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Merge pull request #1168 from kareila/bug3965-reorg
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Bug 3965 - better organization of LJ functions (last gasp)
  • Loading branch information
zorkian committed Jan 29, 2015
2 parents e90d28a + 10cd1b7 commit 4ebbcf5
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Showing 3 changed files with 428 additions and 434 deletions.
275 changes: 274 additions & 1 deletion cgi-bin/LJ/
Expand Up @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ sub check_ajax_auth_token {
my $realsig = sha1_hex($chalbare, $secret);
return 0 unless $realsig eq $chalsig;

return 0 unless
return 0 unless
$remoteid == $req_remoteid && # remote id matches or logged-out 0=0
$sessid == $req_sessid && # remote sessid or logged-out uniq cookie match
$uri eq $chal_uri && # uri matches
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -134,4 +134,277 @@ sub check_sessionless_auth_token {
return 1;

# move over auth-related functions from

package LJ;

use Digest::MD5 ();

# name: LJ::auth_okay
# des: Validates a user's password. The "clear" or "md5" argument
# must be present, and either the "actual" argument (the correct
# password) must be set, or the first argument must be a user
# object ($u) with the 'password' key set. This is the preferred
# way to validate a password (as opposed to doing it by hand).
# returns: boolean; 1 if authentication succeeded, 0 on failure
# args: u, clear, md5, actual?, ip_banned?
# des-clear: Clear text password the client is sending. (need this or md5)
# des-md5: MD5 of the password the client is sending. (need this or clear).
# If this value instead of clear, clear can be anything, as md5
# validation will take precedence.
# des-actual: The actual password for the user. Ignored if a pluggable
# authenticator is being used. Required unless the first
# argument is a user object instead of a username scalar.
# des-ip_banned: Optional scalar ref which this function will set to true
# if IP address of remote user is banned.
sub auth_okay {
my ( $u, $clear, $md5, $actual, $ip_banned ) = @_;
return 0 unless LJ::isu($u);

$actual ||= $u->password;

my $user = $u->{'user'};

# set the IP banned flag, if it was provided.
my $fake_scalar;
my $ref = ref $ip_banned ? $ip_banned : \$fake_scalar;
if (LJ::login_ip_banned($u)) {
$$ref = 1;
return 0;
} else {
$$ref = 0;

my $bad_login = sub {
return 0;

## LJ default authorization:
return 0 unless $actual;
return 1 if $md5 && lc($md5) eq Digest::MD5::md5_hex($actual);
return 1 if $clear eq $actual;
return $bad_login->();

# Validate a challenge string previously supplied by challenge_generate
# return 1 "good" 0 "bad", plus sets keys in $opts:
# 'valid'=1/0 whether the string itself was valid
# 'expired'=1/0 whether the challenge expired, provided it's valid
# 'count'=N number of times we've seen this challenge, including this one,
# provided it's valid and not expired
# $opts also supports in parameters:
# 'dont_check_count' => if true, won't return a count field
# the return value is 1 if 'valid' and not 'expired' and 'count'==1
sub challenge_check {
my ($chal, $opts) = @_;
my ($valid, $expired, $count) = (1, 0, 0);

my ($c_ver, $stime, $s_age, $goodfor, $rand, $chalsig) = split /:/, $chal;
my $secret = LJ::get_secret($stime);
my $chalbare = "$c_ver:$stime:$s_age:$goodfor:$rand";

# Validate token
$valid = 0
unless $secret && $c_ver eq 'c0'; # wrong version
$valid = 0
unless Digest::MD5::md5_hex($chalbare . $secret) eq $chalsig;

$expired = 1
unless (not $valid) or time() - ($stime + $s_age) < $goodfor;

# Check for token dups
if ($valid && !$expired && !$opts->{dont_check_count}) {
$count = LJ::MemCache::incr("chaltoken:$chal", 1);
unless ($count) {
LJ::MemCache::add("chaltoken:$chal", 1, $goodfor);
$count = 1;
} else {
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my $rv = $dbh->do("SELECT GET_LOCK(?,5)", undef, $chal);
if ($rv) {
$count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT count FROM challenges WHERE challenge=?",
undef, $chal);
if ($count) {
$dbh->do("UPDATE challenges SET count=count+1 WHERE challenge=?",
undef, $chal);
} else {
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO challenges SET ctime=?, challenge=?, count=1",
undef, $stime + $s_age, $chal);
$count = 1;
$dbh->do("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK(?)", undef, $chal);
# if we couldn't get the count (means we couldn't store either)
# , consider it invalid
$valid = 0 unless $count;

if ($opts) {
$opts->{'expired'} = $expired;
$opts->{'valid'} = $valid;
$opts->{'count'} = $count;

return ($valid && !$expired && ($count==1 || $opts->{dont_check_count}));

# Validate login/talk md5 responses.
# Return 1 on valid, 0 on invalid.
sub challenge_check_login {
my ($u, $chal, $res, $banned, $opts) = @_;
return 0 unless $u;
my $pass = $u->password;
return 0 if $pass eq "";

# set the IP banned flag, if it was provided.
my $fake_scalar;
my $ref = ref $banned ? $banned : \$fake_scalar;
if (LJ::login_ip_banned($u)) {
$$ref = 1;
return 0;
} else {
$$ref = 0;

# check the challenge string validity
return 0 unless LJ::challenge_check($chal, $opts);

# Validate password
my $hashed = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($chal . Digest::MD5::md5_hex($pass));
if ($hashed eq $res) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;

# Create a challenge token for secure logins
sub challenge_generate {
my ($goodfor, $attr) = @_;

$goodfor ||= 60;
$attr ||= LJ::rand_chars(20);

my ($stime, $secret) = LJ::get_secret();

# challenge version, secret time, secret age, time in secs token is good for, random chars.
my $s_age = time() - $stime;
my $chalbare = "c0:$stime:$s_age:$goodfor:$attr";
my $chalsig = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($chalbare . $secret);
my $chal = "$chalbare:$chalsig";

return $chal;

sub get_authaction {
my ($id, $action, $arg1, $opts) = @_;

my $dbh = $opts->{force} ? LJ::get_db_writer() : LJ::get_db_reader();
return $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT aaid, authcode, datecreate FROM authactions " .
"WHERE userid=? AND arg1=? AND action=? AND used='N' LIMIT 1",
undef, $id, $arg1, $action);

# Return challenge info.
# This could grow later - for now just return the rand chars used.
sub get_challenge_attributes {
return (split /:/, shift)[4];

# name: LJ::is_valid_authaction
# des: Validates a shared secret (authid/authcode pair)
# info: See [func[LJ::register_authaction]].
# returns: Hashref of authaction row from database.
# args: dbarg?, aaid, auth
# des-aaid: Integer; the authaction ID.
# des-auth: String; the auth string. (random chars the client already got)
sub is_valid_authaction {
# we use the master db to avoid races where authactions could be
# used multiple times
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();
my ($aaid, $auth) = @_;
return $dbh->selectrow_hashref("SELECT * FROM authactions WHERE aaid=? AND authcode=?",
undef, $aaid, $auth);

# name: LJ::make_auth_code
# des: Makes a random string of characters of a given length.
# returns: string of random characters, from an alphabet of 30
# letters & numbers which aren't easily confused.
# args: length
# des-length: length of auth code to return
sub make_auth_code {
my $length = shift;
my $digits = "abcdefghjkmnpqrstvwxyz23456789";
my $auth;
for (1..$length) { $auth .= substr($digits, int(rand(30)), 1); }
return $auth;

# name: LJ::mark_authaction_used
# des: Marks an authaction as being used.
# args: aaid
# des-aaid: Either an authaction hashref or the id of the authaction to mark used.
# returns: 1 on success, undef on error.
sub mark_authaction_used {
my $aaid = ref $_[0] ? $_[0]->{aaid}+0 : $_[0]+0
or return undef;
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer()
or return undef;
$dbh->do("UPDATE authactions SET used='Y' WHERE aaid = ?", undef, $aaid);
return undef if $dbh->err;
return 1;

# name: LJ::register_authaction
# des: Registers a secret to have the user validate.
# info: Some things, like requiring a user to validate their e-mail address, require
# making up a secret, mailing it to the user, then requiring them to give it
# back (usually in a URL you make for them) to prove they got it. This
# function creates a secret, attaching what it's for and an optional argument.
# Background maintenance jobs keep track of cleaning up old unvalidated secrets.
# args: dbarg?, userid, action, arg?
# des-userid: Userid of user to register authaction for.
# des-action: Action type to register. Max chars: 50.
# des-arg: Optional argument to attach to the action. Max chars: 255.
# returns: 0 if there was an error. Otherwise, a hashref
# containing keys 'aaid' (the authaction ID) and the 'authcode',
# a 15 character string of random characters from
# [func[LJ::make_auth_code]].
sub register_authaction {
my $dbh = LJ::get_db_writer();

my $userid = shift; $userid += 0;
my $action = $dbh->quote(shift);
my $arg1 = $dbh->quote(shift);

# make the authcode
my $authcode = LJ::make_auth_code(15);
my $qauthcode = $dbh->quote($authcode);

$dbh->do("INSERT INTO authactions (aaid, userid, datecreate, authcode, action, arg1) ".
"VALUES (NULL, $userid, NOW(), $qauthcode, $action, $arg1)");

return 0 if $dbh->err;
return { 'aaid' => $dbh->{'mysql_insertid'},
'authcode' => $authcode,


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