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A library to manage voting systems, having its own voting rules and options while giving its consumer the choice on how to store the data and manage user security. No dependencies.


  • Transparency: to have open and traceable votes without revealing real user data
  • Flexibility: to allow the voter to decide how their vote will be composed and to support multiple voting methods, including:
    • Election: each person votes for one candidate and the elected candidate is the one with the most votes
    • Judgment: each person votes for one or more candidates and the guilty ones are the ones with more votes for guilty than for innocent


$ npm i voting-lib


Some steps are required to setup the library:


  • minVotingDuration: minimum duration of a voting in miliseconds
  • maxVotingDuration: maximum duration of a voting in miliseconds
  • minCandidatesElection: minimum number of candidates for an election
  • canVoterVoteForHimself: whether a voter can vote for himself (default: false)
  • canCandidateStartVoting: whether a candidate can start a voting (default: false)

These options can be configured by changing the OPTIONS object. Default values are provided.


import { OPTIONS } from 'voting-lib'

OPTIONS.minVotingDuration = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 // 1 day
OPTIONS.maxVotingDuration = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // 1 week
OPTIONS.minCandidatesElection = 2


You should configure all the callbacks necessary to handle the data (wherever and however it is stored). This can be done using the method setCallbacks passing all or some of the callbacks.

  • persistVoting to persist a voting
  • persistVoters to persist voters
  • persistVote to persist a vote
  • retrieveVoting to retrieve a voting
  • retrieveVoter to retrieve a voter
  • retrieveVotes to retrieve votes or votes stats (returning whole votes is discouraged for large data sets, use filters and counts to return stats instead)
  • checkActiveVoters to check if a set of voters are active
  • countActiveVoters to count the number of active voters
  • hasVoted to check if a voter has already submited a vote for a given voting


import { setCallbacks } from 'voting-lib'

  persistVote: () => {...},
  persistVoters: () => {...},
  persistVoting: () => {...},
  retrieveVoting: () => {...},
  retrieveVoter: () => {...},
  retrieveVotes: () => {...},

This method can be called any number of times to change all or some of the callbacks, but it is important that all the callbacks are set before calling any of the functions that manipulate the data.


Some helper functions are provided to help fine tune commonly used data generation and manipulation.

  • getCurrentDate used to retrieve the current date
  • generateRandomUUID used to generate a random UUID (defaults to crypto.randomUUID)


import { setHelpers } from 'voting-lib'

  getCurrentDate: () => {...},
  generateRandomUUID: () => {...},

This method can be called any number of times to change all or some of the helpers.


  • All participants must be registered prior to starting the voting
  • A voter can only vote once
  • A voter cannot vote on a voting that has already ended
  • The vote is immutable


See the examples folder for some examples of usage.