3+
  • Swift 5.0+



To integrate Dreams into your project using Cocoapods, add Dreams to your Podfile.

pod 'Dreams'

Then run the following command:

$ pod install


If you prefer not to use Cocoapods, you can simply integrate Dreams into your project by dragging in the files from the Sources folder.


  1. Import Dreams in your AppDelegate:
import Dreams
  1. Add the following to your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: in your AppDelegate:
let configuration = DreamsConfiguration(clientId: "your_client_id", baseURL: URL(string: "your_base_url")!)
  1. Create an instance of a DreamsViewController. This is just one example you can use it however you like including from Storyboards and xib's:
 let viewController = DreamsViewController()
  1. Set the delegate and implement the DreamsDelegate methods:
viewController.use(delegate: self)
  1. Prepare user's credentials:
let userCredentials = DreamsCredentials(idToken: "idToken")
  1. Present ViewController (as fullscreen modal) and then launch Dreams:
viewController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
present(viewController, animated: true) {
    viewController.launch(with: userCredentials, locale: Locale.current) { result in
        switch result {
        case .success:
            () // Dreams did launch successfully
        case .failure(let launchError):
            switch launchError {
            case .alreadyLaunched:
                () // You cannot launch Dreams when launching is in progess
            case .invalidCredentials:
                () // The provided credentials were invalid
            case .httpErrorStatus(let httpStatus):
                print(httpStatus) // The server returned a HTTP error status
            case .requestFailure(let error):
                print(error) // Other server errors (NSError instance)


Launching with specific location within Dreams

viewController.launch(with: userCredentials, locale: Locale.current, location: "/some/location") { result in }

Navigating to location within Dreams after launch

viewController.navigateTo(location: "/some/location")

Safe Area

Dreams interface is leveraging the Safe Area Layout Guides information to adjust the interface to different screens. Do not disable Use Safe Area Layout Guides in Interface Builder.

Do not modify layoutMargins or directionalLayoutMargins in parent view controller when DreamsViewController is presented as a child view controller.


This method is called when credentials passed whith launch(with:locale:) expired and new ones must be generated.

func handleDreamsCredentialsExpired(completion: @escaping (String) -> Void) {
    // Call `completion` when account provision is initiated.
    completion(DreamsCredentials(idToken: "newtoken"))

This method is called when a tracked event happened.

func handleDreamsTelemetryEvent(name: String, payload: [String : Any]) {
    print("Telemetry event received: \(name) with payload: \(payload)")

This method is called when the host app is expected to initiate account provision.

func handleDreamsAccountProvisionInitiated(completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
    // Call `completion` when account provision is initiated.
    // You can store the `completion` in a property to call it later.

This method is called when the host app is expected to request an account.

func handleDreamsAccountRequested(requestId: String, dream: [String: Any], completion: @escaping (Result<AccountRequestedSuccess, AccountRequestedError>) -> Void) {
    // Call `completion` when account has been requested, the user cancels or an error occurs.
    // You can store the `completion` in a property to call it later.
    completion(failure(AccountRequestedError(requestId: requestId, reason: "error")))
    completion(failure(AccountRequestedError(requestId: requestId, reason: "cancelled")))

    completion(.success(AccountRequestedSuccess(requestId: requestId)))

This method is called when user finished interaction with Dreams and the interface should be dismissed.

func handleExitRequest() {
    // For example:
    presentedViewController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

Unit Tests

You can run rests using fastlane.

To run unit tests manually use this command:

xcodebuild -workspace "./Dreams.xcworkspace" -scheme "DreamsTests" -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 8,OS=14.3" build-for-testing test